My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 949 Are you threatening me?

Chapter 949: Are you threatening me?

Anyone who heard Su Wanqin's words would understand that the person she was referring to was Quan Lizhang.

But what if I knew it was Quan Lizhang?

Who knows if Su Wanqin is talking nonsense?

As long as there is no evidence, Long Yi will never be able to move the power if he wants to.

When the eyes of everyone present fell on Quan Lizhang, he coughed again to cover up his inner feelings: "Wanqin, is it more important to save your son now or to talk to others about it? I just I want to ask you, do you still want to save your son? "

Su Wanqin looked at him, her eyes fixed on him, looking at him as if he were a stranger: "Quan Lizhang, are you threatening me? I have been by your side for so many years without any name or status. I gave birth to a son for you, and you threatened me."

"What are you talking about?" Quan Lizhang frowned, very dissatisfied with Su Wanqin's attitude, but he couldn't get angry at this time.

Su Wanqin, a woman who has been with Quan Lizhang for decades, handles everything he does. She has never hidden anything he has done from Su Wanqin.

If he offended Su Wanqin, a secretive woman, Quan Lizhang knew that he would not reap the consequences.

After thinking about it, he added: "What do I threaten you with? Do you think there are other things more important than saving Dong Ming?"

"You didn't threaten me? I think you might be thinking about how to get rid of me." Both of them are from the same road, and they are both ruthless people.

The reason why Su Wanqin thinks this way is because if she were Quan Lizhang, once someone who has been with her for many years might have problems, she would also find a way to get rid of them, and the sooner the better.

Quan Lizhang's face darkened. This woman, Su Wanqin, really understood him. Even the fleeting thoughts in his mind could not be hidden from her.

In the past, Quan Lizhang thought it was a good thing to have such a considerate woman by his side to share his worries and solve his problems.

Now that I think about it carefully, Su Wanqin is not his caring little cotton-padded jacket but a bomb beside him, a powerful bomb that may explode anytime and anywhere and may blow him to pieces.

This bomb must be defused, otherwise he must be the one who dies without a burial place, Quan Lizhang made a decision silently in his heart.

He looked at Su Wanqin, and Su Wanqin was also looking at him. The two of them looked at each other. They used to look at her with pleasure, but now they look at her with displeasure.

Quan Lizhang felt regretful and resentful. Su Wanqin had been by his side for decades, but he was deceived by her and never saw her true face clearly.

While watching, Su Wanqin had an idea. She immediately looked at Long Yi: "Long Yi, as long as you promise to rescue my son, I will tell you the truth about the Long family's destruction."

Quan Lizhang, an old man, would never trust her again, he could no longer be relied upon.

No, to be precise, this man Quan Lizhang has never been reliable. This man is not a man who can give women a sense of security.

Su Wanqin is a very clear-headed person, and she saw the current situation clearly in a short period of time.

She knew that the person who could save Quan Dongming was Long Yi.

She had killed the woman named Yao, and no other woman appeared around Quan Lizhang. She had successfully become Quan Lizhang's only one.

Over the years, she had swallowed her humiliation and followed Quan Lizhang without knowing why, not just to prove that Quan Lizhang could only be her, or to make her the only one for him.

After her goal was achieved, Quan Lizhang naturally lost her use value. Su Wanqin would not be foolishly nostalgic for a man who had murderous intentions towards her.

If telling what happened back then could save her son, she could push the old man Quan Lizhang out without hesitation.

Long Yi did not answer Su Wanqin, gave her an inscrutable smile, and walked away with the people around him.

Quan Nanzhai and Long Yi knew who was the real murderer who visited the Long family a year ago. What they lacked was conclusive evidence.

Now that Su Wanqin's only son Quan Dongming is in his hands, how can Long Yi let Su Wanqin take the initiative? He has many ways to make Su Wanqin hand the evidence into their hands.

"Let Su Wanqin go, and then send someone to follow her. Every move she makes will be reported to me." Long Yi ordered his men as he walked.

"Yes." Long Tian received the order, turned around and went to do the work.

Only Pei Xuanzhi still walked side by side with Long Yi. Their families were among the top wealthy families in Country A, and there was no distinction between them in terms of status.

Along the way, neither of them said a word. After walking for a while, Long Yi suddenly stopped and looked sideways at Pei Xuanzhi: "Mr. Pei, do you really not blame Nan Zhai at all?"

Pei Xuanzhi was stunned for a moment, then said: "It's strange, of course it's strange. I've been with him for so many years, and he actually ignored me for a little girl and didn't reuse me. I'm really angry. I'm so angry that I want to betray him and let him go." He values ​​me."

Long Yi looked at Pei Xuanzhi with a strange look: "Mr. Pei, you are still single after so many years. Could it be that you like men?"

"Master Long." Pei Xuanzhi shook his head and sighed, "I am not lucky enough to meet a good girl like Miss Shen who is gentle, considerate and considerate, so I am destined to be alone in this life."

When Shen Lingxi was mentioned, Long Yi's expression darkened. The murder of the Long family was closely related to the Shen family, but the innocent Shen Lingxi was pushed out by the Shen family to use as a shield.

The false information that his men found before that pointed out that Shen Lingxi was the culprit who caused the Long family to be wiped out came from the hands of the Shen family.

I don't know what the Shen family's mentality was, and they actually forged such false information and pushed the unsuspecting Shen Lingxi into the fire pit.

If he continues to be stubborn and unwilling to believe Shen Lingxi, maybe something tragic has already happened to the two of them.

"Mr. Long, look, the snow has finally stopped and the sun has come out." Pei Xuanzhi looked out the window and cleverly changed the subject.

Long Yi also turned his head and looked out the window. The golden light in the white snow outside the window was very dazzling, but he did not look back.

After staring at the sun for a while, Long Yi said slowly: "When the sun comes out, it will sweep away all the haze, and everything will be fine."

Yes, everything will be fine!

It not only refers to the improvement of the current weather, but also refers to the current situation when Quan Nanzhai is in power.

They worked together to eliminate the rabble one by one and give the Beigong government led by Quan Nanzhai a bright future.

But there is still one step, a small step, to get evidence from Su Wanqin and find out the real murderer who destroyed the entire Long family.

Let the dozens of people in the Long family who died tragically rest in peace.

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