Chapter 833: Meticulous

Qin lelan immediately looked at the time. It was already half past twelve noon. No wonder they called to urge her.

She apologized: "Dazhuang, why don't you three eat first. I'll rush over to meet you later."

Yaya grabbed the phone and said: "The four of us are now a team, and we can't do it without anyone. Come here now, we will wait for you no matter how late it is."

"Okay, then I'll rush over right away." Qin leran sat up and wanted to clean up quickly. He couldn't keep the three of them waiting for a long time.

Just when Qin leran got out of bed, he accidentally saw a note on the bedside table from the corner of his eye.

She picked it up and looked at it, and there were two lines written on the note - of course, there was breakfast in the kitchen thermos box and washed strawberries in the refrigerator. You must remember to eat when you wake up, don't go hungry. Brother lie will try to go home earlier after he is done with his work.

The signature is "Brother Lie".

"Brother Lie, you fool! Do you really think I am still that four-year-old child?" Many times, Qin lelan felt that brother Lie still took care of her as a child.

He remembered that she liked eating strawberries, so he often prepared fresh strawberries for her to eat as snacks.

He remembered that she was afraid of the dark, so she kept several small lamps in the room in case one of them broke, and there were other lights on.

"Brother Silly Lie, you said you were so good to me, how could I not like you?" Qin leran said silently, while putting the note left for her by Brother Lie into her bag.

Everything that brother lie left to her is extremely precious to her.

She collected these seemingly unimportant things. In the future, when they grow old, any item she pulls out will be evidence that he loves her.

It was already an hour after Qin leran arrived at the agreed place.

Yaya, Da Zhuang, and Xiao Xiao lay listlessly on the dining table, their stomachs rumbling from time to time.

Da Zhuang touched his belly and wailed: "Our little jealous little one, if you don't come, I will starve."

Qin lelan was standing at the door. He happened to hear this, smiled and said, "Don't worry, Da Zhuang, I'm still reluctant to let you starve."

Hearing Qin lelan's voice, the three of them sat up at the same time and said in unison: "My little aunt, you are finally here."

"Sorry! I made you wait for me for so long!" Qin lelan sat down in the empty seat they left for her, saying sorry, but she didn't feel sorry at all.

Having said that, she also regards the three of Yaya as her own and is not polite to them. Otherwise, she will definitely act like a qualified lady, and no one can find any fault with her.

"Waiter, please help us serve the food, the sooner the better." After Da Zhuang ordered the waiter, he turned and looked at Qin lelan sadly, "Sister-in-law, if you let me be hungry for five more minutes, you will probably never see me again. .”

While talking, Da Zhuang casually put his hand on Qin leran's shoulder. Qin leran avoided it flexibly, and said as if jokingly but seriously: "a gentleman talks but does not use his hands."

She usually talks and laughs with them, and everyone seems to be having a good time, but there is no physical contact.

Qin leran has received a good family education since she was a child. She knows that no matter how good the relationship between friends of the opposite sex is, there must be a limit.

Yaya understood her and praised her: "Little girl, your love brother can get your love. He is really lucky to have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

Qin lelan raised his water glass and took a sip of water, and said cheerfully: "Actually, I think that making him like me is the blessing I have earned in eight lifetimes."

"If he doesn't like you, he's blind." Da Zhuang also stood up and shouted. After all, Qin leran is a goddess-level figure in his heart. If the person she likes doesn't like her, he must be blind.

Xiao Xiao snorted: "Tacky!"

"Tacky?" The three of them looked at him at the same time, "Mr. Xiao, can you give us some explanations about what is not tacky?"

Xiao Xiao was very awkward: "The food is here, I want to eat, I don't want to pay attention to you."

"Okay, let's eat and eat."

As soon as the food was served, the few people who were so hungry that their front bellies were pressed against their backs were not polite to anyone, they picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

After filling her stomach a little, Yaya said: "Xiao Jiantan, our travel circle has an adventure activity in the past two days. Are you interested in going together?"

Qin leran swallowed the food in his mouth and asked, "what adventure?"

Yaya explained: "More than 300 kilometers northwest of Linhai City, there is a mountain called Wushan. This mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, and the scenery is very beautiful. However, because it is not a developed scenic spot, many tourists go there. "Sure, some travel friends will explore the road first."

"Has there been an accident?" Qin leran asked again.

It's not that Qin leran is timid, but that she knows that she is not alone. She has a family and her favorite brother lie.

If something happens to her during the expedition, she will be worried about her parents and brother lie, so she will not go to activities that are too risky.

Yaya added: "That's not the case. In this era of advanced communications, there are often staff patrolling the mountains. There have been many travel friends who have gone there in the past few years, and everyone has returned well."

Da Zhuang took over and said: "It's said to be an adventure, but in fact it's just hiking. The air quality has been worrying these years, so everyone occasionally takes the time to go for a walk in the mountains and breathe the natural air."

Qin leran readily agreed: "Okay. If you go, just count me as one. Anyway, I don't have much to do these days."

Just like today, I have brother lie sleeping next to me at night. When I woke up in the morning and didn't see brother lie, I felt so disappointed.

Instead of doing this, it would be better not to see brother lie at night, and the gap in her heart would not be so big.

Yaya added: "It is said that the scenery of Wushan Mountain is as beautiful as a painting. Bring your camera and prepare two more beautiful clothes. Let's go and take some more beautiful photos and come back. Maybe we can start our own photography business in the future. exhibition."

Da Zhuang added: "There is no need for a beauty like Xiao Jiantan to prepare a camera. Just be a model for me. I will take pictures for her. I guarantee that I will take the most beautiful photos in the world."

"Our little one is called a natural beauty. She is born beautiful. She looks as beautiful as a painting when she stands there. There is no need for you to take pictures of her so beautifully." The person who spoke was Xiao Xiao, anyway, she was beautiful. He would refute whatever Zhuang said.

The three of them quarreled again and again. Only Qin leran did not speak because she thought of her brother lie again.

It would be great if the person who traveled with her was Brother Lie, the person who took pictures of her was Brother Lie, and the person who praised her for being as beautiful as a painting was Brother Lie... That would be great!

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