My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 992 Leaving a message and running away

Chapter 992: Leave a message and run away

"Miss Qin, Master Qin left a letter and ran away." In the morning, Qin lelan rushed to the hospital early like a fine person, and received a letter from the doctor.

"What did you say?" Qin lelan couldn't believe it. He rushed into the ward in a few steps. The big bed in the ward was indeed empty.

"Brother..." She shouted anxiously and walked around the ward. Qin Yinze was nowhere to be seen. Only then did she confirm that Qin Yinze, who had been lying on this hospital bed for more than half a month, was gone.

Why did a seriously injured and unconscious patient suddenly disappear?

"Chang Li, go quickly and adjust the surveillance to see who has done anything. No matter who captured him, I must rescue him."

Maybe the news of Qin Yinze's disappearance was so shocking that Qin lelan forgot that she still held the letter that the doctor had just given her in her hand, and instinctively thought that Qin Yinze had been taken away.

"Miss, the young master was not kidnapped. He left on his own." Chang pointed at the letter in Qin lelan's hand. "This is the letter he left for you. Open it and read it."

"He left by himself? Why?" In a daze, Qin leran slowly opened the letter the doctor gave her. When she opened the envelope, familiar handwriting came into her eyes.

"Of course, when you read this letter, I should leave. As for where I'm going, I don't know. The world is a big place and you can settle down anywhere. I think I should be able to find a place to settle down soon. Please don’t worry about me.”

"The point I want to tell you is not where I am going, but what I want to tell you is that I hope you will always be happy, like a little sun, warming everyone around you."

Seeing this, unknowingly, Qin leran's tears were out of control like a flood that broke a bank, and her vision was blurred by the tears.

Brother lie disappeared, and he left her behind. They both used the same method to avoid her. What did she do wrong?

She did something wrong and hurt them. They could tell her and she could change it in the future, but the two of them didn't tell her anything and just disappeared quietly from her eyes.

He said in the letter that he wanted her to be like a little sun that could warm everyone around her. Did he know that she just wanted to bring him warmth?

She wanted to let him know that he would always be a part of the family and her brother Qin lelan, but he disappeared like that without giving her a chance.

"Miss, you..." Chang Li watched Qin leran's hand holding the letter tremble and tried to remind her.

"I'm fine." Qin lelan bit his lip, raised his hand and wiped away his tears before he could see the contents of the letter clearly again.

Qin Yinze also wrote in the letter: "When I was eleven years old, it was your words that made me stay in the Qin family, so that my orphan son finally had a family. Over the years, in order to integrate into this Family, I’ve been working hard.”

"I know that after my parents recognized me as their son, they loved me as their own son and never treated me as an outsider. But I also wanted to prove myself. I didn't want to embarrass them or hear other people's opinions. It is said that the adopted son of the Qin family is not as good as others, so I, who is not very talented, can only work harder than others. "

He always says that he is not smart enough, but how do people who are not smart know how to work hard?

How can an unintelligent person always get first place in academic performance?

How could an unintelligent person manage the branch that his father entrusted to him in such an orderly manner.

He is obviously a very smart person.

"Of course, the Qin family has given me too much, but I can't give anything back to the Qin family. I will ask Chu Yuan to transfer the shares that my father transferred to me back to him for me... I still have a lot to say to you. , but now I don’t know what else to say to you. However, take care! If we are destined, we will meet again!”


They all left, leaving her alone, letting her be a little sun to illuminate others. Do they really think she is a little fairy sent by God to save the world?

No, not really, she is just an extremely ordinary girl. She has someone she likes. She wants to have children for the man she likes, and live an ordinary life like many others.

They didn't know what she was thinking, so they abandoned her.

Qin lelan is sick!

Just like that time more than ten years ago, after brother lie disappeared, she became ill with longing for him and her high fever refused to go away!

Jian Ran saw this and was anxious in her heart: "Doctor, why can't her fever go down?"

It's been a whole night, and the body temperature has been so high. If the fever continues, it will definitely burn out her head. Jian Ran can't wait to feel pain for Qin leran.

"Mrs. Qin, Miss Qin has a knot in her heart. She becomes depressed and has a high fever. Medication can only help her with these symptoms. To get better, she must relieve the knot in her heart." The doctor said.

"I know." It's not that Jian Ran doesn't know what the doctor said, she just needs their Qin Yue to figure it out, otherwise their child will have to be caught between his father and his sweetheart.

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry." His head was burned, and Qin lelan still wanted to not let his mother worry about her.

"Of course... take a rest and stop talking." Jian Ran immediately reached out and touched her forehead. It was still very hot, making her heart ache.

"Mom, have you found your brother?" Qin leran tried to open her eyes wide, but because of her poor physical strength, she couldn't open them wide. She couldn't see her mother clearly.

"Your brother left a message asking us not to look for him. He wants to live the life he wants, and his injury is healed, so your dad respects his wishes." When Qin Yinze was mentioned, Jian Ran's nose became sore. , almost shed tears.

Even if Qin Yinze was not the child she gave birth to, she was the child she raised. How could she not be heartbroken when she suddenly disappeared?

"As long as my brother is fine." Qin lelan muttered softly and closed her eyes in a daze. After a while, she frowned again, as if she had encountered something terrible, "Brother Lie...Brother Lie... …”

She kept calling the name of the person in her heart: "Brother Lie... Brother Lie, you won't leave me alone."

"No, he has left everything in country A to come to our Ranran. How could he be willing to leave you alone?" Jianran held Qin leran's hand to comfort her, but Qin leran had such a high fever that he couldn't listen to her words.

Qin leran, who was confused by the fever, fell asleep. When she fell asleep, she had a dream, a beautiful dream.

In her sweet dream, her brother lie was sitting at the head of her bed, holding her hand tightly and looking at her tenderly.

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