My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 823 He only has her in his eyes

Chapter 823: He only has her in his eyes

The night is getting darker!

Qin leran was lying on the small bed. Without brother lie's warm embrace beside him, he always felt that something was missing. He couldn't fall asleep no matter how much he tossed and turned.

This was the first night of brother lie's visit abroad. It was as if she hadn't seen him for tens of millions of years. She was going crazy thinking about him. How was she going to survive the next six or seven days?

Thinking that he would not be able to see brother lie for six or seven days, Qin lelan wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly to brother lie.

But she couldn't be willful. The one-month deadline she promised to teach the children hadn't come yet. Brother Lie's trip abroad was a public visit, and she couldn't stay with him.


Qin leran sighed longly. If the little cutie was by her side at this time and let her tease him, she wouldn't be so bored.

Thinking of the little cutie, Qin lelan remembered that he had not contacted his family for a long time. My grandparents must miss her very much.

Thinking of the elders at home, Qin lelan hurriedly reached for his mobile phone and dialed the home phone number. The phone rang several times before someone answered: "Hello! Who's there?"

"Little aunt?" Qin lelan sounds like her little aunt, but doesn't her little aunt always stay in Jiangbei?

At the end of the year, their whole family will go back to Jiangbei to celebrate the Spring Festival. My little aunt shouldn't show up at home in New York at this time.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be our baby Ran. You little heartless boy, you still know how to call home. I thought you didn't even know your home phone number." Hearing that it was Qin lelan, Qin Xiaobao crackled. He said a lot, "Your grandma misses you so much that she is bedridden. You little heartless little thing, why don't you come back and take a look?"

"What?" Upon hearing that grandma was ill, Qin leran sat up from the bed and asked, "little aunt, what's wrong with grandma?"

"Of course, don't listen to your little aunt's nonsense. She won't feel comfortable if she doesn't make the world a mess." Qin's mother's kind voice came from the phone.

"Grandma, are you really okay?" Qin leran knew that grandma had been in poor health and it was common for her to be bedridden.

Last year, when the season changed, my grandma caught a cold because she didn't pay attention to putting on more clothes. Later, she lay in the hospital bed for more than half a month before she felt better.

Grandma has always loved her so much. Logically speaking, she should stay in New York to spend more time with her grandma, but instead she left them and came to country A.

Thinking of this, Qin leran was so sad that he almost cried.

"But baby, grandma is fine. You have to take care of yourself over there. As long as you are well, grandma will be happy." Qin's mother said.

Qin lelan nodded hard and said, "grandma, I'm doing well here. I eat well, sleep well, and have gained several pounds."

Qin's mother said: "It's good to gain weight. Your little body just needs to gain weight. You look so cute with your plump flesh."

Qin lelan acts coquettishly: "grandma..."

"Hey, of course..." Hearing her granddaughter's soft voice, Qin's mother was so excited that her tears fell again.

"Mom, don't worry, isn't this little girl talking to you?" Qin Xiaobao hurriedly stroked Qin's mother's back.

"I don't want to, but I can't change this problem after decades." Hearing his granddaughter's voice, he was obviously happy, but he couldn't help but feel sad.

Qin lelan could only worry over the phone: "Grandma, don't get excited. I'll go back to accompany you in a while."

Qin's mother wiped away tears: "Of course, grandma knows, otherwise, let's just leave it like this, and grandma will call you another day."

Worried that she would affect her granddaughter's mood, Qin's mother cut off the call, but her tears fell even more.

"Grandma, sister is not at home, and I am with you." Jian Ran took her little cutie home, and when she entered the room, she saw Qin's mother crying like a tearful person.

The little cutie knew at a glance that her grandma was thinking about her sister. Before her mother could tell her, she quickly stepped forward to comfort her.

"Well, our little cutie is with grandma, and grandma is very happy." Mother Qin burst into tears and smiled, stroking the little cutie's head.

Jian Ran came over and said, "Mom, Ran Ran is fine over there. Don't worry too much about her. Your health is important. It just so happens that Xiaobao has also come to New York. I will cook today to entertain our distinguished guests."

"Sister-in-law, you are becoming more and more virtuous." Qin Xiaobao stood up and gave Jian Ran a big hug, not forgetting to flatter her. "Sister-in-law, your clothing design company is running a great job and you take good care of your family. You are How?"

She thought Qin Xiaobao had been married for ten years and had a child, but she still acted like a child, often competing for milk with her ten-year-old son.

This time it was because she was competing for milk with her son and Zhan Nianbei didn't stand on her side to help her. She flew to her parents' home from Jiangbei, thousands of miles away, in anger.

No matter how many years have passed, Qin Xiaobao is still so free and willful. When he thinks of it, Zhan Nianbei, the old man in their family, can only endure it.

What makes Qin Xiaobao even more angry is that she has been home all day and night, and the old man Zhan Nianbei hasn't called to ask.

Qin Xiaobao decided to be angry with him for the rest of his life, and let him die alone with his little son.

"Stop praising me, come over here and help me prepare lunch. Dad will be back from fishing in a while." Jian Ran smiled softly, raised her hand to check the time, "Well, things about your brother's company should also be I’m about to go home after processing.”

In fact, it's not that Jian Ran takes good care of this family, but that they treat her well and make her feel the warmth of home.

Especially her Mr. Qin, who has pampered her for more than ten years and thinks of everything for her, giving her more time to realize her dreams.

When it comes to Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin comes back.

He still wears the same white shirt and black trousers all year round, but because of the cold weather, he wears a coat outside.

The coat was designed and cut by Jian Ran herself, and sewn for him stitch by stitch. At first glance, it looks no different from an ordinary coat. If you look closely, you can see some small details.

For example, the thread used to sew the coat is carefully selected by Jian Ran.

The hem of the coat has embroidery in the same color as the fabric of the coat. It looks simple and elegant, especially suitable for their Mr. Qin.

After Qin Yue entered the house, he said hello to Qin's mother and then walked towards Jian Ran.

"Sister-in-law, I'll come back to help you later." Qin Xiaobao has seen how much this couple loves each other, so in order not to be abused, it's better for her to get out of the way first.

When walking towards Jianran, Qin Yue's eyes fell directly on Jianran, even though they were still some distance away, and he could no longer see anything except her.

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