Chapter 934: Enemy or Friend

"I think a woman still needs to be pampered. The more pampered she is, the cuter and more considerate she will be, and the more people will like her from the bottom of their hearts."

After a while, Long Yi suddenly said this again.

Quan Nanzhai turned his head and looked at Long Yi, his eyes cold and dissatisfied: "There is nothing going on here without you. You go back to your room to accompany your woman."

Longyi said: "I didn't mean that."

Quan Nanzhai asked: "Then what do you mean?"

Long Yi knew clearly that his woman was not around, but kept showing off in front of him. Quan Nanzhai thought this mentality was punishable.

Long Yi glared at him: "Quan Nanzhai, when did you become so stingy?"

Quan Nanzhai said: "When have you ever seen me who is not stingy?"

Long Yi thought for a while, and he had never seen Quan Nanzhai who was not stingy.

Quan Nanzhai, a man like him, has been a person who must avenge his enemies since he was a child.

Long Yi wanted to explain, but Quan Nanzhai said first: "Stop talking, go back to the room to accompany your woman, and don't be an eyesore in front of me."

Longyi: "..."

What a heartless man, he was worried that he would have a long night, leaving a sweet-smelling woman to come to accompany him, but he still disliked him.

How unforgivable!

Quan Nanzhai said again: "Why are you staring? If you have some time, go back and see your woman more. She is the one you should guard."

Long Yi suddenly smiled: "Quan Nanzhai, your tone sounds like you are jealous of me. Could it be that you have a crush on me?"

Long Yi's words made Quan Nanzhai feel so sick that he almost vomited. He pointed to the bathroom over there: "There is a mirror inside, please go in and take a look."

Long Yi said: "I'm just kidding you, don't take it too seriously."

Quan Nanzhai waved his hand impatiently: "Go quickly, don't hinder my eyes here."

Long Yi turned around and left. After taking two steps, he turned back and said sternly: "Have you sent someone to look after the girl from the Qin family? Nothing can happen to her."

Long Yi knew how much Quan Nanzhai cared about the little girl of the Qin family. If something happened to that girl, their plan would be ruined.

He had always wanted to say it, but had just forgotten.

Quan Nanzhai nodded.

Qin leran is the place where he is least likely to relax. Something can happen at any link, but Qin lelan must not let anything happen.

Long Yi added: "There is another person who I am somewhat worried about. At this time, will he hit us in the back?"

Quan Nanzhai frowned: "You mean Qin Yinze, the adopted son of the Qin family?"

Longyi nodded: "That's him."

Quan Nanzhai said: "I don't know much about this person. He also hides himself very deeply. It's hard to tell whether he is a friend or an enemy."

Hearing what Quan Nanzhai said, Long Yi became even more worried: "I have seen this man once from a distance. He is a man who is difficult to see through."

Quan Nanzhai said: "Don't understand?"

Quan Nanzhai understands Qin Yinze. All Qin Yinze's attention and thoughts are on Qin leran. Apart from work, Qin Yinze will only care about Qin leran.

"As long as you understand. Watch him carefully and don't let him ruin everything you finally got." Long Yi feels that obviously bad people are not scary, but the scary ones are those who seem to be with you, but There is always someone who could lay a cold arrow behind you.

Quan Nanzhai chuckled lightly, his eyes firm and cold: "He can't destroy it."

Quan Nanzhai still has this kind of self-confidence. His happiness and his life have always been in his own hands, and there has never been an exception.

Long Yi wanted to say something else, but felt it was a bit redundant. He opened his mouth and closed it again. Then he stepped into the room, leaving Quan Nanzhai alone in the office to wait for dawn tomorrow.

Quan Nanzhai looked at the night sky outside the window. The heavy snow continued, and the affected area would become wider and wider. This was the time for him to organize rescue operations with all his strength, but he never expected that he could only pretend to be dead and hide to lure the snake out of its hole.

However, Quan Nanzhai firmly remembered that the cowardice he suffered today will definitely be returned to those people tomorrow.

Thinking that it might be them, he couldn't tell how he felt in his heart. It might be cold or cold, so cold that nothing could warm his heart.

"Quan Nanzhai is dead?"

Looking at the news posted on the Internet, Qin Yinze read this sentence softly, over and over again, and repeated it at least ten times.

Is Quan Nanzhai really dead?

At first, when he received the news, he believed it to be true and impulsively ran to Qin leran, but at this moment he did not believe that Quan Nanzhai was dead.

If Quan Nanzhai is really dead, this news will never be spread until the successor of the next president is determined and no escape route is arranged.

Whenever there is any disturbance on the Internet, the government departments will suppress the news as quickly as possible, and it will never reach the ears of the public.

If Quan Nanzhai is really dead and the successor to the next president is confirmed, then the news of Quan Nanzhai's death must be the most authoritative official announcement.

Now, it's neither, so Qin Yinze thinks Quan Nanzhai is not dead, but he doesn't know why Quan Nanzhai played such a trick?


After thinking about it carefully, Qin Yinze figured out that Quan Nanzhai was just playing a game of scheming with the enemy and luring the snake out of its hole.

Qin Yinze was half lying on the sofa in the living room, looking sideways out of the window. The window was dark and he couldn't see anything, which made his brain more awake.

Now, there are two ways before him. One is to ignore everything, pretend not to see any clues, and be the adopted son of the Qin family and the eldest young master of the Qin family.

The second is to make a phone call, tell that person the clues you have seen, and officially become a partner with that person.

As long as they work together to make Quan Nanzhai completely disappear from this world, then his partners can get what they want, and he seems to be able to get what he wants.

He doesn't need to do much, as long as he makes a call on his mobile phone, then he can cooperate with those people and his purpose can be achieved.

So Easy!

Qin Yinze played with his phone, turning it around and around, unable to make a final decision for a long time.

Of course, Qin leran would not be unaware of what the citizens of country A knew. When the news of Quan Nanzhai's death spread to everyone, her hanging heart was really relieved.

The reason she had in mind was exactly the same as Qin Yinze's.

However, she was a little worried. She saw through that this was a game, a game to lure the snake out of its hole. Could it be that the cunning enemy couldn't understand it?

She and Qin Yinze can see through it, but the enemy can't. That's because the enemy is too confident.

They believed that Quan Nanzhai did not stop the spread of the news in time. It was not that Quan Nanzhai did not stop it, but that Quan Nanzhai did not respond quickly enough. The news had already spread and Quan Nanzhai could no longer stop it.

This should be what people often say, the authorities confuse the onlookers, right?

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