My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 954 When to meet father-in-law

Chapter 954: When to meet father-in-law

"Ran Ran……"

Quan Nanzhai has thousands of words to say to Qin leran, but apart from calling her name, he doesn't know what to say to her.

He looked at her face, which was flushed with cold, and her big, watery eyes, and his Adam's apple suddenly rolled twice impatiently.

Suddenly, before Qin lelan had time to react, he stretched out his big palm, grabbed the back of her head, pushed her towards him, lowered his head and kissed her hard.

His kiss was fierce and hungry, as if he had been waiting for thousands of years. Once he touched her warm and soft red lips, he was out of control.


Qin lelan seemed to want to call him, but her breath was almost swallowed up by him. She couldn't even utter a syllable and could only let him do whatever he wanted.

Qin leran sensitively felt that his kiss was different from any time he kissed her before.

In addition to the same strong desire for exclusivity as before, his kiss seemed to contain a lot of fear and worry.

Qin leran knew what he was afraid of. He was afraid of losing her, afraid that he would be left alone again, and he couldn't even find someone to talk to.

Wandering in the political whirlpool of power, Brother Lie has lost too much over the years. His closest relatives cannot trust him, and there are also spies planted by opponents in the Beigong.

It can be said that there are dangers all around him.

After a long time, when Qin leran was almost suffocated by his kiss, Quan Nanzhai finally let go of her. He stroked her red lips and smiled: "Do you like it?"

"Yeah. I like it." Qin leran nodded vigorously with a red face.

In front of Quan Nanzhai, Qin lelan never hides her true thoughts. If she likes it, she likes it. She has to say it, otherwise he won't know.

"Silly girl, didn't your mother teach you that as a girl, you should be more reserved?" He said he was scolding her, but his eyes and tone were so doting.

"Brother Lie, don't you like me to be more direct?" Because it's him, she can say whatever she thinks, and others definitely don't have this preferential treatment.

"I like it! No matter what Ranran is, I like it!" Just like her feelings for him, no matter what she becomes, he also likes her.

"Hehe..." Qin leran smiled happily and scratched his head sheepishly, "brother lie, can you promise me something?"

"Okay." He agreed without even asking her anything.

"Brother Lie, you promised so readily, aren't you worried that I will sell you?" Qin leran asked, nestling on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Are you willing to sell me?" He smiled softly, enjoying the time the two of them spent together. Even just standing like this, looking at the scenery below the mountain, he felt happy.

"Of course I can't bear it. Brother Lie is mine, how could I be willing to sell it to others." Qin lelan raised his head slightly, just in time to meet his gaze looking down at her, and his face couldn't help but turn redder.

Just looking at her shy look, Quan Nanzhai couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her again. After tasting her thoroughly again, he let her go and asked, "Silly girl, tell me, what's the matter?"

Qin leran said: "brother lie, after you finish handling these things, would you like to go to New York with me to meet my grandparents, parents, and parents during the Spring Festival this year?"

She has officially met his mother, and she also wants to formally introduce her parents to him, a formal introduction.

Officially telling her grandparents and parents that their Ranran has grown up and found the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with, and hopes they will fulfill her wish.

But brother lie has a special status, will he be willing to go?

Just when Qin lelan was not sure whether Quan Nanzhai was willing, Quan Nanzhai didn't ask any more questions, nodded heavily and said one word: "Okay."

Qin lelan had been mentally prepared for a long time before he had the courage to ask him for this request. After all, he had a special status and it was very troublesome to go abroad.

She thought he would at least hesitate and ask her to give him some time to think about it, but he didn't and answered so firmly.

"Brother Lie, have you really agreed? Don't you need time to think about it again? With your identity, going abroad is very troublesome. Do you really don't need time to think about it?" Qin lelan is worried that Brother Lie has not considered it. I took the initiative to raise these issues and let him consider them carefully.

"Silly girl, don't worry, I know what I'm doing. If you want to marry a wife and go home, how can you do it without meeting your future father-in-law and mother-in-law first?" He smiled, showing his white teeth, just like the sunshine today. Bright, brilliant and warm.

Quan Nanzhai knows that Qin Leran's father, Qin Yue, doesn't want to see him, and Qin Yue doesn't want him to become the Qin family's son-in-law. Now Qin Yue doesn't stop Qin Leran from interacting with him, just because Qin Yue loves this daughter.

No matter how much Qin Yue doesn't want to see him, no matter how much Qin Yue doesn't want him to be the son-in-law of the Qin family, he can endure any kind of blame for Qin lelan.

And he will work hard to make Qin Yue accept him, not because he loves his daughter, but because he recognizes his ability and his love for Qin leran.

Hearing Quan Nanzhai's affirmative answer, Qin lelan was happy and said: "brother lie, don't worry, my father looks cold, but he is warm inside. As long as he recognizes you, I will be as good to you as I am to you.”

"Well, Ranran is here, I have nothing to worry about." Quan Nanzhai hugged her, smelled the fragrance of her hair, and said softly.

Even though Quan Nanzhai knew that Qin Yue would never be as kind to him as he loved Qin lelan in his life, he didn't tell him.

After all, Qin Yue really held Qin leran's daughter in his hands and loved her. His love for Qin leran was unmatched by any man in the world.

Of course, similarly, there will be no man in this life who is capable and qualified to replace Qin Yue's position in Qin leran's heart, including him, Quan Nanzhai.

Qin lelan nuzzled in his arms, looked at the sun gradually going down in the distance, and said, "brother lie, the sun is going down soon. Let's go back."

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "Okay, we're going back."

Just after he finished speaking, Quan Nanzhai's cell phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and saw that it was Pei Xuanzhi calling.

Quan Nanzhai frowned when he saw the words "Pei Xuanzhi". He probably answered the call when it was about to hang up automatically, and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. President, are you still angry with me?" Pei Xuanzhi's voice came from the phone, which sounded a bit mean.

"You continue to reflect carefully." After saying that, Quan Nanzhai was about to hang up the phone.

Pei Xuanzhi on the other end of the phone screamed: "My dear President, it was you who asked me to be an undercover agent, and it was you who allowed me to be friends with that mother and son. I have made such a great contribution, so forget it if you don't reward me. Why are you still suspending me?"

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