Chapter 994: Start over

Three months later.

All things revive and spring flowers bloom.

Jiangbei Shengtian Headquarters.

This is already the eighty-eighth day that Qin lelan entered Shengtian as an intern.

As the daughter of Shengtian, Qin leran did not hold an important position as soon as she entered Shengtian. Instead, like many interns, she started from the lowest level.

But because Qin leran was brought up by her father, she was influenced by Qin Yue's side, and she also studied with Qin Yue in the past three months. Compared with other people's ability to control the business, her progress can be said to be huge. of.

After the internship period, she successfully passed the formal entry assessment based on her own ability, killed a large number of interns in an instant, and successfully came to the secretarial team of Shengtian President's Office to start the second cycle of study.

In the past, when Qin Yinze was here and someone shared Shengtian's burden for her, she never worried about Shengtian's future.

But things are different now. The eldest brother has left and the little cutie is only eight years old. She must shoulder her own burden so that her father will not be so tired.

"Le Ran, the meeting at two o'clock is about to start, but I haven't prepared the materials that Special Assistant Liu asked me to prepare. Can you help me?" This is an experienced secretary from Qin Yue's secretarial team. , is usually known for her carefulness in doing things, but for some reason, she has made this kind of stupid mistake for the third time recently.

The first two times, Secretary Qian was so anxious that she almost cried. Qin leran said nothing and helped her prepare the materials together. Fortunately, she made it in time and did not delay the meeting.

It is said that things can only last three seconds. When the secretary asked Qin lelan for help for the third time, she smiled apologetically: "Secretary Qian, I will help you prepare the materials, but after the meeting, I hope you will take the initiative to submit your resignation."

Secretary Qian was surprised: "Why, why?"

Qin leran said calmly: "In just one month, there were three secretaries who failed to complete the work ordered by their superiors. I think our Mr. Qin does not need it."

Secretary Qian was stunned and immediately explained: "Leran, you also know that it's not that I don't work hard, but that I forgot about it for a while."

Qin leran said while helping Secretary Qian prepare the information: "Secretary Qian, you'd better tell Assistant Liu about these reasons of yours. It's useless to tell me."

Secretary Qian said anxiously: "Leran, I know I was careless, but please believe me, I will never make the same mistake next time."

Qin lelan looked back at her: "Secretary Qian, that's what you told me the first time and the second time, and I believed you. But people's feelings cannot withstand deception, whether in life or at work. .”

Qin leran's attitude was firm. Secretary Qian was anxious. He stretched out his hand to pull Qin leran and begged, "Leran, please help me this time because I am old and young. I promise..."

Qin lelan decisively interrupted Secretary Qian and said seriously: "Secretary Qian, many employees in Shengtian are old and young. Do you know that it may be a small mistake by someone in our team? Our contract has If the negotiation fails, many Shengtian employees, both senior and junior, will lose their jobs. Since we have chosen this job, we must do our best and not always make excuses for ourselves."

Secretary Qian: "..."

Secretary Qian lowered his head slightly. He could no longer find a reason to explain, and he was convinced by Qin leran's last words.

"Mr. Qin, are you satisfied with Ran Ran's performance these days?" At this point, Jian Ran knew that her question was a bit redundant. She could tell by looking at Mr. Qin's expression whether he was satisfied or not.

Clearly knowing that their Mr. Qin was satisfied with Qin lelan's performance, Jian Ran asked because she wanted to hear Mr. Qin personally praise her daughter.

"Yeah." Unexpectedly, Qin Yue nodded and hummed, and had no intention of saying any other words of praise.

"Is that all you want?" Jian Ran took a deep breath, and then another. After a few more breaths, she could allow herself to continue talking to him calmly.

"She is my daughter. She is decisive in her work and never uses emotion in her work. Isn't that what she should be? What else can I say?" Qin Yue pressed the blind button to block the view of the office outside.

"You can still speak." Finally hearing Qin Yue praising Qin Lelan, Jian Ran raised her eyebrows and smiled softly, "You have been bad at talking all your life. You have to know that sometimes saying nice things will make people around you happy. You can also win the favor of others.”

"I don't need it." It's enough that she has a good impression of him. As for other people, Qin Yue really doesn't think it matters.

"You're always like this." With Qin Yue's personality, Jian Ran really had no way to deal with him. She shook her head helplessly, "Sometimes, I always wonder, if you didn't have this kind of personality, would you have done it before you got to know me? , you have been chased away a long time ago."

"No!" Qin Yue answered quickly and firmly this time.

He is not a cabbage in the vegetable market. If it looks good, people can pick it at will.

He is the leader of Shengtian, and he has the final say on who to choose or not to choose.

Jian Ran is the only woman he wants in his life.

Meeting his affectionate eyes, Jian Ran suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Okay, you go to the meeting, I'll wait for you in the office. Whatever you want to eat tonight, I'll cook it when you get home."

"You." Qin Yue replied with another simple and powerful word.

"Qin Yue, you..." This man is really more immoral as he gets older. Others will definitely misunderstand what it means to eat her.

Just when Jian Ran was almost ashamed of herself, Qin Yue said seriously: "In a few days, I will go out with you for a walk."

"You don't have to take time to go out with me. No matter where you are, as long as you are with me, I will be happy." Jian Ran straightened his tie and said, "Go and do your work. Don't always delay your work because of me."

For Jian Ran, as long as Qin Yue is there, it is paradise. On the contrary, even if she goes to a place as beautiful as heaven, she will not feel beautiful if Qin Yue is not there.

Qin Yue said: "Shouldn't it be that I have delayed my time with you because I am busy with work?"

"That's so nice to say." To be honest, she came to see her daughter quietly today. Who knew she was caught by Qin Yue and brought to the office to accompany him.

After being caught by him, she could no longer say that she was not here to find him. If she did, this stingy man would probably ignore her for another night.

"Jian Ran..."

"Huh?" Why did he suddenly call her in such a gentle voice?

Qin Yue said seriously: "I told you that I like you, you don't have to worry about me changing my heart."

Jian Ran was stunned, why did he suddenly say this? When had she worried that he would change his mind?

Qin Yue said again: "Whether you are with me or not, I will take your feelings into consideration. Don't worry about this."

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