My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 952 I will marry you tomorrow

Chapter 952: I will marry you tomorrow

He must not know.

When she heard the news that he might have been killed, she felt like her world was falling apart.

Fortunately, he was fine. Fortunately, he was still standing by her side, watching the romantic night with her.

"I'm sorry!" Quan Nanzhai looked at Qin lelan and said with a deep voice and unspeakable apology.

"Brother Lie, why are you saying sorry to me again? You must have forgotten my words again. As I said, I only want you to be good." Her request is so simple, so simple, as long as he is good, nothing more. .

"Yes, I remember." He nodded, and couldn't help but tighten his grip on her, and suddenly thought of something, "Of course, I will take you to see something."

"Okay." She didn't ask him what he was taking her to see, but trusted her unconditionally. No matter where he took her, she would follow him closely without hesitation!

From the moment she recognized him, she was so determined!

The heavy snow has stopped, the sun is shining on the earth, and the temperature has risen several degrees today.

In addition, with the person he likes by his side, Qin leran still doesn't feel cold at all even when walking in the white snow.

Brother Qi Lie held her hand tightly, and his heat was transferred from his palm to her little by little, making her even warmer.

Feeling happy, Qin leran couldn't help but hum a cheerful song as he walked: "Hand in hand, let's walk together... I will marry you tomorrow..."

"Of course, you're still young, let's wait." Quan Nanzhai suddenly said this, and Qin leran frowned and pursed his lips dissatisfiedly at him, "brother lie, what are you thinking about? I'm singing .”

This man dared to laugh at her. Qin leran secretly vowed that when he formally proposed to her in the future, she would torture him severely and let him know what it means to have a woman's heart be as deep as the bottom of her heart.

"Sorry! I thought you were hinting at me." Quan Nanzhai raised his brows slightly, with a smile on his lips, making it clear that he was teasing her.

Qin leran: "..."

She kept this in mind so that he would look good to her in the future.

"What? Are you angry?" Quan Nanzhai pinched her face, "Okay, I admit that I am actually impatient. I have been waiting for you to grow up for many years."

Qin lelan was satisfied with this statement. She leaned into his arms and said, "I have already turned eighteen years old. I am already an adult."

This time, she really hinted to him, and he should understand, but Quan Nanzhai did not pick up her words and continued walking up the mountain with her in hand.

The heavy snow has been falling for a long time, and the path leading to the mountains is covered with thick snow. Every step will leave a deep footprint. After walking for a long time, Qin leran was too tired to walk, and his steps became heavier and heavier. .

"Of course..." Quan Nanzhai suddenly stopped, squatted down, and patted his back again, "Come up, I'll carry you."

Qin leran has a little vague memory. When she was four years old, brother lie was already very tall. Qin leran didn't know exactly how tall he was. Anyway, she just felt that he was like a giant.

At that time, she liked to pester him, asking him to hold her and let him carry her, but she just didn't want to walk on her own.

Brother lie felt very sorry for her. He couldn't bear to refuse any request she made. He would either hold her or carry her on his back, and even let her ride on his shoulders.

Now that she has grown up, how can he still...

Qin lelan stared blankly at his strong back, but did not climb up for a long time. First, she vaguely remembered some past events, and second, how could she be willing to make him tired.

"Of course, come up quickly." Quan Nanzhai urged.

"Brother Lie, I can walk by myself." She smiled at him, "I like you to hold me, so that I can be more like your girlfriend instead of like a child who relies on you."

Although in Qin lelan's memory, she also saw her cold father carrying her mother on his back, her and brother lie's situation was different from them.

She didn't want others to think that she was just a burden to brother lie.

Although many people think that marriage is for two people and don't care what others say, Qin leran doesn't think so.

Qin lelan believes that marriage is related to two families, and coupled with brother Falie's special status, their marriage may also be related to country A.

Brother Lie carries the burden of the entire country on his shoulders. He is not alone. She wants to stand by his side. While he recognizes her, she hopes to be recognized by his people.

"Girlfriend?" Quan Nanzhai tasted these three words carefully, his voice was soft and filled with indescribable tenderness and love.

Qin leran smiled coquettishly: "am I not your girlfriend?"

"Of course." He instinctively regarded her as his wife, but ignored that before she became his wife, she still had the identity of his girlfriend, "Then what's wrong with a boyfriend cheating on his girlfriend? ?”

Qin leran looked aggrieved: "brother lie, you don't listen to my opinion before we get married. When we get married in the future, will you bully me every day?"

"You little girl." Quan Nanzhai really had no choice but to follow her, holding her hand and continuing to move forward in the snow.

However, he didn't just hold her hand, he put an arm around her waist and helped her when she stepped into the deep snow.

After passing through a large snow park, they finally reached the top of the mountain. There was a sightseeing pavilion on the top of the mountain. Standing here, they could take in the entire Beigong complex.

"Brother Lie, it turns out there is such a beautiful place in the back hill of Beigong." Qin lelan looked around. The view here is excellent. Not only can he take in the scenery of Beigong, but he can also enjoy the beauty of the artificial lake on the left.

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "Well, this mountain is called Manshan. Like the artificial lake you saw, it is an artificial construction."

Qin leran was a little surprised: "How much manpower and material resources does it cost to build such a high mountain?"

"It should cost a lot. I haven't asked for details." Quan Nanzhai also looked at it for a week and said, "This mountain was built by my grandfather for my grandma."

"Brother Lie's great-grandfather must have loved your grandma very much." Qin leran remembered that her grandfather also loved her grandma, so he bought the mountain where he met her grandma and named it Yanran Mountain to prove their love.

"No." Quan Nanzhai's expression suddenly became a little sad, "My grandfather and my grandmother's marriage was also because of a political marriage. The only topics between them were politics and power, and nothing else."

He smiled helplessly: "The marriages between the two generations of the Quan family that I have come into contact with are all political marriages. I have never felt the warmth of family from them... Maybe this is because the Quan family dominates this country. There should be a price to pay.”

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