My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 857 Never allow danger to remain

Chapter 857: Never let danger remain

Long Tianming knew why Long Yi wanted Xiao Jiu to leave, but he didn't want to believe that Long Yi knew what Xiao Jiu had done, so he still asked with a sense of luck: "Master, why...why do you want Xiao Jiu to leave?"

Long Yi opened his eyes, looked at Long Yi in the rearview mirror, and said coldly: "Don't you still know why?"

"Young Master... I just received the order you suddenly gave. Forgive me for being stupid. I couldn't think of the reason why you want Xiaojiu to leave?" Long Tian was so frightened that his hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly. After a moment, he still gritted his teeth, unwilling to reveal any information.

Because Long Tian knew in his heart that as long as he refused to admit it, Long Yi would not be able to find evidence to prove that Xiao Jiu was related to Shen Lingxi's escape.

As long as there is no conclusive evidence, their master will definitely not care about Xiao Jiu because he has been loyal to him for so many years.

"Who set up the trap in the back mountain? Shen Lingxi was able to escape through the back door of my study just after we came down the mountain. She has been staying in the room for a month on the mountain. How did she know that my study has a small door leading to the back mountain? "Long Yi calmly expressed his doubts one by one.

On the day of the incident, Long Yi realized the crux of the matter, but because he was too worried about Shen Lingxi's safety, he had no time and energy to think about why Shen Lingxi escaped.

At this moment, Long Yi knew that Shen Lingxi's life was safe and saw the injuries on her body, so his first thing was to deal with the men who were doing things behind his back.

A subordinate, no matter what the purpose of doing something, as long as it disobeys the master's order, then that kind of person can never be retained.

"Master, I'm afraid this is the great thing about Miss Shen's family... Didn't she also drug her under your nose back then, and no one could find her." As long as Long Yi doesn't reveal it and doesn't make it clear, Long Tian would never admit it.

"You have been with me for many years, and this is the first time I know that you are so eloquent. I kept you by my side and did not let you go to other places. It is really a waste of your talent." Long Yi snorted coldly. After all, what he hates the most is this kind of villainous behavior.

"Master, I..." Long Tiandan'er trembled again. It was not a small thing to be evaluated like this by his master, but he still couldn't admit it.

This matter related to Xiao Jiu's stay and stay, which was definitely a big deal. He couldn't surrender just because his master threatened him.

"Stop explaining. Just let her go when you get back. I don't want to see her again." After all, Long Yi didn't want to keep someone who was a threat to Shen Lingxi around.

Xiao Jiu is a woman with a very extreme character. She had done something to Shen Lingxi earlier. At that time, he decided to let Xiao Jiu leave because Long Tian begged for mercy and thought that this woman was also loyal to the Long family, so he let her Stayed.

He originally thought that Xiao Jiu could change his nature, but he didn't expect that just after he left, that woman Xiao Jiu set a trap to frame Shen Lingxi. If Shen Lingxi, that stupid woman, wasn't lucky, she would have fallen into Xiao Jiu's trap.

A subordinate who repeatedly thought about framing Shen Lingxi, Long Yi had already made a decision in his heart, and he must not let that danger continue to exist.

"Master, Xiaojiu grew up in the Long family. She has been with you for many years and is loyal to you. She is young and often does things without considering the consequences. Please don't argue with her." Knowing that their master actually takes things seriously Seeing clearly and knowing that his master was really angry, Long Tian had to change his strategy and tried to use his emotions to impress Long Yi and let him let Xiao Jiu go again.

"She is young? Then when she attacked Shen Lingxi, did she ever think that Shen Lingxi was younger than her?" An excuse, once Longyi can accept it, but if he uses the same excuse many times, he still accepts it, then it is his My head is packed.

Xiao Jiu is already over twenty-six years old, and Shen Lingxi is only twenty-three years old this year. If Xiao Jiu can kill a girl younger than herself, how can he be said to be young and ignorant?

"Master, Xiaojiu is definitely not doing this out of selfishness, she is doing it for your own good. She is afraid that you will be deceived by that vicious woman Shen Lingxi, and is afraid of a repeat of the tragic incident where more than a dozen people from the Long family were burned alive a year ago." When one move didn't work, Long Tian thought of another move, which was also a trump card against Long Yi.

Because they all know that more than a dozen people from the Long family were burned to death overnight, which is definitely a permanent pain hidden in Long Yi's heart and will never disappear for the rest of his life.

As long as he is reminded of this matter all the time, he will think of avenging the Long family and get rid of Shen Lingxi, the culprit.

"After you go back, you also pack your luggage and go with her." Long Yi closed his eyes and said this again, and his tone was much colder than before, "Stop making excuses, otherwise you will get out of the car at this time."

"Master, for that vicious woman Shen Lingxi, do you really don't want us, the old subordinates who have been with you for many years?" Long Tian braked suddenly, parked the car on the side of the road, and beat his chest in anxiety. He really Anxious.

"That's my woman, when will it be your turn to call her vicious?" Long Yi said again, his tone even colder, like newly melted ice and snow, the coldness can sting a person's limbs and bones.

"Master, that woman killed more than a dozen people in the Long family and made you unable to recognize the reality. Why can't I scold her?" Long Tian's eyes turned red with anger, and he was angry and anxious. "Not only do I want to scold her, I still want to kill her. Only by killing that woman can we avenge the lives of dozens of people in the Long family and return to his original appearance."

"Killing her can avenge the lives of more than a dozen people in the Long family?" Long Yi suddenly laughed, and the laughter echoed back and forth in the small space in the car, "If you really want to avenge the lives of more than a dozen people in the Long family, then You wouldn’t hand me such perfunctory evidence.”

At that time, when Long Yi saw that the evidence pointed out that the person was Shen Lingxi, his brain suddenly lost the ability to think. He just stupidly thought that Shen Lingxi was using him by being with him, and concluded that she had poisoned more than a dozen lives in the Long family.

Now that he has time to calm down and think carefully, he can figure out the loopholes in the evidence in his hand without spending too much time.

A piece of evidence full of loopholes, Long Tian would not fail to see it. It is very likely that he saw it, but chose to remain silent, because he also believed in his heart that Shen Lingxi was the murderer of the poison.

"Master, I..." Because he had hatred for the Shen family in his heart, and when he found evidence that Shen Xixi poisoned the Long family's food, Long Tian also casually hated Shen Lingxi.

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