My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 48: Vortex heritage

In a short time, the battle is over.

Yunyin's ninja failed to escape, and was quickly caught up by the long door. The left hand sucked the seal, and the right hand extracted the soul. The teenager quickly ended the other's life.

Also copying the other party's memory, Nagato is more aware of the cause and effect of the kidnapping.

The origin of all this is the violent run-off of the eight-tailed man of Yunyin Village.

Yun Yin, or the Ninja Village other than Konoha, is somewhat unsatisfactory in the handling of tail beasts. The lack of details makes it difficult for them to create a perfect human column.

They usually have some side effects, such as insomnia.

In addition to these side effects, there is another flaw in the pillars of Ninja Village.

That is, the people in these villages are prone to runaway.

Over time, the tail beast is likely to break the seal.

About half a year ago, the Bawei people of Yunyin Village ran out of force, and Bawei escaped from the trap, wreaking havoc. Fortunately, the most powerful three-generation Rai Ying of Yunyin Village shot it to suppress it.

Now a new generation of eight-tailed column force in Yunyin Village has appeared.

However, the three generations of Lei Ying are still a little uneasy. He believes that the seal of the people in Yunyin Village is not good enough, which led to the breaking of the seal at the beginning.

It's just obvious that Konoha couldn't share the hard-hitting man-strength seal method with Yun Yin.

So after exploring the existence of Jiu Xinnai, Yun Yin hit her idea on her.

"Between Ninja Village, it's really a lie!"

I couldn't help flashing such thoughts in my mind, and Nagato put it behind his head, his eyes slightly deflected, and looked at a cave in the foothills not far away.

According to the memories of the two ninjas, Xuanjiu Xinnai was staying in that cave.

To be honest, Nagato really did not expect that she would meet the other party in Nagato's original idea here. As the mother of the future protagonist, she must be her enemy.

Even because of the identity of the other person's Jiuwei Zhu Li, Nagato thought about how to deal with her.

It was just an accident that gave Nagato another choice.

Thoughts in his brain began to run slowly. The red-haired boy kept walking under his feet. He blinked at the entrance of the cave. Just at the moment he stepped in, he felt a gust of wind greet him.

In the slight movement of his eyes, he saw the figure of the red-haired girl bullying him, kicking into the air.

"The Yunren people still underestimated the Jiuwei people's column force!"

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and Nagato knew that the Yunren were careless. Even if the Nagato did not appear, they would not be so easy to take Jiu Xinnai back to Yunyin Village.

Although he was kidnapped, Jiu Xinnai was not completely without resistance.

The strongest tail beast sealed in the body, the nine tails and its own swirling blood veins, gave the girl super patience and resilience. At this time, she has obviously recovered a lot of strength.

Unexpectedly, if you are not an experienced ninja, you may lose money if you think about it.


"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

The instinctive reaction of Nagato was extremely fast. Under the blessing of gravity, Shen Luo Tianzheng, which is almost equivalent to the passive skill, burst out immediately, and the red-haired girl who was attacked directly bounced out. Then the right hand of the red-haired boy lifted up, and the girl who flew backwards was caught in the sky.

"Vientiane Tian Yin!"

The huge gravitational force burst out at the end of Nagato's palm and directly captured the girl's body. After imprisoning all her actions, she caught it in front of Nagato.

Then there is the Soul Library, which is familiar with light cars, copying all the memories of Xuanjiu Sinai.

Or it is done more often, and the whole process is almost completed in the blink of an eye.

Even after finishing, Nagato realized what he had done.


Opening his mouth, the long door couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Looking at Jiu Xinnai, who had fallen into a coma—although he did not extract the soul of Jiu Xinnai, but still slightly shaken the soul of the girl, so the girl fell into a coma, and the long door could only hug it.

Randomly found a place, put the girl, and Nagato began to digest Jiu Xinnai's memory.

Xuanjiu Xinnai's memory is not much.

But Nagato still spent half an hour to digest it initially, but nothing else, because this memory contains too much precious intelligence information.

After all, Uzumaki Sinai is a strategic weapon cultivated by Konoha Ninja Village.

Whether it is the information of Muye, or the seal technique of the vortex family, they are extremely valuable.

Especially the latter, Nagato was very greedy long ago.

The long gate with the memory of the original story of Naruto, but it is very clear that the seal technique is definitely the most potential and developmental force in the entire ninja world.

From items, to life, to tail beasts and ghosts, and so on.

In this ninja world, there is hardly anything that cannot be sealed.

Even the true ancestor known as Chakra, the strongest ninja in the ninja world, will be sealed by the six Dao immortals, which shows that the prospect of sealing is absolutely amazing.

In view of this, Nagato has planned to learn sealing technique from an early age.

In the village of Yuren, although there was the help of the half-zombie of the ninth world, such as Shanjiaoyu Banzang, even Hanzang had a shallow background in this respect, which was basically equivalent to zero.

Because of this, when he joined Yuren Village in his early years, Nagato didn't even use his real name, but in the name of Payne.

He also thought about finding an opportunity to obtain the seal technique of the Vortex clan in the future as a descendant of the Vortex. Although the Vortex clan has been destroyed, Muye definitely has the inheritance of the Vortex clan.

It's just that the plan is not as good as the change, and without waiting for the door to take the initiative to plan, the inheritance of the vortex family fell into his hands.

As the red-haired boy initially digested the seal technique of the Whirlpool, his panel had an extra column:

Vortex Seal: lv0

Look at the extra skills in your panel, and then look at your original points.

——The original energy of sixty-five points.

The red-haired boy couldn't help but meditate for a moment. Considering the challenges he might face in the near future, he moved his thoughts and directly consumed the nine-point source energy.

It was only a moment's time, and the essence and mystery of countless seal techniques appeared in the mind of Nagato.

The breath of the red-haired boy immediately showed subtle changes, more restrained ..

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