My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 87: Divinity and traceability!

There was a doubt in Nagato's mind.

Through the original memory in his mind, the teenager knows that if the established historical process is followed, Uchiha Spot will promote the infinite monthly reading plan and gather all Chakras together.

As the ancestor of Chakra, Dahui Muhui Ye will walk out of the infinite Chakrali.

At first, Nagato just regarded this matter as the established process of the advent of Datong Muhui, but as he continued to improve, he found that he could not understand this process at all.

Admittedly, Dahui Muhuiye's will was scattered in Chakrari.

Bringing together all the Chakras and condensing the full will of Datong Muhuiye to assist the unique nature of Chakras ... that is, the power of Yin and Yang Dun, in theory, it will indeed allow Chakra ancestors to return to the world.

But after all, theory is just theory, not facts ... at least not complete facts.

Not long ago, Nagato separated his Chakra with the seal of Vientiane and attached it to Nine Sinai. That part of Chakra contained the spirit and will of Nagato.

The will is kept in sync with his body.

Heijue was robbed because of the Chakra and Vientiane seals that Nagato divided.

In view of this fact, coupled with the intention to train his subordinates, Nagato once planned to separate more Chakras and attach them to those who are optimistic about him by means of sealing.

As a result, Chakra's separation of Nagman succeeded only six times.

Although Chakra separated for the seventh time still contained his own spirit, he lost contact with the body. When he recovered that part of Chakra that had lost contact, Nagato discovered that Chakra had actually deteriorated.

Yes, spoiled!

The surface does not seem to change, but it is no longer Chakra of the long door.

The will contained therein has long since dissipated.

Chakras that have not lost contact can naturally and perfectly integrate into the body, but these chakras that have lost contact can only absorb the ability of the long-door body to exert phagocytosis.

Comparing himself with Datong Muhuiye, the doubts of Nagato naturally arise ...

Datong Muhuiye's will is scattered in all Chakras. How does she ensure that her will will not dissipate for a whole thousand years, and even converge perfectly when Chakra converges?

And now, looking at the golden streamer floating in the void in front of his own eyes, the red-haired boy couldn't help but understand.



Perhaps it is the reason why the essence of golden streamer is too high.

Just looking at each other, Nagato felt an inexplicable burst of light, as if the climber in the mist saw a safe path leading straight to the top of the mountain.

Subsequently, the mysterious panel automatically popped up for the first time, revealing a message:


Divinity: the product of the intertwining of heaven and man, the opportunity for longevity, the trace of truth.

... Although it was only less than twenty words of information, but after reading it softly, the vision of Nagato suddenly changed suddenly, and three different murals flashed in front of his eyes. .

The first mural depicts a heavenly tree and a woman who is picking fruits from the tree.

And the second mural records the situation where the sentient beings worship the woman who has harvested the **** fruit ... What is strange is that all sentient beings in the mural suspended a trace of inexplicable spirit and gathered around the woman.

As for the third mural, it is a little more subtle, with only a converging stream of air.

From the airflow, a fascinating figure could be seen faintly.

As the vision returned to normal, Nagato's thoughts ran inadvertently, and with the wisdom of a red-haired boy, it was natural to know that the mural was telling the story of Datong Muhuiye.

According to the remaining murals, especially the pilgrimage in the second mural, combined with the divinity on the panel ...

"Is this the way of Datong Muhuiye, believe in God?"

He whispered to himself, but the long door shook his head unconsciously, if Datong Muhuiye's path really was to believe in God, then she should not stand on the opposite of all beings.

When thinking about it, the Nagato gleamed with light, recalling some of the depictions of faith in God in his previous life memory.

According to those who do not know the true and false descriptions, believers who become gods will be greatly influenced by believers. The expectations of believers will change the will of the gods, and the loss of faith will make the gods completely lost.

"If this description is true ..."

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato directly assumed that he was correct in his belief in becoming a god, so there was a reasonable explanation for Datong Muhui Night Club standing on the opposite of sentient beings.

After all, after obtaining the fruit of the Divine Tree, Datong Muhuiye obviously became a **** appearing in the world.

All living beings can only bow their heads to worship the gods ... and the power of this condensed belief has pushed Datong Muhuiye to the path of belief in God, opening up the will that affects Datongmu Huiye.

For such a result, Datong Muhuiye is naturally dissatisfied.

In her view, she is absolutely supreme, how can she be influenced by those creatures like ants ... Then, the infinite moon reading, which turns all living beings into whiteness, was born naturally.

——Since your will will affect me, then you don't have to have self-will.

Nagato estimated that Dahui Muhuiye was such an idea, and her idea was naturally opposed by her own two sons, especially the eldest son, Liu Dao Xianren Datongmu Yuyi.

The war between mother and son began, and Datong Muhuiye was sealed by his two sons.

"... My reasoning skills seem to be pretty good."

After passing through the assumptions and explanations I made in my mind, I felt a certain hunch that emerged from my super-intuitive sense.

Then Nagato pressed this emotion, because he guessed right, he seemed to find an opportunity to move forward.

"Why would Dahui Muhuiye be born with divinity, sentient beings worship?"

In the self-question and answer room, Nagato's eyes were faint, "This ninja world is worshipped by all living beings, and there are never lack of admired people, but they are all dead, only Datong Muhuiye has the divinity and lives on forever!"

"The answer is very simple, then it is the origin of Chakra, God Tree!"

Having made his own judgment, Nagato left the seal space for the first time and returned to the real world. He could not wait to study the God Tree.

In other words, the body of the Ten-tailed God Tree-Golem Golem! ..


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