My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 10: Strong counterattack

Time goes forward ten minutes

After killing the black-faced ninja and getting enough information, Nagato rode a large hound towards the remote forest in the remote mountains. He was looking for a new battlefield.

Yes, the battlefield!

Nagato never felt that he could easily get rid of the ninja followers.

The boy clearly remembered that in the previous life, some ninjas appeared in the anime through the smell, special pupils and perception, and even the broken vegetation and gravel on the roadside, etc., and then inferred the details of the enemy's actions.

Although the country's perennial drizzle will help him cover up many traces, Nagato does not feel that he can escape safely.

But Nagato knew better that Wuyin was not an ordinary character.

In addition to the hidden power, the root ninjas of Konoha will definitely concentrate most of their power on the other party, and they have to deal with only a few ninjas who have been chased and killed.

As long as the killers are killed, Nagato can completely get out of this trouble.

Of course, this does not rule out that Wuyin Caizang exposed his own reincarnation eyes in order to escape, but Nagato still believed his eyes-Caizang really wanted to recruit himself for that Sanada Yukimura.

Under such circumstances, Wu Yin's hiding is probably that he would rather die, but also let himself owe a favor.

"If it's my mistake, it's bad luck!"

After advancing for more than ten minutes, he stopped in a relatively empty and remote flat, and the long door said quietly, "Anyway, this time, no matter how bad the situation, as long as I am willing to pay the price, I can spend it."

"When the time comes, any real estate will be my anger."

Fortunately, Wu Yincai did not disclose the situation of the Nagato.

Waiting for about five minutes in place, the red-haired boy clearly saw that three masked ninjas dressed in black jumped out of the forest and appeared in front of him.

At the moment when they just appeared, the three ninjas showed their roots and attacked immediately without saying anything.

"Tu Dun-Huangquan marsh!"

"Tu Dun enchantment-no dungeon!"

Among them, the white mask ninja and the ghost fox mask ninja took the lead in performing the ninjutsu at the same time. In an instant, the earth at the foot of the long gate turned into a quagmire, and the split dog was caught in it.

At the same time, a huge earth wall appeared horizontally, forming a large prison, trapping him in it.

"Mystery-insect jade!"

The third female ninja wearing an insect mask leaps from above the earth wall, and the massive black chakra swarms out of the female ninja, covering towards the long gate.

Seeing this scene, even as an enemy, Nagato had to secretly admire.

It is worthy of being Konoha's darkest root organization ninja. Even in the face of a six-year-old child, he used such an exaggerated position. It was like dealing with a big boss.

"Although, my ambition is indeed to be the strongest big boss in the world."

The slightly boring thought flashed in his head. The long door was still sitting on the split dog, and his right hand was raised high. Suddenly, a field of real terror repulsion burst out like a real thing.

The celestial power called Shenluo Tianzheng was launched again.

Even in order to ensure the escape from difficulties, this time the Tianluo Tianzheng of Nagato spent a third of Chakra directly.


Under the blessing of the long gate, which spent a lot of Chakra, Shen Luo Tianzheng showed his due strength for the first time in the hands of the red-haired boy, and the repulsive force field was instantly spread within a radius of 100 meters.

The tall earth wall, covering the swarm of insects, surrounded the ninjas, everything, everything.

Just one click to rewrite the surrounding environment!

It seems that there is a pair of invisible big hands, which wipes away everything around the long door.

"Really, fascinating power!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the face of the red-haired boy, his hands were raised horizontally at the same time, his palms were pointed forward, and Chakra burst out again.

"Vientiane Tian Yin!"

Along with the deep voice, two invisible and powerful gravitational forces were released from the palm of the long door, and the ghost and fox mask ninja and white-faced ninja were captured over a distance of hundreds of meters, pulling them over.

During the whole process, the two masked ninjas did not have any resistance, or it was difficult to resist.

Then, they quickly stepped into the black-faced ninja's footsteps. Soul was quickly pulled out of the body, useful memory information was read, and everything was turned into the background of the long door.

Throwing away the two corpses, the long door leaped from the split dog and came to the insect mask Ninja.

Because when Nagato launched Shenluo Tianzheng, the female ninja was the closest to him. It happened that she was in midair, unable to dodge, and directly withstood the power of Shenluo Tianzheng.

At this time, the female tolerant body can be said to be seriously injured, and the breath of life is astonishingly low.

Just as Nagato was preparing to reapply her old tricks and pulled out the soul of Ninren, the insect mask on Ninren's face cracked open, revealing a slightly pale, yet beautiful face.

Especially the eyes of Ninren with tears and nostalgia for time are even more pitiful.

The movement of the long gate couldn't help but pause for a moment.


"My whole life is ruthless!"

Subconsciously speaking a word that no one can understand in the previous life's Chinese, Nagato's right hand pressed mercilessly on the head of Ninren, and pulled her soul out.

Ninren's eyes widened at this moment, and she soon lost her spirit.


Several thousand books fell from the sleeve of Ninja.

Seeing this scene, the pupil of the red-haired boy shrank slightly. Obviously, if Nagato had really relaxed his vigilance because of sympathy, I am afraid that the other party would be secretly calculated.

"Ninja, really a paranoid creature!"

After capturing all the valuable information and knowledge in the memory of Ninren, Nagato released his right hand and returned to the split dog with emotion.

"Oh !!"

With a whistle, the split dog carried the long door and left the scene.

Everything at the scene does not need to be handled by the long gate. The perennial rain in the country will soon clean up all traces. At this point, the long gate has come out of trouble. ..

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