My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 80: Gains and actions

Really lost!

This is the derivative impression of Nagato after reading the memory of Baiya and Tuanzang.

It's not how much valuable information they have in their memories. On the contrary, the information contained in their memories is a very rich harvest for red-haired teenagers.

Qimu Shuomao's memory contains information about the practice of Lei Dun Chakra after several hundred years of integration by the Qimu family.

And a complete set of spiritual practice system from samurai to sword hero inherited from a long time ago.

There is also Shuo Mao's perception and practice of sword.

The information contained in the memory of Zhicun Tuanzang is even more terrible ... Perhaps because he is the real high-level of Muye Village, Nagato has found the content of most of the sealed books from his memory.

Although there is no flying thunder god's technique, but only the dirt reincarnating technique, let Nagato feel great gains.

Not to mention the super ninjutsu, Mu Dun Ninjutsu.

Although it is temporarily unavailable, it will definitely be useful in the future!

But because of this, the red-haired boy felt regrets.

He remembered that Ziye, who was beaten to death by himself, but had no time to read his memory, and Uchiha Spot. The former was a disciple of Muye's three generations of Naruto, and the latter was Ninja Shura from the Warring States period.

If you can read the memories of the two, you will surely have a bigger harvest.

"The Uchiha spot would not be able to take it away. After all, his strength should not be underestimated. He might be a little merciful. Perhaps he is the one who lost the game, but it's a waste.

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato sighed slightly, and left him behind.

The past is over, it is useless to think about it, people's eyes still have to look into the future.

With so much practice information and information, plus the experience and insights gained after several battles, Nagato needs to find a place to digest it.

I believe that with his talent, he can complete the digestion in the shortest time and let his own details go further.

Just before this ...

"What should I do with them?"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato looked at Qimu Shuo Mao and Zhicun Tuanzang, who had fallen to the ground in front of him ... At this time, the two Muyeying-class strongmen were completely comatose and weak.

When there was only Danzang, the red-haired boy was naturally ready to kill him.

Although in the original book, Tuan Zang is a typical pig teammate, he has pitted several wood-leaf strongmen. If he is sent back to the village, he will indirectly help Nagato kill some future enemies.

But after careful consideration, Nagato felt that the harm was more than the benefit.

In his view, with the character of Tuan Zang, as long as it is determined that Yuren Village has the potential to harm Kono, he will not let go. Instead of letting trouble continue to come to the door, it is better to kill him now.

As for the help that Tuan Zang might bring, Nagato didn't care much.

With his ability, he can cope with ease.

But now that there is one more flag, Shuo Mao, the teenager is hesitant. Although the current world situation has indeed prevented the leaders of the five major ninja villages from daring to start a large-scale war.

However, everything has a limit.

The death of Shimura Tuanzang will not make Muye lose his mind, but if a flag is added, it may touch the bottom line of Muye Ninja Village. Under such circumstances, it is not impossible for war to really break out.

It was only soon that the teenager's hesitation turned into indifference.

"If it breaks out, then fight!"

Nagato has never been a man of thought and thought. The mysterious panel appears in the afterglow of the corner of his eye. Looking at the three-digit source energy on the panel, his eyes flashed sharply.

"Goodbye, Zhicun Tuanzang, and Qimu Shuomao!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy cleanly ended the lives of Zhicun Tuanzang and Qimu Shuomao, and sealed the bodies of the two strong men with a seal scroll.

Only when the body of Qi Mushuo was sealed, Nagato found an agreement.

It was an agreement between Konoha and the name of the wind country in the name of the country of fire. In the agreement, the name of the country of wind will receive all kinds of help from the country of fire, on the condition that the village of Shayin be restricted.

"What did Shayin Village do? I actually encountered such a big name!"

Secretly sighing, Nagato suddenly thought of the purpose of this agreement ... This agreement is not complete, including only the signature of Muye Huoying and the name of the country of wind. If there is no accident, after Qimu Shuomao brought it back to Muye, he still needs to report it to the name of the country of fire for signature.

After all, Muye Village is only a village no matter how strong it is, and it is difficult to satisfy the appetite of the name of the country of the wind.

This agreement will only take effect if the name of the country of fire is signed.

Otherwise, the agreement can only be an agreement.


"If this agreement is thrown to the top of Shayin Village!"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagato chuckled and disappeared.

The drizzle with the characteristics of a very rainy country is still slowly falling, and soon the traces left on this battlefield will be washed away ...



At the same time, a secret base in the country of rain.

Suddenly the battle started.

In the slightly dull and panicked eyes of the ninjas stationed in the area, Shanjiao Yuhanzo broke the gate of the base and swarmed in with a large number of Yuren and started to kill.

In less than a moment, a number of stationed ninjas died under the sword of Yu Ninjas.

Stimulated by the blood, Yuren's lethality began to increase.

Even the stationed ninjas immediately launched a counterattack, but after all, they were not prepared. Under the killing of the rain ninjas, they could only retreat, and people continued to sacrifice.

"stop it!"

Not long after, a roar burst out inside the base.

I saw a seemingly thin middle-aged ninja appeared on the edge of the battlefield, his hands were constantly shaking, and the condensed silk thread of Chakra flowed out of his fingers.

At the other end of the silk thread, wooden puppets like two beasts rushed towards the Yuren.


"Puppet master, interesting!"

Along with such words echoing in the void, I saw the figure of Shanjiao Yuhanzo somehow appeared in the air, and the sickle and ax in his hand swept toward the two puppets.



In the continuous collision sound, the two puppets flew out, and Shanjiao Yuhanzo also returned to the ground.

The middle-aged ninja who manipulated the puppet couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and then his face showed an angry look, shouting: "Shan Jiao Yu Han Zang, you dare to shoot us, Shayin Village will not let you go!"

"It's an accident in Shayin Village!"

Hearing this, Shanjiao Yuhanzo was slightly surprised, and then said indifferently, "I didn't expect that this is also in Shayin Village. It seems that the information of Muyegen is not absolute."

"But it doesn't matter, or just right!"

"It's not that Shayin Village doesn't let me go, but that my Shanjiaoyu Banzang won't let Shayin Village go."

"You Da Ni Nin village that hurt us, I will return one by one."

"First, start with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Shanjiao Yuhanzo held a sickle and axe and rushed towards the puppet master. Facing the attack of the demigod, the puppet master couldn't help but panic, but immediately launched a counterattack.

The two puppet beasts got up again under his control and greeted the attacking Shanjiao Yuhanzo.

However, there was a big gap between the two's strengths. After a short time, the two puppets were completely broken, and the puppet master was also scratched by the sickle during the confrontation and poisoned.

"The boy at Nagato seems to have some interest in puppetry, so this guy is a gift!"

Looking at the puppet master who fell to the ground, Shanjiao Yuhanzo did not make up for the knife, but let him put it up, and the base that lost the puppet master also lost the final hole card and was quickly captured.

"Very good, the next one is the Rock Hidden Base, which is nearly 100 kilometers away from this place. Let's go!"


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