My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 977 Are you bullying your daughter like this?

Chapter 977: Are you bullying your daughter like this?

"Dad, maybe in your opinion, there's nothing good about him, but I just like him." This was Qin lelan's answer to Qin Yue.

To love someone, you really don't need a reason or a reason. Even when she didn't know it, she had a deep love for this man.

Seeing him happy, she was happy too; seeing him worrying about state affairs, she also worried; her mood fluctuated with his fluctuations.

"You..." Qin Yue clenched his fists. After all, he still couldn't bear to see his daughter sad and swallowed everything he wanted to say.

He didn't want to stop her from being with anyone, but he really didn't like that boy Quan Nanzhai and felt that that boy was not worthy of his daughter.

[But to put it another way, President Qin might ask you to choose a son-in-law from all the young men in the world, but you still wouldn’t be able to choose a son-in-law that you are satisfied with. 】

"Dad, I know you have fire in your heart. If you want to hit someone, then hit me." Qin lelan knelt on the ground with a pop, "I just ask you not to hurt brother lie."

"Ran Ran……"

Qin Yue and Quan Nanzhai called her at the same time, and the two big men rushed to her side at the same time, trying to help her up. This encounter was full of gunpowder.

Quan Nanzhai beat Qin Yue to Qin leran: "This matter started because of me. If President Qin wants to beat someone, I am willing to bear it. Don't do anything stupid."

Qin Yue frowned.

Look, look, look at this eloquent guy who knows how to say nice things to coax his daughter. Qin Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Quan Nanzhai coldly.

The way he looked at Quan Nanzhai was as if Quan Nanzhai was a human trafficker who abducted young girls. No matter how he looked at him, people couldn't help but want to beat him up.

"No, brother lie, you are not wrong, it is me who is wrong. If I were more alert, if I were stronger, then those bad guys wouldn't be able to catch me, and my brother wouldn't be lying on the operating table, and neither would you. I'll get beaten. In the end, it's all my fault." Strong self-blame filled Qin leran's heart, and she felt that it all happened because of her.

She can't blame her father for beating brother lie, and she can't blame brother lie for not protecting her well. All this is her own fault and has nothing to do with anyone else.

"Of course..." Quan Nanzhai hugged her distressedly. Once again, he didn't know how to persuade her. He could only hold her tightly and let her know that he was there.

"Is this how you bully our daughter?"

A crisp and gentle female voice suddenly came, making Qin Yue, who was standing upright, stiff, and felt uncomfortable all over his body.

Before the daughter's matter was settled, Jian Ran came again... He was really one of the two... Qin Yue raised his hand to push the frame of his glasses on the bridge of his nose, closed his mouth and did not dare to say another word.

Jian Ran took the little cutie and walked a few steps. She walked to Qin Yue and took a look at him, then ignored him and went straight to Qin lelan and Quan Nanzhai.

She looked at Quan Nanzhai and asked softly: "Mr. Quan, can you hand Ranran to me first?"

Quan Nanzhai nodded.

"Mom..." Just hearing her mother's voice, Qin lelan's tears that she had forcibly held back flowed down her face, "I, I..."

She wanted to explain something, but she was so choked up that she couldn't say a complete sentence.

Seeing her daughter crying so hard that her body was twitching, Jian Ran felt very distressed. She hugged Qin lelan into her arms and rubbed her head gently: "Of course, mom is here. Tell me any grievances you have. Mom will give me a message." You decide."

Qin lelan wiped his tears and shook his head: "I have no grievances. It's my fault. It's my ignorance. It's my uselessness. It's all my fault."

"Of course, you are the most outstanding child in our family. There is nothing wrong with you." Her child has been outstanding since childhood, but nothing is wrong with her.

It's all the fault of that man Qin Yue. She told him countless times when they were together, not to hurt her daughter's sweetheart, never.

See, he just didn't listen to her, beat his future son-in-law, and even scared his daughter to this point. If he regrets it in the future, she will never help.

"Mom, you don't have to persuade me. I know it's all my fault. It was me who made my brother injured, and it was me who made my father angry." Qin lelan shed tears and scolded himself.

Jian Ran interrupted her: "Of course, don't talk nonsense, you are right. Your brother wants to protect you, but your father is an old fool."

Are you confused?

Qin Yue's face darkened, his eyes showing dissatisfaction.

He is only in his forties, which is the golden age of a man's life. In Jian Ran's eyes, he is already old and confused?

This woman!


"Sister, dad has brought many excellent doctors here. Brother will be fine. Don't cry. Mom will be sad if you cry." The little cutie who has been ignored tugged on Qin leran's clothes and calmly said with his soft voice said.

"Yes, our little cutie is right. However, don't worry, Aze will definitely get better, and your dad will also figure it out." Jian Ran touched Qin lelan's face, "Okay, now for other things Don’t even think about it, take your brother lie to a doctor to have his face treated. If it’s not treated in time, it will be bad.”


"Go ahead. I'll keep an eye on you and your dad. Everything will be fine."

"Yeah." Qin leran nodded.

"Mr. Quan, please look at our family's Ran Ran for us." Jian Ran looked at Quan Nanzhai again with soft eyes.

She spoke politely to him, but looked at him with eyes that were not alienated and distant. She had determined that Quan Nanzhai would be her son-in-law in the future.

"Yes." Quan Nanzhai is not good at pleasing his elders, and his attitude is so calm and almost indifferent when he speaks.

As soon as they left, Jian Ran looked at Qin Yue and shook her head: "You."

Qin Yue ignored her.

He was still angry with her.

Why bother with her?

Jian Ran added: "Are you happy that you made our Ran Ran cry?"

Qin Yue still didn't speak.

It happens every time.

When he and Jian Ran disagreed, Jian Ran kept chattering alone, while Qin Yue listened honestly without saying a word.

Jian Ran was a little angry: "Qin Yue, do you think what I said is wrong?"

Qin Yue remained coldly silent and said nothing.

Jian Ran bit her lip: "Qin Yue, don't do this every time. I'm going to be angry if you don't speak."

"I have nothing to say." He didn't think he had done anything wrong. If it weren't for his daughter's sake, he would definitely have Quan Nan Zhai chopped up and fed to the dogs.

Besides, his reluctance to speak was not because of his daughter's affairs, but because this woman, Jian Ran, just said that he was old and confused.

"You have nothing to say?" Jian Ran was almost furious at Qin Yue's attitude. She allowed herself to endure it again and again before she could talk to him properly, "Then we won't mention Ran Ran's matter today. You should tell me anyway. It’s about Aze.”

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