My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 55: The battle is going on!

Just as Ban and Heijei talked, the battle between Nagato and Yahiko had already begun.

The red-haired boy with the intention to retain his strength did not exert his strength after getting the panel, but maintained his strength when he first stepped out of Yuren Village.

But even so, the Nagato at that time also possessed the top power of this era.

Coupled with the guidance under the high-rise building, he exerted even stronger power.

And the wooden escape that Yahiko possessed is not an idle power, but that is what Thousand-Hand Pillar relied on for its fame, calming the chaos in the Warring States, and defeating Uchiha ’s supernatural power.

As soon as the battle between the two strongest forces in the world started, only temptation was changing the terrain.

The scale of the battle is far beyond the level of ordinary ninjas.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

After a simple trial, realizing the difficulty of the enemy, the Shenmeng Tianzheng of the Long Gate immediately adjusted to the limited maximum size, and the huge repulsive force field directly destroyed everything within a radius of 500 meters.


The violent roar exploded, and the endless smoke rushed to the sky, covering the sky.

The red-haired boy is like a **** of destruction, destroying everything he sees.

It's just that although Nagato's attack is powerful, Yahiko seems to know very well the reincarnation eyes and Nagato's thoughts, and he escaped 500 meters away with a stand-in technique when he exhibited 'full strength'.

Let the red-haired boy's attack completely fail, and a lot of Chakra was wasted.

Although the effect is very good, Yahiko's face does not have a smile on her face.

"Now that you have put all your effort into it, I can't hide it!"

Looking at everything that was shattered in front of him, Yahiko's eyes flashed with horror and caution.

For this battle, Yahiko began to prepare very early. Whether it was gathering intelligence from the large population of Juhe and that of Shanjiaoyu Hanzo, or conducting operational simulations, he did it several times.

But even so, he found that he still underestimated the destructive power of the reincarnation eye.

"Such a force can never let him go!"

Such a determination flashed in his mind, Yahiko gave up his original plans, and took the final decision, and Chakra emerged wildly in his body.


"Mu Dun-the birth of the tree world!"

As Yahiko's words fell, under the rapid urge of Chakra inside him, the surrounding ground suddenly began to shake violently, and huge cracks appeared on the ground.

Then they burst one after another, and countless huge trees stood up in an instant!

I saw Yahiko's body as the center, and towering trees immediately appeared in the 500-meter area in front of me, like a small forest, eroding the earth.

If Nagato is the **** of destruction, then Yahiko is the opposite **** of creation.

Even the red-haired boy himself was a little surprised by Yahiko's tree world.

Looking at the dense surroundings, vaguely filled with Chakra, like a twisted tree of predators, a trace of seriousness gradually appeared in the depths of the eyes of the long door.

The advent of the wood Dunshu realm is the proud ninjutsu among the gods of the ninja world.

This technique is to use the special Chakra in the body to create plant life, extensively transform the surrounding terrain, and change it into a favorable environment for yourself. Everything within the tree boundary resembling the enchantment is controlled by the operator, and you can play around with the tree Everything within the realm. Yahiko can exhibit this trick, which is enough to show that he already has a real wooden escape between the thousand hand pillars.

"At least, it's worth taking a little seriously!"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and the body of Nagato slowly rose, avoiding a twisted giant tree from the sea of ​​trees, and his hands slowly opened.

The invisible repulsion began to spread in all directions around the red-haired boy.

Seemingly perceiving the danger, the entire tree sea began to riot.


When the Longmen Shenluo Tianzheng was not fully opened, densely packed giant trees came out in the air, bombarded wildly on the expanding repulsive field.

Although the bombardment of the giant trees could not stop the spread of the repulsive field, it shook the body of the long gate.

The red-haired boy frowned slightly, and at this moment, Yahiko's voice came again:

"Mu Dun-The Technique of Cutting!"

Qinglang's voice echoed through the forest. Immediately, all the giant woods generated long wooden thorns, carrying out puncture attacks towards the repulsive field of Shenluo Tianzheng.

Continued attacks made a hint of anger appear in Nagato's eyebrows.

"Super God Luo Tianzheng!"

Without much hesitation, Nagato raised the power of Shen Luo Tianzheng by one level. The super **** Luo Tianzheng that once destroyed more than half of the wooden leaf Ninja Village in the original story appeared in the sky.


In terms of power, it is definitely a super forbidden spell at the level of a map gun.

The unimaginable great destruction directly appeared in the entire sea of ​​trees. The sea of ​​trees that originally covered a radius of at least 500 meters directly turned into dust in the shock of terror.

The sky was roaring, and the earth was wailing, as if the end of the scene appeared in the sky.

Outside the battlefield, remote villages.

Although the repulsive field of Chaoshen Tianzheng did not reach this point, the terrible destructive power caused the ground here to shake continuously, triggering an earthquake.

The residents here fled when the earthquake struck.

Not long after, the whole village was completely silent.

In the corner of the village, the black figure emerged slowly from it, looking at the direction of the battlefield: "Ah, it's really a force that has to be amazed."

"At this time, you can only say that it is your power, Yui!"

"However, using this power now, it really is."

An ironic smile appeared on Black's face. After Hei Jue made the judgment of death for Nagato in his heart, his eyes patrolled the surrounding buildings.

Soon, he locked the courtyard where the long gate temporarily resided.

"It's there!"

Before walking to that courtyard, he felt the enchantment in the courtyard. Hei Ju raised his eyebrows slightly.

"At least wait for the guy from Uchiha Spot, or he will startle the long door away."

"That guy's ability to escape can't be underestimated."

In this way, Hei Jue's body gradually integrated into the ground under his feet and disappeared without a trace ..

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