My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 975 What he can do for you, I can do too!

Chapter 975: What he can do for you, I can do too!

"Of course, no need..." Qin Yinze used the last strength in his body and showed a bright smile, "That's good."

To die for her was a heavy stroke on her heart.

That's it, pretty good!

He told her with practical actions that what Quan Nanzhai could do for her back then, he, Qin Yinze, could also do for her.

Quan Nanzhai almost lost his life for her back then, which she could remember for more than ten years.

This time, Qin Yinze also wanted to be selfish and use death as a cruel method to make Qin lelan remember him.

Even if his life ended like this when he was less than thirty years old, as long as she could remember him firmly, it would be enough.

He felt that this business was a good deal, and it was the most cost-effective deal he had ever made in business.

Qin leran was so anxious that he broke down and cried: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't want anything to happen to you. If you dare to do anything, I will never forgive you in my life. Just hold on, I will carry you away now."

"Of course..." Don't cry! Qin Yinze no longer has the strength to say the next words.

He didn't want to see her cry, he didn't want to see her tears, he liked to see her smile.

he loves her!

He thought about getting her by force, about taking her as his own, but her bright smile told him that in fact, what he loved was her smile that was more beautiful than the mountains and rivers.

She loves to laugh, and everything around her loses color when she smiles.

He just loved watching her become the center of attention.

If he forcibly tied her to his side, he would never see her smile from the heart again, which was not what he wanted to see.

He couldn't tie her to him, but he could make her remember him.

Use such a cruel method to make her remember him firmly!

"I'll carry you away!" She wanted to take him for treatment and couldn't let anything happen to him.

"Of course..." Qin Yinze wanted to say something else. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a person climbing up from the crowd. His eyes widened in horror, "Of course, be careful..."

The man who got up was Quan Shihan who he had just knocked unconscious.

Quan Shihan stood up again, still holding the pistol that just shot Qin Yinze in his hand.

Qin Yinze wanted to get up and knock Quan Shihan down, but he no longer had the strength to move, so he could only talk to Qin Leran to save himself.

Quan Shihan was originally the son of the president and one of the future successors to the president. Later, he was forced by Quan Nanzhai to lose his qualifications as a successor, not to mention not even having a better place to live.

Suddenly going from being the heir to the president to being almost a beggar, Quan Shihan couldn't accept this gap and always wanted to come back and get rid of Quan Nanzhai.

He waited for several years for an opportunity, and he was not willing to let the two Qin family members ruin it.

He raised his gun and smiled crazily: "If you dare to ruin my good deeds, go to hell!"

When Qin leran heard Qin Yinze's warning, when she looked back, she saw Quan Shihan's gun pointed at her head.

damn it!

She was too careless. She only thought about Qin Yinze's injury, but didn't expect that the man could still get up.


It was gunfire.

The sound of the gunshot scared Qin lelan, but he subconsciously hugged Qin Yinze tightly.

But after the gunshot, Qin lelan didn't feel pain, as if the gunshot just now was just her hallucination.

Qin lelan raised his head slightly and saw that there was a hole between Quan Shihan's eyebrows at some point, and blood spurted out. He fell to the ground with a bang with his eyes wide open.

After Quan Shihan fell, Qin leran could see further, and therefore saw that there was someone standing behind Quan Shihan.

It was a man, a tall, strong, elegant and good-looking man.

He came with backlight, and Qin lelan couldn't see his face clearly, but as long as he stood here and looked at his steps, she could tell who he was.

Besides her brother, who else could it be?

She was waiting for him. She had been waiting for him for a long time. It seemed like she had been waiting for tens of millions of years. Finally, he came.

Just like years ago, he came to her like a superman and pulled her out of the dark vortex.

He is her-brother lie!

He strode to her side, took her into his arms and held her tightly: "Of course..."

He called her name, his voice hoarse like gravel.

"Brother Lie, save my brother! Save my brother!" Seeing him was like seeing a savior, and her tears flowed more unscrupulously.

"Okay!" He wanted to hold her tightly, kiss her hard, and prove in a more direct way that she was still standing by his side, but there were more important things to do.

Qin Yinze, who was lying on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, with warm and wet tears flowing from the corners of his eyes.

He wanted Qin leran to accompany him to the last moment of his life alone, but that damn Quan Nanzhai came.

That man Quan Nanzhai is a mountain that he can never replace or surpass in his life. He is really a disgusting existence.

Maybe this is fate. Quan Nanzhai was born in this world. After he had a relationship with the Qin family, he sent Qin Yinze to the Qin family.

Qin Yinze doesn't know what happened next. He lost all consciousness in his brain.

National People's Hospital of Country A.

One hour has passed, two hours have passed, three hours have passed... Twelve hours have passed...

The emergency light at the door of the emergency room was still on, and the doctor was still busy operating in the operating room.

Outside the rescue room, there were two people waiting, but neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was eerily silent.

Qin lelan huddled in the corner, not eating, drinking or talking. She ignored even her brother lie talking to her.

So much time has passed, and Qin Yinze's life or death in the operating room is uncertain. She can do nothing but wait. This feeling is close to despair.

"Of course..." Quan Nanzhai wanted to persuade her, but didn't know what to say.

They are all looking forward to it, looking forward silently, hoping that the operation will go well, that Qin Yinze will be fine, and that Qin Yinze will get better.

But they all know very well that the longer the operation is delayed, the smaller the chance that Qin Yinze will be able to escape.

"Of course..." Quan Nanzhai took Qin lelan into his arms, but after all, he said nothing.

At this time, any words are feeble, but a warm hug is more powerful than any words.

"Qin, Mr. are here!"

Outside the corridor, Chang Li's trembling voice suddenly came.

Qin lelan and Quan Nanzhai turned back at the same time and saw Qin Yue leading several doctors in white coats walking towards them with elegant steps.

"Dad?" Qin leran couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes. Why did his father come so quickly?

"Yes." Qin Yue nodded lightly and turned to the doctor, "You go in now to understand the situation. No matter how serious the situation is, you must rescue the person. I want him alive."

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