My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 818 Let her have another child

Chapter 818: Let her have another child

Just imagine, Qin leran has been raising a pet that has been with him since birth as his sister.

She had raised him for ten years, but Mianmian left her when Qin leran was not mentally prepared. How could she not be sad?

So since Mianmian's death, Qin leran has never mentioned raising a pet, and no one is even allowed to mention Mianmian in front of her.

Now Quan Nanzhai knows that it's not that Qin leran doesn't like little pets, but that she is afraid of the past happening again and losing it.

"Brother Lie, where is Sister Lingxi? How is she doing?" For some reason, Qin lelan was particularly worried about this sister who he had only met twice.

Maybe she felt that no matter what the truth was, Shen Lingxi was always Quan Nanzhai's fiancée. Now that she was entangled with Quan Nanzhai, she felt a little guilty for Shen Lingxi.

Last night, Qin lelan had a nightmare about Shen Lingxi. Shen Lingxi in the dream seemed not to be happy.

Shen Lingxi seemed to be trapped in a swamp. In despair, she waved her hands and asked for help, but when Qin lelan rushed to save her, she was completely submerged in the swamp.

In the middle of the night, Qin lelan was so frightened by this dream that he broke into a cold sweat.

Quan Nanzhai said: "Mu Lingfeng said that she was taken away by that person, so there is nothing wrong."

Although Mu Lingfeng was a gangster, there was no need for him to come from such a far away place to deceive him.

"But brother lie, you haven't told me who that person is yet? Will he really take good care of sister Lingxi?" Qin leran couldn't rest assured if he didn't ask clearly.

"That person's name is Long Yi, and he is the person Shen Lingxi has been thinking about." Quan Nanzhai felt that it was enough to say this, and there was no need to let Qin lelan know more.

"It turns out to be him!" Upon hearing the name, Qin lelan gathered information about Long Yi from the information Chang Li gave her.

In the murder a year ago, the former president's wife died, and the entire family was wiped out. The son of the Long family was Shen Lingxi's sweetheart, Long Yi.

"You know?" Quan Nanzhai raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

"I heard about this person in Xiaoxiao, but I don't know him very well. I only know that he seems to be very handsome." At this time, Qin leran didn't want Quan Nanzhai to worry, so he had to pull Lin Xiaoxiao out as a cover.

"No matter how handsome he is, he is someone else's man. The man who belongs to you is here." Quan Nanzhai is really small-minded. He is not only jealous of Qin Yue, but also jealous of whoever Qin leran praises.

"Oh, I know! My dear Mr. President!" Brother Lie was jealous, but she really liked the way he was jealous.

Brother lie is so cute like this!

So cute and a little silly!

Fog Mountain.

Long Yi looked at the latest information in his hand, and his hands were shaking slightly with anger... It turned out that the dead woman had been pregnant with his child and aborted his child with her own hands.

Damn vicious woman!

Is her heart really made of stone?

It was his child, but it was also her child. She could bear to kill the child with her own hands.

"Master, here is also a confession from the doctor who helped Miss Shen to abort the child. She can also prove that it was indeed Miss Shen who personally requested the abort. Take a look." The subordinate handed another piece of information to Long Yi In his hand, he timidly took three steps back.

"Get lost!" Long Yi threw away the information, stood up suddenly, and strode out.

It's been two days since Shen Lingxi woke up, but she hasn't said a word in these two days, and she can't even curse.

When someone brought food, she would eat obediently. After eating, she would go to sleep and wrap herself in the quilt. She would not ask or say anything, just like a living dead.

She shut herself into her own shell, not letting anyone get close, and not opening her heart to anyone. Only in this way could she grit her teeth and survive.


Suddenly, the door was kicked open and the door hit the wall with another loud noise.

Shen Lingxi was so frightened that she trembled, but she still didn't even raise her head. She still curled up in the bed and acted like a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle".

Long Yi came to the bed in two aggressive steps, looking down from a high position, looking at Shen Lingxi, who was lying on the small bed, who was so thin that he looked like an emperor: "Shen Lingxi, raise your head and look at me."


He asked her to raise her head to look at him, should she raise her head to look at him?

How ridiculous!

A devil who bullies her, why should he?

Shen Lingxi's unresponsive attitude angered Long Yi even more. He stretched out his big palm and pulled away the quilt wrapped around her: "If you want to go deaf, I don't mind helping you."

Shen Lingxi remained motionless, as if she really couldn't hear him or sense his anger, or maybe she wasn't afraid that he would deafen her.

"Shen Lingxi!" Long Yi reached out again, this time lifting Shen Lingxi up.

He didn't use much force, but he gently lifted Shen Lingxi up. She was so thin that he couldn't feel her weight.

Just when he was distracted, she actually smiled at him, a kind of self-abandonment, as if she felt that there was nothing in the world worth her nostalgia, that kind of relieved smile.

Suddenly, Meng Lao's voice sounded in Long Yi's ears: "Boy, if you want to collect her body for her, then just torture her. If you still care about her and can't let her go, then treat her well. Don't It’s a pain for her and a pain for you.”

Seeing this woman who was so thin that she was only skin and bones, and thinking of what Mr. Meng said, Long Yi slowly let go of Shen Lingxi's clothes and put her back: "Don't talk? Are you using this method?" How to protest against me?"

She still didn't answer him!

"Don't speak?" He insisted on letting her speak.

Long Yi sat on the edge of the bed, lifted Shen Lingxi up, and kissed her crazily and brutally, forcing Shen Lingxi to moan before he let her go.

He squeezed her lips that were red and swollen from his kiss, and said coldly: "Shen Lingxi, remember, you are just a plaything of mine now. Without my permission, you are not even qualified to die."

Shen Lingxi was kissed by him for a long time before she could catch her breath. Her face, which had always been pale, was rarely stained with crimson.

She glanced at him coldly and immediately turned her head away. She would not ignore him or say anything, adopting a three-no policy to deal with this devilish man.

As long as he was no longer interested in her, he might still be able to find the conscience to let her go. Shen Lingxi knew that this chance was almost impossible, but she still couldn't help but hope.

However, after Long Yi discovered that her face was a little rosy, he would not let her go easily, and took her head back again: "Shen Lingxi, stop pretending to be pure. Your body's enthusiastic reaction tells me that you are very Enjoy me fucking you.”

Didn't she abort his child?

Then he would let her be pregnant with his child again, let her give him a child, and make her unable to escape from his hands forever.

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