Chapter 887: Who are you?

"I know! I misunderstood you." Long Yi stretched out his hand to catch Shen Lingxi back, but she stepped back to prevent him from touching her.

Shen Lingxi looked pale and tried to hand over her hand to Long Yi, but she just couldn't make herself take the first step.

Indeed, it wasn't that she didn't want to get close to Long Yi, but that Long Yi left such a heavy shadow on her that she still couldn't face him as before in a short period of time.

She opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to explain. She just lowered her head and bit her lip tightly.

"Xiao Xi..." Long Yi called her.

"Huh?" She still didn't want to look up at him, she was escaping.

"Let's go. Let's go eat." Long Yi gave up his intention of reaching out to grab her and walked to the restaurant first, but he always paid attention to Shen Lingxi, who was two steps behind him, to see if she was following.

Although there were no eyes on the back of his head and he couldn't see her, he was sensitive to the fact that when he wasn't looking at her, her eyes were on him.

She was always like this these days. Only when he wasn't looking at her would she look at him openly, like a stranger she had never met before.

Perhaps, she is not very sure whether he is his Dragon Wing.

Perhaps it was because he had caused so much harm to her some time ago that she would never be able to love him as well as before.

Thinking that she might never be able to accept him again, Long Yi's heart sank, making the steps he took become much heavier. At this moment, he wanted to turn around and hug her who was following him into his arms. .

But he couldn't because he would scare her.

In this life, he can no longer hurt her or make her afraid.

It was obviously him who told her to protect her, and it was obvious that he would never let anyone hurt her, but he was the one who really hurt her.

At the dinner table, the two of them ate in silence, and no one spoke to break the silence until they both picked up a piece of meat with their chopsticks at the same time.

Shen Lingxi quickly took back her chopsticks and said, "I'm full... you eat slowly."

She had only eaten two mouthfuls of rice, but the rice in the bowl was not moved much, and she didn't eat much of the vegetables. How could she be full.

Long Yi took some vegetables and put them into her bowl: "You can eat some more with me."

"Oh, okay." Shen Lingxi nodded, picked up her chopsticks and took two more bites of rice, but did not eat the food he gave her.

"Eat some food." Long Yi brought her another dish.

"Oh, okay." Shen Lingxi nodded obediently again, then picked up the dish he gave her and put it into her mouth, as well-behaved as a puppet at the mercy of others.

Seeing her like this, Long Yi was angry and annoyed, and put down his chopsticks: "Is it really so painful to eat with me?"

Shen Lingxi shook her head.

Longyi sighed and said, "Then just eat with me."

"Yeah." Shen Lingxi nodded, straightened up, picked up some green vegetables and brought them to her mouth, and took two more bites of rice.

Seeing that she was eating seriously, Long Yi picked up the chopsticks again.

He picked up a piece of braised pork she made by himself, put it into his mouth and ate it in one bite.

Shen Lingxi knew that Long Yi liked to eat meat, especially braised pork. In the past, the cook aunt of the Long family was particularly good at making this dish.

She also learned from the cooking aunt, but she didn't know if she had no connection with the kitchen. She never cooked braised pork that was delicious.

Today's dish of braised pork was something she had secretly practiced for several days. After discarding several dishes, she thought it tasted pretty good.

Watching Long Yi eat a piece of braised pork in one bite, she couldn't help but stretch out her chopsticks and pick it up for him: "If it's delicious, you can eat more."

"It's delicious." Long Yi looked at her and saw that her pale face was finally stained with blush. He was in a good mood and ate two more pieces. "It's fat but not greasy. It can keep up with professional chefs." "

"If you like it, I will often cook it for you in the future." Shen Lingxi had said this before, but at that time, she was not as careful as she is now. At that time, she seemed to be acting coquettishly.

"Okay." Vaguely, the former Shen Lingxi appeared in Long Yi's eyes.

Because of the complex population of the Shen family, Shen Lingxi's parents passed away early. She grew up with her grandfather and was often ostracized by other members of the Shen family.

She learned to hide her true emotions at a young age, and only when she was in front of him would she show her truest side.

Only when you are in front of him will you see a happy and carefree Shen Lingxi.

But now, even facing him, it was difficult to see her truly happy.

After this conversation, the two of them didn't speak again. The restaurant was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Jingle Bell……

The ringing of the phone broke the silence.

It was Shen Lingxi's phone that rang.

She smiled apologetically at Long Yi, then went to get her phone. When she picked up the phone, she saw it was an unfamiliar phone number. She didn't want to answer it, but she was worried about missing a call, so she answered politely: "Hello!"

"Xiao Xi, is that you?" A male voice came from the phone, a male voice that Shen Lingxi was extremely familiar with.

"Who are you?" This voice shocked Shen Lingxi, made Shen Lingxi panic, and made Shen Lingxi afraid. She couldn't help but look up at the man sitting in front of her.

Longyi was sitting in front of her.

"It's me." The man said again.

"Who are you?" Shen Lingxi was scared, but tried her best to control herself and not be so scared. However, the hand holding the phone began to tremble uncontrollably, and the trembling became worse and worse.

"Xiao Xi, what's wrong?" Long Yi saw her face pale and reached out to grab her phone, but Shen Lingxi jumped up and stayed away from Long Yi.

She looked at him warily with her beautiful eyes: "Tell me, who are you?"

She was asking questions, but she didn't know whether she was asking about the person on the phone or Long Yi in front of her.

Long Yi noticed something and tried to get close to her and take the mobile phone from her hand to find out who was on the other end of the phone.

Why was she suddenly so scared?

But as soon as he took a step, Shen Lingxi immediately stepped back.

"Xiao Xi, don't be afraid! Give me your phone, no matter what kind of thing, let me handle it, okay?" Seeing Shen Lingxi's frightened and alert eyes, Long Yi did not approach her again, trying to get her to put down her suspicion of him first. of alertness.

Shen Lingxi shook her head and stepped back, shouting: "I don't care who you are, don't come close to me, don't come close to me, stay away from me."

Long Yi was flustered: "Xiao Xi, what happened?"

At the same time, Shen Lingxi's familiar male voice also came from the mobile phone: "Xiao Xi, it's me. Can't you even recognize my voice?"

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