My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 912 Don’t try to trick her

Chapter 912: Don’t try to trick her

The speed with which Quan Nanzhai returned home made Quan Lizhang understand one thing.

The position of that little girl from the Qin family in Quan Nanzhai's heart is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. Maybe it is possible... but Quan Lizhang is unwilling to admit this possibility.

He did not believe that when faced with a choice between a woman and a position of power, any man would be foolish enough to choose a woman.

And his son has done so many shady things in order to climb to the position of president, it can be said that he has cut a river of blood.

Quan Lizhang can be sure that Quan Nanzhai will never give up his hard-won and lofty position as president of country A.

However, because Quan Nanzhai paid enough attention to that girl, the little girl from the Qin family was a chess piece that could be put to good use.

However, Quan Lizhang also knew very well that there were too many variables in the little girl of the Qin family, and she was definitely not an easy chess piece to control.

Quan Lizhang's brain was running rapidly, thinking about how he could get that little girl to leave Quan Nanzhai without getting into trouble with the Qin family.

"I guess?" Quan Nanzhai curled his lips slightly, "Father, the older he gets, the funnier he becomes. Such words can actually come out of your mouth."

"Can't you guess?" Quan Lizhang smiled and said, "I think you must have the answer in your heart, but you just don't want to say it out loud."

"Please give me some advice, father." Quan Nanzhai asked, just because he wanted to know what Quan Lizhang said to Qin leran yesterday.

But Quan Lizhang didn't notice. He cleared his throat and pretended to be a loving father: "Nan Zhai, you can continue to have an ambiguous relationship with the little girl from the Qin family, but you must marry the girl from the Shen family. Because only Only by marrying a girl from the Shen family can you secure your position."

It turned out that as he thought, Old Man Quan came to Qin lelan just to get her to leave him.

Qin leran kept silent about Quan Lizhang's conversation with her yesterday. Quan Nanzhai thought about it and came to Quan Lizhang to trick him. He didn't expect that he would actually trick her.

Knowing the content of Quan Lizhang's conversation with Qin leran yesterday, Quan Nanzhai felt more at ease.

Quan Nanzhai said: "I can't comply with your father's request. Because I am not coming to you this time to help you, but to send you a message."

Quan Nanzhai's tone of voice made Quan Lizhang dissatisfied, but he refrained from getting angry and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Quan Nanzhai's face suddenly changed and he said in a deep voice: "I can treat the things you did behind my back as nothing happened, but if you dare to trouble Qin lelan again, I will come back to you with the old accounts. Calculate."

Quan Lizhang said displeased: "Are you threatening me?"

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "As long as you understand."

Quan Lizhang slapped his hand on the desk and yelled: "Quan Nanzhai, you actually threatened your biological father for a woman."

Quan Nanzhai still looked indifferent: "Then I have to ask you, do you treat me as your biological son?"

He tolerated all the things Quan Lizhang did to him in the past, because Old Quan didn't touch his bottom line.

Now the person that Old Man Quan wants to touch is Qin lelan, which is the only bottom line for Quan Nanzhai. How can he sit idly by and ignore it.

Quan Lizhang coughed angrily: "You..."

Quan Nanzhai added: "That's all I've said. I hope your father will remember it. At the same time, I also wish your father health and longevity."

After saying such a disrespectful word, Quan Nanzhai saluted Quan Lizhang. After the ceremony, he ignored Quan Lizhang's cannibalistic gaze, turned around and walked out.

"You unfilial son, if you talk to your father like this, you will definitely die!" Quan Lizhang was so angry that he grabbed the teacup on the desk and threw it at Quan Nanzhai's back.

Seeing that the teacup was about to hit Quan Nanzhai, Quan Nanzhai seemed to have a pair of eyes growing on his back, and he turned slightly to avoid the teacup that Quan Lizhang was hitting.


The cup hit the solid wall and broke!

"You unfilial beast! If you can escape today, you will definitely not be able to escape tomorrow." Quan Lizhang covered his chest and was so angry that he was out of breath.

Su Wanqin came slowly. She knelt down and picked up the pieces of the porcelain cup on the ground piece by piece. As she picked it up, she said, "This cup is hundreds of years old. It would be a pity to smash it."

Hearing her words, Quan Lizhang frowned and said dissatisfied: "In your heart, am I not as important as a cup?"

Su Wanqin picked up the last piece of debris, stood up, looked at Quan Lizhang, and said softly: "Sir, don't you often tell me that to be angry is to use other people's mistakes to punish yourself. I remember, how can you Can forget it.”

"That unfilial son bullied others too much! How can I not be angry?" When Quan Nanzhai was mentioned, Quan Lizhang gritted his teeth with hatred and wished he could drink Quan Nanzhai's blood.

"After all, he is also your biological son, your flesh and blood." Su Wanqin hurriedly put the cup fragments into an empty box, and then added casually, "Tiger poison doesn't eat its seeds, how can you really do it?" He gets rid of it?”

"With his attitude towards me, he doesn't regard me as his biological father at all. Why can't I get rid of him?" For the first time, the thought of killing his son flashed through Quan Lizhang's mind. That son was not close to him. His attitude is also quite bad, and staying in this world will do him no good at all.

"Let's not mention that he is your biological son, let's talk about his status. How can you still be his opponent today?" Su Wanqin said this, and then pointed to the cup fragments in the box, "Sir, this thing I’ll go find someone to patch it up and see if it can be patched up.”

"No need to mend it. No matter how well it is mended, there will still be cracks, and it will never be able to return to its original appearance." Quan Lizhang said, thinking of one thing at the same time.

The relationship between their father and son is like this broken teacup. Once it is broken, it is broken. Even if you find the best craftsman, you can't restore the cup.

In other words, if their father-son relationship is broken, it is broken and can never be repaired.

"Okay, if you don't want to make up for it, don't make it up. I'll listen to you." Su Wanqin said softly, with a slight smile on her face when she spoke, which made people feel comfortable no matter how they looked at it.

Looking at her, Quan Lizhang's anger slowly subsided. He held her hand in his palm and patted it gently: "Wanqin, being able to have you by my side is the greatest luck in my life. ”

Su Wanqin smiled softly: "I am not the same."

Even though she is almost fifty years old, she still has a curvy figure because of proper maintenance, and she looks infinitely energetic.

A man like Quan Lizhang, who was in the center of political power, could keep her by his side, making him inseparable from her. Her gentleness, beauty and wisdom were indispensable.

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