My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 97: Return to Yuren Village

In the last era of cosmic civilization, there was a mighty man, no one knew what his real name was, only that everyone called him Yuan Shi.

A barren land outside the planet.

There is a red-haired boy. The strange thing is that in this barren land of the starry sky, the red-haired boy's fire-like red hair is windless and automatic.

That was the long gate that had just finished Yuanshi Jianyi. He quietly looked at the void in front, and his heart completely settled down.

He looked at his hands, and there was an indescribable taste in his heart. Even if the two worlds were human, he had seen a lot of big scenes, and had imagined that he might become a strong one day.

Silently watching the torn space in front of him slowly healing, there was also a dreamy feeling in Nagato ’s heart. He thought of his own strength improvement can become very strong, but never thought it would become so powerful, just Even such a stable space can be torn apart.

"It seems to be a step late." Nagato seemed to feel, silently said.

Just at the moment when the Excalibur crossed the space, the Excalibur, which was controlled by the Longmen, pierced the two brothers of Yuyi, and it seemed that the target disappeared instantly, and then the power of the Excalibur exploded in situ. The space tears apart.

Longmen's mind condensed, and the power of the soul unfolded, sweeping the void space in front, not aware of the signs of life of the two brothers of the big tube wood feather clothing, nor did they perceive the remaining life fluctuations.

I thought it was a method of transmission that was not known to the world, but it could escape the tearing of space.

"Forget it, I can't find it now. Even if I want to come, they will have to be seriously injured even if they don't die. In addition, my current strength has exceeded them. There should be no accidents." Nagato calmed down completely, determined Road.

"In this case, I just gained strength. Although after a war, it still needs to be fully settled down, so that it can be fully controlled and become my own strength."

In this war, I found that I still have many shortcomings. First, I cannot combine the moves I have, I have no inscriptions on my mind, and I am slightly inferior in the connection of skills;

The second is that many moves are not necessary to use, and there are still some inaccuracies in the selection of moves;

The third is that there are too many useless skills, there are only a few powerful moves, and the attacking method is single. This battle relied entirely on suppressing opponents, and their advantages were not fully utilized.

In the future, we should pay more attention to actual combat. Otherwise, we will encounter enemies that are equal to or even higher than our own strength. The situation will be very optimistic.

After all, Nagato's heart moved, and the mysterious panel emerged again. It was true, as expected. After a battle, the panel changed a little bit:


Yuan Shi Jian Yi: lv2 (5)

Chakra refinement: lv9 + 5


Source energy: 551

Comprehensive evaluation: The world's ultimate, no leakage of immortals, life expectancy of up to 500 years, the body is immortal after death.

As expected, after a great battle, although the strength has not improved, but the control of the power is more delicate.

However, Nagato discovered that Yuan Shi Jianyi had become second-level, and there were parentheses behind it to show fifth-level. I do n’t know what the specific reasons are, but I think it should be the last emergency. I was excited to stimulate Yuanshi Jianyi, which made Nagato ’s understanding of Yuanshi Jianyi deeper, so I was promoted to two. Level, and the next five levels of conjecture should be the highest level that can be achieved with the current Nagato.

After seeing the power of Yuanshi Jianyi, Nagato realized that this move was unusual. He had never seen the disappearance of this move in his classics. Therefore, he speculated that it might be an unknown power outside the planet. The stunt of the people ...

What surprised Nagato was that one day in the future, he would find a legacy left by a powerful person who claimed to be "Yuanshi", and it was awesomely Yuanshi Jianyi. However, he does not belong to any planet in the universe, but the leader of the last galaxy of cosmic civilization.


Nagato also noticed the increase of the source energy under the panel. Since the last time it took 40 points to improve the reincarnation, there are only 501 points of source energy left.

Now the number displayed in the column of the source energy is 551. Obviously, after this war, the source energy directly increased by 50 points.

Nagato realized the power of Yuanshi Jianyi, thinking that he could use his source energy to directly upgrade Yuanshi Jianyi's level, but he lacked the prompt that the source energy was insufficient.

"It's worthy of the move against the sky. 500 points of source energy is not enough to advance to the first level. It is much stronger than the reincarnation!"

Since Yuanshi Jianyi could not be improved, and Nagato understood the power of Yuanshi Jianyi, knowing that Yuanshi Jianyi would be a big card in his hand, and his own path was based on the power of God above Chakra energy So Nagato decided to return to the village first and deposit the power gained in this battle.

Immediately, the figure moved, and the Nagato turned into a stream of light and flew towards a point on the planet.

Outside Yuren Village, the sun was shining brightly. Compared with its name, it did not match at all. There were no clouds in the distance, and there was no sign of rain. In a fresh field, the dense crops are mixed with the sound of insects, and there is a beautiful figure playing.

There is a long river in the distance. Under the sun's shining, a little starburst flashes. From a distance, it seems that diamonds are dotted on that silver chain.

The beautiful figure in the playroom seemed to feel something, and she slowly turned her head.

It was a beautiful girl with light blue hair, light orange pupils, and purple eyes.

There is also a lilac paper flower on the right side of the head, which adds extra color to her beauty. It seems so gentle and cute.

Although she looks young, anyone can tell that she is a beautiful embryo and will become a rare beauty in this world in the future.

"Xiaonan, I'm back." The young redhead shouted.

"Nagato! Ooo" Xiao Nan instantly put away the expression when he had just played, and burst into tears and quickly rushed to Nagato.

"Woo, you are finally coming back, I thought you did n’t want me anymore."

Xiaonan hugged the long door tightly, and while crying, thumped his chest with his hand.

"Silly girl, when did I say I don't want you anymore? You were brought back by me. As early as the day I brought you back, you were destined to be mine. Why would I not want you?" Nagato gently Patted the girl's fragrant shoulder gently and said softly.

I saw that Xiao Nan's body suddenly became stiff. Fortunately, his face was still buried in the chest of the long door, otherwise he would be seen by the long door, and he would find that Xiao Nan's white tender face turned red now.

Long Gate seemed to find that he didn't push away Xiaonan, nor did he speak, just hugged her quietly there, sniffing the fragrance of her hair, and her inner thoughts were firmer.

"Meeting you is destiny. Since taking you back, you are the woman who is with me in that eternal time."

…… ..


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