Chapter 996: Watching a movie

"Ordinary couples go on a date!" Yao Lie thoughtfully repeated what Qin lelan had just said. After thinking about it, he said again, "Of course, sit down, let's go on a date today."

Qin lelan immediately sat down, pulled up the seat belt buckle, and asked, "brother lie, where should we go on a date?"

As Yao Lie started the car, he glanced sideways at her and asked, "Well, where do couples usually like to go on dates?"

"Let me think about it." Qin leran held his head and thought for a while, "Ordinary couples seem to have a lot of activities when dating. For example, the most common one is going to the cinema to watch a movie together."

Activities like watching movies are low-cost and allow you to bathe in an imaginative world together. Therefore, watching movies all year round has become the most popular date item for couples.

As long as Qin lelan is happy, Yao Lie can do anything. When she said it, he nodded immediately: "Okay, let's go watch a movie today."

To be honest, for people like Qin leran and Yao lie, the theater at home is definitely no worse than the cinema. When they grow up, they have never gone to the cinema to watch a movie.

"Brother Lie, do you have a movie you want to watch?" On the way to the cinema, Qin lelan checked it out on the mobile ticket purchase app. The most popular movies recently are European and American science fiction blockbusters.

The main purpose of her date with her brother lie is of course to fall in love, and falling in love naturally involves watching romance movies. While watching people fall in love, she can also learn from them, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"I listen to you, you can watch whatever you want." Yao Lie came out with her. Watching her was more pleasing to the eye than watching any scenery. As for watching any movies, he really wasn't interested.

"I don't have anything I like to watch." As he said this, Qin lelan scrolled down and found a movie called "Love Was Very Close to Me".

One look at the title of this film will make people think that this is definitely an adaptation of a novel about youth pain, even for a girl of eighteen or nineteen like Qin lelan.

"Brother Lie, let's watch this movie called "Love Was Very Close to Me"." When consulting Yao Lie for his opinion, Qin lelan selected two couple-seat packages for the latest show and paid quickly.

"Okay." Yao Lie nodded, and she didn't give him a chance to say no.

When she came to the cinema to pick up the couple tickets purchased on the mobile app, Qin lelan saw other couples still holding popcorn, so she asked Yao Lie to buy popcorn and Coke.

Holding a large bucket of popcorn, Qin lelan said while eating: "Brother Lie, the popcorn you bought is so delicious. It is the most delicious popcorn I have ever eaten in my life."

She is really brother lie's super little fan girl. No matter what he does or what he buys for her, she can praise him in different ways.

"You girl." Yao Lie poked her head lovingly and chuckled, "What virtues and abilities can I, Yao Lie, have in my life to make you like me so much?"

"Brother Lie, if you ask that, I have to think about this problem carefully." She ate popcorn and pretended to be thinking seriously, which made Yao Lie shake his head and chuckle.

After thinking carefully, Qin leran came to the conclusion: "brother lie, I think it is most likely that you did too many good things in your previous life, so that I will love you so much in this life."

"Then I will try to do more good things in this life. I hope I can meet you again in the next life and make you fall in love with me." Yao Lie said with a smile.

In the past, in the center of the power struggle, he engaged in intrigues with others, played all his tricks, and wore a mask to everyone. Now that he has taken off the burden from his shoulders and lived such a leisurely life, he realized that there are still people in this world. This is how we live.

This group of people may not have any power or money to spend, but they have loved ones by their side and their families by their side.

In a lifetime, just a few decades, some people fight for power all their lives, but in the end they end up being beaten by everyone.

There are also people who live an ordinary life, seemingly mediocre and inactive, but in the end they are sent away by a family full of descendants, with a smile on their lips when they leave.

A person's life is really not long. Being able to come into this world crying and leave this world with a smile should be the most ideal state.

Qin leran said with a smile: "Then I will do more good deeds. I hope I can meet brother lie in the next life and let him be my brother lie."

Yao Lie nodded: "Okay."

In the next life, they will definitely meet each other again, and they will definitely make each other fall in love with them, and make each other the only one.

The two of them sat in the waiting area, chatting as if no one else was around. No one noticed that their appearance caused quite a stir.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women has always been eye-catching, especially a couple like them who are not only beautiful but also elegant. They have locked everyone's eyes as soon as they appear.

By the time Yao Lie noticed that someone was looking at him without any worries, it was already time to check in.

Receiving the woman's gaze on him, he raised his eyebrows, hugged Qin lelan, and told the women clearly that he had a girlfriend.

Qin leran was very smart and understood brother lie's intention instantly: "hehe... I'm sorry, everyone, this man is my boyfriend, so stop staring at him and drooling."

It felt so good to openly treasure this man to everyone, and Qin lelan wanted to do it a few more times.

However, the others are all discerning people. No matter how much they grow, no matter how popular they are, they all have their own owners, and it is not their turn. They all dispersed, without giving Qin lelan a chance to show off.

Qin lelan was proud of scaring away a group of women who were drooling at Brother Lie: "Brother Lie, the tickets have been checked. Let's go in quickly."

Yao Lie nodded: "Well, let's go in."

After checking in and entering the couple's seat in the giant screen hall, Qin lelan was as happy as a child. Everything he saw was very novel: "Brother lie, can we come here more often in the future?"

"You like it?" he asked.

"Of course I like having you with me," she replied.

Speaking of which, Qin Leran's father, Qin Yue, deserves the greatest credit for making Qin leran so happy after their first date.

Because Qin Yue was dissatisfied with Yao Lie, his future son-in-law, Qin lelan rarely took him home, and the two of them could only date outside.

And because both of them are very busy at work, Yao Lie often travels on business and Qin leran studies in Shengtian, so the two of them have very little time to date.

Qin leran thought that he had to work hard so that he could help his father share some of the burden in two years. Yao Lie promised Qin Yue that he would triple the company's performance within two years.

In order to successfully marry Qin leran home, he could only keep working hard and working hard again.

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