My Infinite Life

: Saya Game: Karma

Since the unexpected arrival of the reincarnation Lin Feng and the news of the arrest order of the Lord God, the senior personnel of the Nagado forces have understood that the grievances of their own people and the Lord God's space have not been completely broken.

Nagato and Saya, who have understood the power of cause and effect for a long time, understand that if the marriage is not broken, unless one of the two sides of the relationship is accidentally completely annihilated, one day in the endless years, they will meet again!

Waiting passively has never been the style of Nagato and the high-level forces deeply influenced by Nagato-

After getting the information of the Lord God's space, and even personally breaking the plot of the Lord God's space, Saya launched a total of hundreds of Saya. It took a long time to work out a battle plan against the Lord God!

After knowing that the Lord God had listed himself as the No. 1 wanted criminal, the high-level forces of Naruto decided unanimously to completely bombard the entire Lord God space into scum, or devour it. In short, no more troubles would be left.

Saya's plan came from the previous invasion of the main **** by Shuai Dao Li Shuaixi. In the art of war, there is a piece of experience about attacking barriers that Saya likes-any strong fortress is most easily disintegrated from the inside!

This sentence is used to describe the space of the Lord God is also applicable!

Of course, the reason why Saya prepared to dive into the space of the Lord God is not just for this, but also to obtain various uses of the space of Lord God about the power of cause and effect and the power of the origin.

In the sea of ​​spirits of the Long Gate, there is a main **** light ball from the main **** space. Under the power of the main **** light ball, the long door has causal power, but because the light ball is not the real center of the main **** space, the long door What you get is nothing about the use of causal power, and nothing can be done for it.

Of course, the more important point is about how the space of the main **** allows the reincarnation to enter each plane perfectly, and at the same time exert their own strength in each plane, it is not suppressed, which is even more demanding!

Although the Nagato with the power of origin and causality can do this by itself, the method of the Nagato is too simple and consumes too much power to be promoted at all. It is now used in Nagato and Liudao Avatars.

Of course, with regard to the use of the main god's light ball, as time goes by, Nagato himself can also deduce how to use it.

It is as if Nagato has already performed, a method of causal force used in the world of God-killers-the method of using the causal force to pull the gods down, but-

In terms of time, even Nagato cannot determine how long it will take, and can only vaguely perceive, the time required will be extremely long, after all, it is a method of using the highest level of power!

If they successfully infiltrate the space of the Lord God and get enough information to accelerate this process, they are very happy to see whether they are Nagato or Saya!

You must know that the forces under Naruto are now based on planes. If you can't make good use of this force, it is against the original intention of Naruto to establish forces.

After a year of preparation, through the invitation letter of the reincarnation in the hands of the former reincarnation Lin Feng who has lost its usefulness as coordinates, the Sayas successfully found the subspace channel of the main **** space to select the reincarnation!

The distorted perception of time and space made Saya almost fainted like this, but the light of the soul of the 665 sisters in the sea of ​​knowledge and the light of the heart of Saya itself converged into a light of wisdom, and soon dispelled Saya's sleepiness.

At the same time, Saya lightly read the life of an ordinary girl named Yang Liu, and turned it into his own soul coat to disguise. The whole process was less than one percent, but it was Saya practiced for a year. Results!

A moment later, the teleportation of the main **** space began, and the entire subspace was full of mysterious beams of the main **** space.

During the transmission of the main god, the whole body of the young girl named Yangliu quickly decomposed into particles, and the soul of Saya was also transformed into the smallest particles under the disguise of a large number of original and causal forces. .

Soon, the teleport was over, and the girl ’s body began to reorganize. At this time, Saya moved, and the light of the soul burst out!

Under the multiple transformations of 666 Lights of Mind, the reorganized girl is no longer an ordinary girl of 17 or 8 years old, but a girl of 13 or 4 years old, and even her clothes are transformed into A silver robe, the next moment!

The unique discriminating scanning wave of the Lord God ’s Space is coming, and the spiritual fluctuations of the other Saya sisters in the sea are instantly reset to zero. In a moment, the Lord God ’s fluctuation sweeps across the body of Saya, forming a reincarnation watch on Saya ’s wrist. , The enchantment of the main space is broken.

"Smuggling succeeded!"

Shayah cheered in his heart, the whole person leaned on a dark corner, trembling slightly, a year of hard work finally managed to sneak into the space of the Lord God, could not help Shay was not excited, suddenly a look of scrutiny caught Shay's attention.

Raising his head, Saya saw a half-hanger vampire rookie!

As the existence of Alcatel ’s tens of thousands of lives, Saya even has Alcatel ’s bloodline origin. If he wants, Saya can even create a second Alcatel, so he knows very well about vampires.

The master in sight, the young man who looked rather thin, was indeed a vampire in the eyes of Saya, similar to the vampire steward Watt created by the mad major in the plane of the gods and ghosts.

Obviously, the vampire in front of him has successfully attracted Saya's interest!

But before the action of Saya, the so-called veteran began to speak. In the beginning, Saya, who was still a little low-key, temporarily decided to be silent, but when the veteran who seemed to be a muscular man pointed at himself and said the word "weak but can't help the wind" , Saya broke out!

All the characters of Saya are different. Saya, who dives into the space of the Lord God, is a very arrogant existence, and hates the fingers of others!

"Shishen-Reversing Hair and Grow, Half Start Mode!"

I saw Saya's left hand gleaming, just like Spiderman used spider silk, dozens of silver tough hair shot from Saya's left hand, and instantly the muscle barbarian named Jichang was tied and dragged!


It seems to be just a so-called veteran who has just gained strength. Ji Chang is a little weak and just fell to the ground. However, Saya doesn't care about it because she is strong enough!

"Stupid muscle barbarians, you said, who is weak and can't help but the wind, Miss Ben, even if you are not in state at this time, how can you be a person like you!

ps: This was written by accident during this time, upload it first! ..

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