Chapter 821: Who can touch her?

The news that Shen Lingxi's murder was controlled by someone became more and more intense, almost causing a sensation in the entire country A. Many melon-eating people who did not know the truth began to organize spontaneously to eliminate the instigators behind the human flesh.

But unfortunately, no matter how they dug for information, they could no longer find any information about the girl except the photo that was exposed before.

Some people even suspected that the girl was not real.

It is very possible that she was a smoke bomb deliberately released by a powerful person in order to exonerate Miss Shen.

After someone made such a conjecture, it quickly received support from many people.

After thoughtful netizens analyzed it rationally, more and more people supported their views. In a short period of time, everyone shifted their focus to the powerful person behind the scenes.

It is true to say that netizens are the Sherlock Holmes of the Internet. Soon some netizens smelled something different, and the gunpowder line was drawn to the Shen family.

Just kidding, the idea is to hit Qin leran, that is the stupidest thing for the people behind the scenes.

Qin leran is the girl Quan Nanzhai cares about most and is his weakness. It is not wrong to use her to deal with Quan Nanzhai, but they have ignored a very important key point.

The girl Quan Nanzhai cares about so much is on his territory. How could he let his girl suffer a little injustice?

In addition to the relationship with the President, there is also Qin Yue, the head of Shengtian.

Anyone who knows him should know that the business tycoon is a man who wants to pamper his wife and daughter to heaven.

If someone wants to have an idea for his daughter, then he has to ask if he agrees.

Not only Mr. Qin from Shengtian would not agree, but also the brother who had been guarding Qin leran for fourteen years and had been silently protecting her.

Not only does he have to protect this sister for his parents, but he also has to protect the girl who has been hidden in his heart.

Let me ask, after all the layers of protection, who else in the world has the ability to take out Qin leran?

Of course, the smart Qin leran will not understand this truth.

Therefore, no matter how big the commotion outside was, she didn't take it to heart at all. She still stayed in the disaster area to attend classes and lived a very comfortable life.

Apart from the fact that the injury on her foot was not completely healed and it was still a little inconvenient to walk, there was almost nothing else that made her feel uncomfortable.

"Sister Xiaojutan, I would like to invite you to our house for dinner in the evening." After all the classes in the afternoon, Qin leran was packing up his textbooks and ran to the podium to tug on her clothes and looked at her expectantly.

These people who come to support education and the people in the disaster area usually eat from a big pot, and everyone eats together in the cafeteria.

Today I heard that Mu Mu's father went to the city, and he probably brought delicious food back. Mu Mu liked Qin lelan, so he wanted to invite her to come with him.

If you have an extra mouth, you need an extra pair of chopsticks to share the delicious food brought by Mushi's father. Qin leran is not bad at eating it, especially after her injury, brother lie brings her soup every night. She wants to refuse Mushi.

But facing Muddleheaded's expectant eyes, Qin lelan really couldn't say no, so she nodded and smiled: "Thank you Muddleheaded! Then go back first, sister will be here soon."

"Sister, my mother said that I should wait for you to go together, otherwise I'm afraid you won't go." Mu Mu said what his mother told him honestly.

"Okay. Sister, pack up the textbooks, say hello to Sister Yaya, and then go with you." Qin lelan pinched his confused face, like pinching their little cutie.

When she pinches their little cutie, the cutie always dislikes it and always acts like a little adult, saying that women cannot touch men casually.

How old is he?

Isn't he just an eight-year-old kid?

A little baby who has not been weaned for a long time actually dares to say that he is a man?

Compared with their little cutie, Mu Mu, who is also eight years old, is much cuter. When she pinches his face, he always blushes and smiles shyly.

That's right, an eight-year-old child should act like an eight-year-old child. It's right to behave like a confused child, but not a cute one.

Although he said that the little cutie was not cute at all, when he thought of him, Qin lelan wanted to go home and hug him.

woo woo woo woo……

I really want to pinch the face of their cutest little cutie and hear him call me sister.

The confused mother specially invited Qin leran to their home for dinner, mainly because she wanted to thank Qin leran for making their confused mother love to learn.

In the past, Muddlehead was a famous naughty kid in his class. He was good at all sports and had a quick mind, but he just didn't like studying.

When I was in the first grade of elementary school, I couldn't tell the difference between the two Arabic numerals 6 and 9. Once I got 65 points in drawing a picture, but I proudly told my confused mother that I got 95 points.

The confused mother really couldn't laugh or cry after seeing this. She knew that it wasn't that her son was not smart. He was not stupider than others at all, but he just didn't have the right education method.

"Teacher Xiaojutan, please sit down quickly." Mu Tu took Qin lelan to Mu Mu's tent. Mu Tu's mother quickly took a small stool, wiped it with her sleeves, and enthusiastically invited Qin leran to take a seat.

"Confused mother, you don't have to be so polite to me. We have known each other for such a long time. Let's be casual." Qin leran likes to laugh. When she smiles, there are two small pear dimples, which is particularly painful. Plus her character It's also good, so we have very good relations with the people in the disaster area.

In fact, her real personality is not so approachable. Her personality is changeable. In what kind of environment, she knows which personality to use to interact with people.

She is willing to be friendly with the people in the disaster area because everyone is simple and sincere.

"Okay, we won't be polite to you, and you shouldn't be polite to us either." The confused father on the side took a Wahaha and handed it to Qin lelan in person.

Although the government has tried its best to ensure water and electricity, the conditions in the disaster area are difficult, and occasional water and power outages are unavoidable. Sometimes it is difficult to drink water. Drinks like Wahaha are already considered a luxury for them under current difficult conditions.

Qin lelan took the drink with both hands, turned it away and handed it to Mu Mu: "Mu Mu, my sister likes to drink pure water. Can you help my sister drink this?"

"Okay." Mu Tu looked at the bottle of Wahaha, his eyes gleaming from the sight. His sister said she didn't like it, so he would do it for her.

The world of children is so simple. They believe what adults say and don't think about the deeper meaning.

The confused father said: "Teacher Xiaojutan, thank you for making our family confused and fall in love with learning. If he can be admitted to college in the future, you will be the greatest contributor."

Qin leran stroked Mu Mu's head and said, "Mu Mu dad, it's not that my teaching methods are good, but that our Mu Mu is inherently smart. As long as he studies hard, he will definitely be admitted to a good university in the future."

By the time a child as old as Muddleheaded is admitted to college, she should have become brother lie's wife by then.

She can accompany brother lie to run his country and let his people live a better life.

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