Chapter 877: Escape

The car was a luxurious eight-seater black business sedan, parked at the exit of the staff passage next to the scenic area, very close to where Qin lelan and the others had just played.

In just a moment, Qin leran was brought to the car by the leader. She stood still and looked back, and she could no longer see Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Limo.

Qin leran was slightly relieved that Qin Xiaobao, mother and son could not be seen. She believed that Qin Xiaobao could find a way to escape as long as he escaped from the sight of these people.

"Miss Qin, please get in the car!" The man stepped forward and opened the door. The impatience in his tone was more serious. It seemed that as soon as Qin lelan got in the car, their true colors would be revealed.

"What's the hurry?" Qin leran raised his eyebrows, glanced at the man coldly, and turned around to get in the car. After all, he was now in a weak position and could not meet so many people on the other side in a head-on confrontation.

As soon as Qin leran got in the car and sat down, the man also got in the car and sat down next to Qin leran, and then ordered: "drive!"

At the man's command, the driver quickly started the car and sped out, driving out of the scenic area in a very short time, leaving most of them far behind.

The man didn't take any measures against Qin leran. While the car was driving, Qin leran was able to look at the environment in the car and on both sides of the road, as well as road signs and so on.

In addition to the driver, there was a man sitting in the passenger seat, and she and the man beside her were the only ones in the back seat.

Among the three tall and strong men, Qin leran could almost see the tight and strong muscles under their suits. People who have such muscles must be the result of years of martial arts training.

Although she has been practicing Taekwondo since she was a child and has achieved good results, she does not know the strength of these three men and cannot judge whether they will win or lose, so she does not dare to take action easily.

Just when Qin leran was thinking about how to escape, she suddenly realized that the gaze staring at her seemed different from just now.

She looked back and saw the man's eyes fixed on her chest. Those red eyes made her feel as if his eyes could see through her clothes and see her body.

"How disgusting!" Qin lelan wanted to dig out the man's eyes, but his face remained calm.

She would not act rashly before she was absolutely sure that she could escape from them, and before she knew whether she could defeat the three of them.

"Little girl, you look very cute." The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his Adam's apple rolled twice quickly, and he looked at Qin leran with a squinting look.

Qin leran pursed his lips and smiled, then turned to look outside the car. He didn't see his squinting eyes, but just shook the two hands hanging by his side.

Ever since she was a child, no one without eyes dared to stare at her like this. If it were before, this person's eyes would probably no longer be there.

But now is an extraordinary time. People have to lower their heads under the eaves. Being patient can save a lot of troubles, so Qin lelan gritted his teeth and endured.

Qin leran endured it, and the man pushed further, and the words he spoke became more and more disgusting and obscene: "The little girl is young, but her development is not bad. Look at this bulging front and back, it makes people feel unbearable, I really want to press it under me Love and care well.”

Qin leran remained silent, but his fists tightened a little tighter.

The man approached her and said, "Little girl, do you know where you are going today?"

Qin lelan clenched his fists tighter and harder.

It doesn't matter where she goes, what matters is that she will definitely let this man die a good death, she will definitely do it.

The man was aware of Qin lelan's anger, but he didn't take such a yellow-haired girl seriously. He continued, "I'll tell you kindly. If you get into this car with me, you won't be able to leave intact."

Looking at Qin leran's still calm face, the man liked it more and more, and stretched out his hand with itching heart: "You can't stay intact anyway, so why not let me taste you first. I really want to I know what is the difference between a woman that Quan Nanzhai values ​​​​so much and other women? "

As soon as the man finished speaking, Qin leran couldn't bear it. She waved her fist and hit the man's nose hard. She spat at him and said, "You see, this is Quan Nanzhai's woman."

It was just that she was not sure that she could defeat the three people in the car. Even if she couldn't escape, she would never let such a disgusting man touch her.

"Bitch, you are shameless when I give you face! You are fucking looking for death!" The man raised his hand to fight back and slapped Qin leran.

However, he never expected, he didn't expect, and Qin lelan didn't expect that the man's hand had just been raised, and a cold and hard pistol was pressed against the man's forehead.

The young man holding the gun poked the man's head hard and said coldly: "If you want to survive, be honest with me."

Because his back was to the front of the car, the man did not see who was holding the gun against him, but he still said arrogantly: "I have turned against you. Do you know who the person you are holding the gun against is? When I go back, I will definitely Let the superiors kill you for being ignorant."

"Chang Li, why are you here?" Qin lelan faced forward and saw that the man holding the gun at the man turned out to be Chang Li, and asked with uncontrollable joy.

"Miss is here, of course I will be here." Chang Li did not identify himself in time because the other party had too many people.

The people following Qin leran were not only Chang Li, but also many men sent by Quan Nanzhai to protect her.

Chang Li made a plan with them and adopted this method. He first got rid of the two people in the car and took Qin lelan out of the scope of their influence.

The driver and Chang Li were responsible for Qin leran's safety. Most of them went to rescue Qin Xiaobao, mother and son. They had just received news that Qin Xiaobao, mother and son had been rescued by their people.

"Huh, who did I think it was, but it turned out to be you." Even though he didn't see anyone, the man still "recognized" who was pointing the gun at him.

People with the surname Chang are not common, and they can appear next to Qin leran. Except for the Chang family's mother and son, the man can't think of anyone else.

"You know it's us, you know my lady's identity, and yet you dare to attack her. It seems that the person behind you is also a big shot." Chang Li said.

The man hummed softly: "It's good that you know. If the person above me dares to take action, it means that he has not been afraid of anyone. You Chang family mother and son have nothing to do with this matter. It's too late to get away now, so why bother to come to this muddy pool?" Where's the water?"

"Thank you for reminding me!" Chang Li raised his hand, then struck hard, hitting the man on the head with the tip of the gun, knocking him out first, not bothering to listen to his provocative words.

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