My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 968 It’s better to fight than to quarrel

Chapter 968: Fighting is worse than quarreling


It seems that if he wants this family to be harmonious and happy, he has to mediate.

At the end of the war, he opened the door, put his hands on his hips, and acted like a young adult: "Dad, Mom, if you really dislike me, just throw me downstairs."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

It's their fault. If two people quarrel, they quarrel. Why should the child be involved?

At the end of Zhan Li, he said: "Dad, Mom, you are all adults. Stop doing such childish things, okay? It's better to have a good fight than to quarrel here. Quarreling can't solve the problem. Fighting can solve the problem." Faster."

Qin Xiaobao is ashamed!

Zhan Nianbei also looked ashamed.

The two adults were no better than a seven-year-old child.

No matter how ignorant or lawless this woman Qin Xiaobao is, she is still his own woman. He has nothing to argue with her.

Alas, forget it!

He forgave her.

Besides, Qin Xiaobao's bad habits are not all because of his pampering. In the final analysis, he is still to blame.

Thinking of this, Zhan Nianbei pulled Qin Xiaobao into his arms and rubbed her head: "It was my fault. I shouldn't be so stingy, let alone quarrel with you."

"You know you're wrong?" Qin Xiaobao is a typical woman who pushes herself too far. "If you know you're wrong, think about how to please me."

"Please?" You see, this woman just deserves a beating. Zhan Nianbei didn't want to have any more verbal quarrels with her, so he picked her up and put her on his shoulders, turned around and strode towards the room.

As he walked, he said: "At the end of the war, your mother and I have made peace. You go back to your room and go to bed. Don't meddle in adults' business."


When Zhan Li was about to speak, his father had already closed the door. From the loud sound, it seemed that his anger had not subsided.

He shook his head: "Mom, it's not that I don't want to save you, I might not be able to save you even if I want to. You'd better ask for your own blessings."

Zhan Nianbei carried Qin Xiaobao into the house. When he turned around, he didn't pay attention and hit Qin Xiaobao's head against the wall. The pain made her scream: "Zhan Nianbei, what are you going to do?"

Zhan Nianbei said unapologetically: "Well, I admitted my mistake to you, and now I want to formally apologize to you!"

Qin Xiaobao knew as soon as he heard that this man had no good intentions, and said hurriedly: "You put me down first, and we will talk about the apology slowly."

Zhan Nianbei said, "It's better to deal with this matter as soon as possible. It won't be good for either of us if we delay it any longer." He just wouldn't put her down, shaking her so hard that she was dizzy.

Qin Xiaobao tried to kick him, but couldn't, and shouted: "Zhan Nianbei, how on earth are you going to apologize?"

Zhan Nianbei sneered and asked slowly: "How do you think I can apologize to you?"

"Let me go first..." Before Qin Xiaobao could finish what he wanted to say, Zhan Nianbei threw him onto the bed.

Because he used too much force and threw it a little too much, her head hit the head of the bed, and the pain caused a small bump to form on her head in an instant.

Qin Xiaobao touched the small bag on his head and grinned in pain: "Zhan Nianbei, you old bastard, do you want to apologize or take revenge?"

She was so angry, so angry, so so angry. How could she believe that this man really knew he was wrong and wanted to apologize to her?

"Zhan Nianbei, what are you doing?" Why did this man start to take off his clothes?


Qin Xiaobao licked his lips shamelessly. This old man had such a good figure that he couldn't help but sin when he saw it.

Seeing Zhan Nianbei's good figure, she forgot about the pain in her head, and thought of images that were not suitable for children, which made her blood boil.

"Zhan Nianbei..."


Zhan Nianbei swallowed all her words, and he spent the whole night using his super fighting ability to apologize to Qin Xiaobao.

In the next few days, Qin Xiaobao's legs trembled and became weak when he walked.

Whenever she received strange looks from others, she would grit her teeth and curse: "Zhan Nianbei, you beast!"

He is simply not a human being. He is so old, how can he still be so fussy!

Time flies, and more than half a month has passed.

December 12, light snow turned sunny, Wednesday.

Today is the trial day for Quan Dongming’s case.

Quan Dongming's attempted murder case will be tried today at the Supreme People's Court of Linhai City, Country A. As soon as the news spread, reporters outside the court were crowded early in the morning.

After the last incident, people all over the country hated Quan Dongming with gnashing teeth, so reporters wanted to inform the people of the country about the progress of this matter as soon as possible.

Because the person Quan Dongming wanted to kill was the president of country A, and because Quan Dongming organized reactionaries to destroy the country's prosperity and stability, how could the citizens who longed for stability and prosperity not hate him.

Lin Jiacheng has made statistics. Even if Quan Dongming is not convicted and acquitted, Quan Dongming will become a street rat that everyone calls for beating.

The evidence for several crimes including attempted murder and undermining national stability and unity was conclusive, and Quan Dongming also admitted to all the crimes.

Not long after the trial, the Supreme People's Court of Linhai City, Country A, sentenced Quan Dongming to life imprisonment and deprived him of political power for life, with immediate effect.

After the news spread, people across the country were so happy that they shouted long live, long live the motherland, and their president made millions.

Everyone is praying to get rid of all the big pests that are harming the country, and praying for the health of the president, so that he can lead the people of country A towards a better future.

While people across the country are celebrating enthusiastically, there are also people hiding in dark corners who are still making their last desperate struggle.

Su Wanqin turned off the TV and turned her head to look at Quan Lizhang angrily: "Sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life. Is Quan Nanzhai doing this for you or me?"

After Quan Dongming was arrested, all the reactionaries surrounding Su Wanqin were arrested. Now there is no one she can discuss with except Quan Lizhang.

Quan Lizhang said slowly: "It's just a life sentence. At least Quan Nanzhai spared Dong Ming's life out of consideration for brotherhood."

Because he did not receive proper care these days, Quan Lizhang's physical condition was much worse than before. He would cough for a long time after saying a word.

Su Wanqin roared: "Quan Lizhang, are you blind? Does Quan Nanzhai care about brotherhood? If he cares about brotherhood, he will not take Dong Ming to the People's Court for trial."

Su Wanqin's heart bleeds when she thinks of her son being handcuffed, locked in a prison, and appearing in front of the people like a prisoner.

She was so hateful that she wished to peel off Quan Nanzhai's skin, wished to drink up Quan Nanzhai's blood, and wished to send Quan Nanzhai to the eighteenth level of hell.

Let Quan Nanzhai never stand up again.

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