My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 150: Eating

Chen Yuanwai's son-in-law incident has caused the entire Phoenix city to discuss this matter.

What's more, defeating this one, who can be ranked in the Phoenix, is indeed a very big impact on people.

Although it is said that many people are rumored outside, so that they are divided into two groups.

However, the severity and extent of the incident is enough to show that the powerful strength displayed by Nagato in this incident is enough to shock people.

Nagato continued to live in Phoenix like a okay person. Although he said that before this, he could hear some rumors, but he didn't care.

In Phoenix, Li Jie has just arrived here, so he is not concerned about these things.

So when eating at noon, Nagato chose a family at random. For a fairly ordinary restaurant, I ordered a few dishes and sat down by the window and ate.

In fact, for him, his indifferent character is not like many people in this world, who likes the reputation and the feeling of praising their legends outside.

After all, if a person, but his character is not the kind of person who likes to swagger through the market.

On the contrary, when he was eating, the surrounding people looked at him a little differently.

Everyone has the most discussion, and it is undoubtedly her hair, why is it so red.

And with such a distinct personality in Phoenix, I can't find the second one.

So now the red-haired young man in the legendary rumors of the entire Phoenix City, it is no accident, it should be this guy.

This also led to the long door, although it said that it did not provoke anyone, but many people directed her.

Because this guy's red hair is indeed too eye-catching, so much like he doesn't want to go to the market, because his red hair is indeed recognized by people too easily.

So when eating here, Nagato also eats his own food, regardless of the direction of these people.

At this moment, while three young boys were eating, they also found that the long gate was eating, eating by the window in the corner, as if they were ignoring anyone, very proud.

This made these three people feel a little uncomfortable. After all, they are people from Phoenix. This guy who didn't know where he came from was able to defeat Chen. He didn't say whether this matter is true or not.

At least, the legends and rumors derived from this guy have made them very uncomfortable.

You should know that Chen Yuanwai is a strong player in Phoenix, or a famous strongman in the older generation.

Now such rumors are spreading everywhere, which makes them very uncomfortable.

However, Chen Yuanwai was defeated by this red-haired young man who came out of nowhere, which was indeed somewhat unwilling for them to accept.

Now the red-haired young man is sitting in such a big swing, and eating in front of them is indeed something they cannot forgive.

"Hey! Boy, what are you looking at? It's you!"

The man among the three dressed in a show suit and looked as if he had some kind of appearance, suddenly rushed to the long door and said, "Fortunately, you have a face to eat here, and quickly get out of our Phoenix!"

Nagato glanced at him lightly without saying anything, and continued to eat the food in the bowl

In his eyes, these useless people are exactly like the kind of ants, no need to ignore them.

We must know that in this martial arts world, the only people who can be valued and cared by are those who are truly strong, and to the ordinary people or like that, the common small roles of people are completely on the ground floor.

What's more, like Nagato now, this kind of cultivation person is completely above all living beings, although it may be a bit exaggerated.

But this is indeed the fact that even though he is not doing things now, like many martial arts people, he has a temper with an eye above his head.

But Nagato's true will is to live more like himself, rather than simply integrate into this world, or be changed by the rules of this world.

But those three people called Nagato disdainful, and ignored them completely, and suddenly got angry, and when they went up, they prepared to beat him.

Let this guy know that knowing that our Phoenix cannot be arbitrary, anyone can insult!

Although they may know that this guy may have something to do with Chen Yuanwai, but since this guy can come to this place to eat.

Then it proves that maybe what they think is not that, so really powerful people will not come to eat in this place!

At least in their minds and visions, those tall people wouldn't do this, not to mention the people who would come to eat in this place are mostly rich people, ordinary people

Generally, people who really cultivate high and martial arts do not come to this place to eat, because this does not meet their identity.

And now this guy actually appears here, which means that there is a lot of falsehood in the legend.

The three of them saw the long door and continued to eat here, completely feeling the humiliation they had suffered.

The moment the three men rushed to the long gate, the long gate stopped the movement in his hand and raised his hand to knock the three to the ground.

The action was done in one go, and even all the moments around didn't have time to react, and the three fell down like a dead pig.

After finishing the three people, Nagato held chopsticks and continued to use the meals he had not finished.

After all, wasting is a shameful thing in his eyes.

What's more, he was hit by those guys in the mood to eat, which was even more uncomfortable for him, so he didn't kill the three now, but was seriously injured, and it was a bit kind.

After all, Nagato is not a real murderer, but these flies are a little annoying.

So he wanted to make the other person feel real happiness, just wounded them badly without killing them.

At this moment, everyone around him also gathered his eyes on the long door, because this guy was not only because his hair was like the one in the legend, but also because he was raising his hand and throwing three points to dry up.

To this extent, it is not something that ordinary people can do. Many people now can be sure that this red-haired is the young man who can beat the outside of Chen staff.

Facing the surprised eyes of these people, Nagato did not feel any discomfort, because in his eyes, the weak people were totally worthy of any attitude to treat them. I am the wonderful life he wants to live now, ..


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