My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 783 My fair lady, a gentleman is so jealous!

Chapter 783: My fair lady, what a gentleman!

Qin Yinze likes to nag in her ear all day long, saying that she can't do this and that she can't do that. She has to take care of this and that, just like a housekeeper.

Qin leran thought hard. She really couldn't imagine what was so good about him. Why did this girl fall in love with him?

She thought she could see people right. Could it be that there was something wrong with those girls' eyes?

Well, this hypothesis is very possible.

"Sister Yaya, let's go." Qin leran stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Yaya. Yaya came back to her senses and laughed twice in embarrassment.

She said: "Xiao Xiao and Da Zhuang are waiting for us, waiting for you to arrive and set up a tent together. This month has been a bit hard. I hope everyone can survive and do something for the children in the disaster area."

"Well, if we all work together, we will be able to do it." Qin lelan shook his head and said with confidence.

Brother Lie is really lucky to have such good citizens. In the future, he will definitely be able to make this country more prosperous together with the outstanding citizens.

At this moment, all she could think about was how to help the children in the disaster area, and she had already forgotten the unpleasantness that happened at noon.

Yaya and others are very capable. After finding the base, they started to set up tents. Everyone worked together and divided the work. It didn't take much time to set up the tents.

Qin lelan had participated in outdoor camping activities before, but she was surrounded by people who wanted to please her. It was not her turn to do these things.

Before she reached her destination, someone had already done it for her. This was her first time setting up a tent by herself.

Seeing the results of herself and her friends, although it was not a big deal, she felt very accomplished.

Thanks to her friends!

Being able to get to know a few of them is another great gain for her in coming to country A besides finding brother lie.

Her mother often said to her, contentment always brings happiness!

The easier a person's heart is to be satisfied, the happier he can feel. At this moment, she finally understood what her mother said.

Having a family who loves you, people you like in your heart, and so many lovely friends around you can make people feel full of happiness even if they are in a very harsh environment.

"It's getting late, let's have dinner first. We've been running around all day today. Let's go to bed early after dinner." Yaya still plays the role of the leader.

"Okay." Qin lelan and others said together.

During the meal, Yaya sat crowded next to Qin lelan and asked mysteriously: "Xiao Jiantan, who is your person who just sent you here?"

"My brother." Qin lelan swallowed the food in his mouth and replied smoothly.

Even Qin lelan herself didn't realize how smoothly she said the word "brother", which proved that deep down in her heart, she still recognized this brother.

"He's your brother." When she heard Qin lelan's answer, Yaya's eyes shone brightly, and she was thankful in her heart that fortunately the man was not the jealous brother.

"Sister Yaya, you won't fall in love with him at first glance, right?" Qin lelan exposed it mercilessly, and said, "Sister Yaya, let me tell you, he is very nosy, what? You have to take care of everything. If you don’t know him, you won’t know how annoying he is until you get to know him. I advise you not to like him.”

"I don't even talk about liking it, it's just that I can't help but look at good-looking men." Yaya went back to eat her rice, took two bites, and then said, "We like to see good-looking men, just like men. It’s the same thing with good-looking women.”

Her eyes caught Dazhuang on the side staring at Qin lelan, and then said: "Dazhuang, do you think so?"

"Of course, my fair lady, that's what a gentleman is saying." He quietly looked at Qin leran and was caught red-handed, and Da Zhuang didn't feel any embarrassment. "When we were setting up the tent just now, those few came over to help. Yes, aren’t you just here to see our little jealousy forum?”

Da Zhuang's name is Zhuang, but he is a typical scholar. He wears a pair of rimless 800-degree myopia glasses, and sometimes he can't see people very clearly.

"I admit, I'm good-looking, but my brother..." Qin lelan shook his head, "you'd better not praise him... that's because you have never seen a better-looking man than him."

For example, her father and her brother lie... In her mind, they are the two most beautiful men.

"I think he's very good-looking. He wears a neat suit, and his every move shows his masculine charm." Yaya is not a shy person, and openly expresses her appreciation for Qin Yinze.

"Sister Yaya, are you sure there's nothing wrong with your eyes? Is he as good as you said?" For some reason, Qin leran was quite happy to hear people praising Qin Yinze.

"Xiao Jitan, what do you think of me?" Da Zhuang quickly pointed at himself, as if you praise me quickly.

"You... are very good." Qin leran grew up looking at good-looking men. In her opinion, he looks good, which is considered a very high evaluation.

"What about me?" Xiao Xiao was not willing to be alone and came over to chat.

"You... Xiao Xiao, are you sure you want me to tell the truth?" Qin lelan didn't want to offend people, but she didn't want to lie to them either, which made her very embarrassed.

"Then you'd better stop talking." Xiao Xiao expressed that he was very hurt, even more hurt than telling him directly.

"Xiao Xiao, you are really good, but you are too much of a girl." Da Zhuang on the side patted Xiao Xiao on the shoulder and said sympathetically.

Qin leran pursed her lips and smiled. It seemed that everyone's relationship was better than she thought. Otherwise, how could she tell the truth in front of Xiao Xiao.

"You guys...I'm not a mother." Seeing the people next to him laughing, Xiao Xiao stamped her feet and ran away in anger.

"Look, you said you're not a girl, I've never seen a man move so coquettishly." Da Zhuang added.

The three of them, Yaya is beautiful and generous, a strong and typical scholar, and Xiao Xiao does have some girls. Maybe it is because they have different personalities, but they get along well. In the past two years, the three of them have worked together as volunteers. Help others less.

The classmates in the school even gave the three of them a special name as a combination, called the Weird Trio.

"Dazhuang, don't tell the truth in the future. If Xiao Xiao is angry and goes away, will you do his job for him?" Yaya said, but she couldn't help but laugh.

Isn't it like this between true friends? They hurt each other when nothing happens, and the more they hurt each other's feelings, the better.

Just like what Xiao Xiao said when he was in Da Zhuang, I don't have a deep relationship with you, so I don't want to hurt you.

The reconstruction of the disaster area has just begun, and the conditions are very poor. On the first night, there was insufficient power supply, insufficient heat, and insufficient bathing water.

The large troops who came to support performed very well. They first ensured water for the elderly and children in the disaster area. Since everyone did not have hot water for bathing, they could only use cold water to wash their feet for one night.

Except for the few days when she was working in the disaster area, Qin lelan had never suffered such a hard life, but she didn't even say she was tired and quickly integrated into the big family.

The weather was already cold, and it got even colder after nightfall. In addition, he could only wash casually with cold water. After washing, Qin leran shivered with cold and quickly got into bed.

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