Chapter 980: What do you want?

The doctor said the operation was successful, but whether Qin Yinze can wake up depends on his luck.

These words of resignation hit Qin leran on the head like a muffled thunder, making her brain as chaotic as a pot of paste.

"No, no, no... I don't want anything to happen to him, I want him to wake up." She shook her head and murmured, her body went limp and she fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Quan Nanzhai was standing behind her, and he helped her in time before she was about to come into close contact with the hard ground.

Quan Nanzhai held her in his arms and called her name distressedly: "Ranran..."

Qin leran was scared and worried, so worried that he wanted to cry, but his tears seemed to have dried up and he could no longer shed a tear: "brother lie, I don't want anything to happen to him, he can't."

Quan Nanzhai patted her back and comforted softly: "You have to believe in your brother. If the operation is successful, he will definitely wake up."

"I don't know." No amount of comfort at this moment can calm Qin lelan's inner fear and uneasiness. She is thinking about some messy things.

Just in case, just in case...

What if Qin Yinze never wakes up in this life...

No, no, no, she doesn't want to show up "in case".

She must ask Qin Yinze to wake up and let Qin Yinze live well.

Even if Qin Yinze still likes to meddle in her business after waking up, she just lets him do it. From now on, she will listen to him in everything she wants.

She wanted to wait for him to wake up and tell everyone in front of him that he was her brother, the only brother she recognized in her life.

She broke away from Quan Nanzhai's arms and took a step forward: "Doctor Jim, no matter how much money it costs, no matter what the price, I must make my brother wake up."

JIM looked troubled: "Miss Qin, this..."

Qin Yue suddenly took over and said in a cold voice: "Jim, whether he wakes up or not depends on his luck. Can this also call the operation a success?"

Qin Yue said one sentence and left Dr. JIM speechless.

JIM was really ashamed. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "Mr. Qin, my team and I have tried our best during the operation. As for whether the eldest young master can wake up, the medicine doesn't matter much, it still depends on of his own will.”

Qin Yue asked again: "Personal willpower?"

Doctor JIM added: "Yes. He has strong willpower and a strong desire to survive, so he will definitely be able to wake up."

Qin Yue suddenly smiled coldly, and his voice became a little gloomier: "Jim, who do you think I am, Qin Yue? It's okay for you to deceive others with your deceptive tricks, but you dare to say it here."

JIM was sweating on his forehead and said in a panic: "Mr. Qin, it's not like I'm desperate for my life. How could I have the guts to talk nonsense in front of you?"

Qin Yue added: "Every time you doctors encounter situations where you are not 100% sure, you use your willpower to shirk responsibility. I will tell you today that our Qin family has never been a people who accept fate. I don't care what method you use. , I just want the results I want.”

Who is Qin Yue?

He is the helmsman of Shengtian Group, the largest chaebol group in the world. He has been in charge of Shengtian for decades and has been in the business world through ups and downs for decades. He has never seen any big scenes.

In one sentence, he wanted to say that he had to leave his son to fate whether he could wake up. Did Qin Yue look like a person who would leave it to fate?

of course not!

JIM also knew it. Just because he knew Qin Yue's identity, he still had to say something: "Mr. Qin, you are trying to force someone to do something difficult."

JIM had never dealt with Qin Yue before, but Qin Yue's name had long been known to him, and he couldn't be more familiar with this big shot.

It was because he was unilaterally familiar with Qin Yue and knew that what Qin Yue cared about most was not Shengtian but his family that JIM had the courage to say such a thing.

"What do you want?" Qin Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at JIM. JIM didn't say anything, but Qin Yue had clearly seen the desire in JIM's eyes.

A person who is full of desire and restless, all he wants is money, and what Qin Yue does not lack most in his life is money.

As long as someone can cure Qin Yinze, Qin Yue will definitely ask someone to prepare a generous gift after paying the due fee. And if that person needs any help in the future, he only needs to approach the Qin family, and Qin Yue will I will definitely not stand idly by.

However, it is obvious that JIM is not a smart person. Before the eldest young master of the Qin family wakes up, he is thinking about getting more things from Qinyue.

Qin Yue has always disliked this kind of person, and those who dare to stumble him at critical moments will never have any good results.

"Mr. Qin, I really have no choice. How can I dare to make demands of you." JIM still wanted to show off, after all, he would never gain any advantage by directly confronting Qin Yue.

"I'll give you one last chance." Qin Yue said calmly, but the look he looked at JIM was sharp and terrifying.

Qin Yue never breaks his promise. If he says it is the last chance, then it is the last chance. There is absolutely no possibility of two more chances.

JIM knew very well. Besides, he didn't say what he wanted. Qin Yue proposed it. What reason did he have not to say anything?

He covered his mouth and whispered softly: "Mr. Qin, I heard that you photographed the world's unique Pink Night Pearl in Dubai last year."

It turns out that this is what JIM wants.

Qin Yue understood.

He smiled: "You want it?"

JIM said: "My mother is very interested in rare treasures in the world. She is old and will not live for many years. I want to make her happy every time."

He is really a despicable and shameless person who can use his mother as a shield at this time. Qin Yue has completely seen through this person.

The pink luminous pearl, which is unique in the world, was bought by Qin Yue at a price of 19.9 billion. As for why she wanted to shoot it, the reason is simple, just because Jian Ran likes it.

At that time, Qin Yue went to Dubai on a business trip, and Jian Ran was with him.

On that business trip, the hotel they stayed in in Dubai happened to be the main venue of the auction. Jian Ran saw the pink night pearl on the promotional poster and sighed how beautiful it was. Qin Yue took her to the auction that night and put the pink night pearl After taking the photo, he personally delivered it to her.

Qin Yue never throws money around. He buys nearly 20 billion worth of things whenever he wants. Apart from the fact that Jian Ran likes it, I'm afraid there's no other reason.

If the pink luminous pearl is not what Jian Ran likes, and JIM wants it, Qin Yue may have someone take it out for JIM to play with for two days, and then he will have many ways to get JIM to hand it back.

However, if Jian Ran likes the pink night pearl, then it will be in vain for JIM to want it.

Someone was actually thinking about the gift he gave to Jian Ran. A fierce murderous intention flashed in Qin Yue's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, so fast that no one noticed it.

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