My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 28: Escape and call

The sky covered with overcast clouds was drizzling with light rain.

The long door covered by the whole body seemed to take a leisurely walk on the remote road. The rugged and muddy road did not bring any obstacle to the teenager.

That gesture of listening to the sound of rain seemed to be talking about the mood of the red-haired boy.

However, Nagato's mood was not as relaxed as he showed.

It can even be said to be heavy!

Since leaving Yuren Village, the teenager's intuition vaguely felt a trace of crisis.

Originally he thought it was an illusion or something, but as he kept away from the village, the sense of crisis in the world became stronger and stronger, so that now, three days later, the sense of crisis has become like a needle.

Obviously, at this time, he has been caught by some terrible danger.

As for the source of danger, as long as you think about it, the teenager will know its source-after all, looking at the original story, there are only one or two that can cause danger to yourself in this era.

And the biggest possibility among them is nothing more than the source of the reincarnation of the long door.

"Uchiha, spot!"

Secretly nagging the name of Ninja Shura, Nagato knew that his performance should be too good, so that the guy who thought he could manipulate his life could not sit still.

What Uchiha spot needs is a piece that can resurrect himself in the future, not a new player who may break through the game.

Therefore, when he shows an uncontrollable tendency, the spot is absolutely unable to sit still.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the practice, Nagato guessed this through the so-called original story in his mind. At that time, Nagato did not think of suppressing his practice progress a little.

Just thinking about it, he gave up this weak idea-because he did not want to!

It's not a far-sighted thing, it just feels too stifling.

In the eyes of the red-haired boy, Uchiha spot is only a pitiful worm caught in the chess game of others without knowing it, and now he is already an old guy who is half cut into the soil.

Nagato really does not believe that he will not be able to pay the guy!


"It seems that it really can't handle it!"

Raising his hand and rubbing his temples slightly, easing the needle-like sense of crisis, Nagato knew that he seemed to underestimate the legendary Ninja Shura.

If you are hostile, even if the combat power is not inferior to the peak of the movie, your chances of winning are still not high.

Thinking so, the corner of the long door's mouth suddenly appeared a smile.

"Fortunately, I am not without the slightest preparation."

With such words in his mouth, Nagato suddenly raised his right hand, biting his index finger, and then stained the blood on the palm of his left hand, and then his hands were sealed and pressed to the ground.

Tadpole-like runes spread in all directions, forming a round combination of spells.

"Forbearance-the anti-psychic technique!"


Suddenly in the light smoke, the long door disappeared.

At the next moment when Nagato disappeared, Bai Jue's figure protruded through the grass less than a hundred meters behind him, and looked at the white smoke that Nagato's original location had not dispersed.

"Oops, let him run!"

At the same time, the distant border of the bear country.

In the remote woods without humans, with the appearance of light smoke, the figure of the long door appeared out of thin air, and beside the long door, the figure of a chameleon changed from unreal to real.

He got up and glanced at the chameleon beside him, and Nagato was quite satisfied.

As early as the beginning of the practice, Nagato favored the reversal of psychic art. During these years, he successively placed his transformed psychic beasts throughout the ninja world.

Because of the clear existence, he even deliberately transformed a chameleon psychic beast that could escape various perceptions.

Now, his hard work has paid off well.

At this point, the crisis has been lifted.


"Not yet careless!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagano knew that Uchiha spot would soon find himself. After all, the ninja world was so big, and with his black and white ability, he would soon lock himself.

Even psychic beasts scattered around the world will soon be removed.

In fact, there is a better way for Nagato, that is, to return to Yuren Village through the antipsychic technique, with the help of Shanjiao Yuhanzo, you will definitely be much safer.

Just thinking about it, Nagato finally gave up on this plan.

At first, Nagato felt so uncomfortable, and secondly, if it was really done, Shanjiao Yuhanzo might not be able to keep himself. After all, Uchiha spot is not a waiter.

The existence of Shanjiao Yubanzo can help him gain three years of growth time. It must have been the result of the extreme patience of the other party.

Nagato vaguely understood that the Uchiha spot at this time could no longer stand.

The red-haired teenager has every reason to believe that once he really returns to Yuren Village, the other party will probably start directly. At that time, the entire Yuren Village will suffer heavy casualties.

"So, all you have to do now is to strive to break your limits and gain stronger power!"

Thinking this way, Nagato could not help but look at the surrounding environment—the psychic beast transformed by the reincarnation eye was in a sense only a beast and could not tell the teenager that he was there at this time.

Nagato needs to determine his geographic location and then re-plan his travel sequence.

Nagato is not unplanned to leave Yuren Village for a tour.

According to the original story that he knows, Longmen has listed many choices in his heart, such as the monsters of the kingdom of ghosts, the bliss box of the six celestial beings, the falling star of Xingren Village, the dragon vein of Loulan Kingdom and so on.

Of course, there are also three psychic holy places to find natural energy and the practice of Chakra.

These choices can be regarded as opportunities in the ninja world, and there is no small possibility that Nagato can break through his current boundaries. If you can, red-haired teenagers must definitely go to investigate.

Only when the crisis is present, he can only choose the opportunity closest to himself.

However, waiting for him to determine his own location, the intuition of Nagato appeared again.

But this time there is no danger.



Whispering secretly, the long door was a little suspicious.

In a trance, the red-haired teenager seemed to hear something calling him to go.

Reason told Nagato to be cautious, but his whole person seemed to be stunned, following the intuition of his intuition and walking in the direction of the forest.

Walking, the teenager came to a huge valley.

The valley is filled with quite strong natural gas.

Many bones are faintly visible in it.


Seeing this valley, Nagato suddenly recovered from the almost stunned state and looked around. "This special environment seems familiar to me in my memory."

"Well, yes, I remembered. Isn't this the natural border of the bear country!"

"Say that"

In between words, the red-haired boy narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of his intuition calling, "The mysterious existence calling me is in Xingren Village in the Kingdom of Bears, is that meteor?" ..

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