My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 825 Being kicked out of the house

Chapter 825: Being kicked out of the house


Whether he was referring to the gift he sent or his kiss, she liked them all.

But Jian Ran deliberately chose the former to answer: "Didn't I tell you just now, I like everything you give me."

Qin Yue frowned slightly and said dissatisfied: "You know that's not what I asked."

Jian Ran blinked and said she didn't understand: "That's not what you're asking about, what is that?"

Qin Yue: "..."

That's what he seemed to be asking.

Jian Ran smiled and snuggled into his arms, hugged his strong waist and rubbed her: "Qin Yue, do you know how happy I am?"

He definitely didn't know how happy she was, and the person who gave her happiness was the man who had been by her side all these years.

Qin Yue rubbed her head and said softly: "You're stupid, why did you say such a thing suddenly?"

"Over the years, you have always supported me silently, allowing me to have more energy to work on my clothing design. Half of the credit for my achievements today is because of your full support for me." Because there is a person behind me. Qin Yue, with their family, Jian Ran can devote herself to work and realize her dream since childhood.

"I am your husband." Qin Yue gave such a simple answer, but it was also the most heartwarming answer.

Jian Ran raised her head slightly and looked at him: "Qin Yue, do you know? I am happier now than if I had the whole world. Thank you for always being with me, and thank you for letting me have baby Ran and my little cutie."

Qin Yue gave Jian Ran many things, including houses, cars, shares, jewelry, and so on. However, the ones that made Jian Ran pity the most were their treasures - Qin leran and Qin Yinjian.

With Qin Yue, her, and their babies, their family is the happiest and most complete.

"I am your husband." Qin Yue's answer was still so simple.

The word "husband" in Qin Yue is definitely more than just an identity. When she agreed to marry him, he was her lifelong support and her most solid supporter.

"Of course I know you are my husband." Jian Ran smiled and snuggled into his arms again, "It is precisely because you are my husband that I feel so happy."

If she hadn't met Qin Yue, her life would have taken another path, and she didn't dare to think about what that path would be like.

She was glad that she met him, glad that she agreed to his request for marriage, and even more glad that he was her husband and the supporter she could rely on for the rest of her life.

At the same time, a taxi slowly stopped in front of the Qin family mansion.

The passenger paid the fare, opened the door and got off.

The door opened and the passenger got out of the car. Only then did he see that the passenger was a pink boy who looked about ten years old.

He looked up and said with a serious face to the security personnel at the guard booth: "Please call Qin Xiaobao out."

The security guard took a look and recognized the young master, and hurriedly greeted him: "Young Master Zhan, are you alone?"

"Am I weird for being alone?" The little boy glanced at the security guard and said, "You don't have to ask her to come out. Then just pass a message to her for me. Her husband kicked her son out. You ask her if she still wants her son. If she doesn’t want her son, her son will run away from home.”

"Young Master Zhan, please wait, we will notify the lady right away." This little guy is young, and he is the young prince of the Zhan family. No one from the security staff dared to neglect, so they quickly called Qin Xiaobao.

Qin Xiaobao was chatting with Qin's mother when she received the news. When she heard that her son was alone outside the Qin family's gate, she almost couldn't believe it.

Can't believe it, Qin Xiaobao still came out. There was still some distance between the gate, and she saw her son standing upright in the cold wind with his hands behind his back.

Because the wind was a bit strong today, the little guy wore a thin coat and just stood in the cold wind blowing.

Although Qin Xiaobao always confronts her son, quarrels with him, grabs his food, grabs his toys, and does all kinds of things.

But no matter how willful she is, she is also the child's biological mother. Seeing such an older child standing in the cold wind, Qin Xiaobao's heart ached with pain.

She quickly ran to the little guy and held him in her arms: "You brat, why are you here alone? Where is your brat?"

"Who else can I have if I'm not alone?" The little boy was so arrogant just now. As soon as he was held in Qin Xiaobao's arms, he nuzzled into her arms like a child and said aggrievedly, "That old man Zhan Nianbei... I was kicked out of my house. He bought me a plane ticket and put me on a plane, and I came to New York."

"Why did he drive you out? You were born to me, not him. Why did he drive you out of the house?" When he heard that it was Zhan Nianbei who drove the child out, Qin Xiaobao was so angry that he could not wait to Fly back and blow up Zhan Nianbei's base camp.

"Ahem..." the little guy coughed, "Mom, the reason why you were able to give birth to me was because of the hard work of that old man Zhan Nianbei. But I know that you are the one who has worked the hardest."

"Even if he helps, he can't drive you out of the house. Only I can bully you, not him." Qin Xiaobao is a typical example of only allowing state officials to set fires and not allowing people to light lamps.

At home, she can bully the little guy however she wants, but Zhan Nianbei cannot bully her son.

This time she ran away from home because Qin Xiaobao and the little guy were fighting for milk and Zhan Nianbei didn't help her.

She was angry that the father and son had teamed up to bully her, and in anger, she flew to her parents' home in New York.

When he heard that his son had been bullied by Zhan Nianbei, Qin Xiaobao could not wait to return to Jiangbei to fight for Zhan Nianbei.

She turned to the security personnel and said: "Please tell my parents, brother and sister-in-law for me that I will go back to Jiangbei first and come to see them another day."

Qin Xiaobao's character was so impatient that he was so angry that he rushed back to Jiangbei to settle accounts with Zhan Nianbei.

After nearly twenty hours of running around, they finally returned to Jiangbei. When they returned home, Zhan Nianbei was fast asleep in bed.

The mother and son had been working hard all day, and not only did he not call to care, but he also slept so soundly.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobao was so angry that he pulled the quilt off Zhan Nianbei and kicked him: "Zhan Nianbei, you old bastard, why do you sleep so soundly? Why do you sleep so soundly? Drive us, mother and son, out of the house?”

"A bastard is a bastard, why do you add the word "old"?" Zhan Nianbei sat up and looked at Qin Xiaobao with sleepy eyes, "Who drove you mother and son away?"

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