My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 222: Departure

Nagato knew from the beginning that he came here because he and Tian faction were in a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship.

Then at this time, some of these people in the field even dared to test his strength. Of course, Nagato would not let them go so easily.

What's more, if it's someone else, these little Luo Luo still want to insult her with such a red fruit, which is a kind of thing that can't be accepted and doesn't want to be accepted by Nagato.

Because he knows that if you step backwards, some people will make you think that you are a weak person, or you are a person worthy of bullying or bullying at will.

This was not what Nagato wanted to see, not to mention that she originally had a cooperative relationship with Tian Dashan of this Tian faction, although both of them knew nothing about each other's cooperation with him for some purpose.

Well, at this time, if he said that he did not show a bit of strength, no matter where he came from and salt, what Nagato did could not wear one, as a strong man who really needed to do things.

You know, if Nagato does n’t have the strength and confidence he has, he wo n’t do it, or he wo n’t do so much.

Well, when he knew that he was actually standing in a relatively high position, he still knew very well that what he had done had very important aspects to think about.

What's more, at this time, basically, these guys are like a fight between children in his eyes.

If you really want him to do it, or if you really want him to kill him, basically none of these people are his enemies.

The main reason why he appears here is for the legendary ancient ruins!

After all, there are some things that Nagato has heard and knows, but has not seen and really experienced, that is another matter.

So at this time, Nagato will naturally, and the reason for working with them is to want to enter ancient ruins.

Then if he can get some special protection from it, it is also a kind of promotion and disguised reinforcement for him.

It was only after Tian Dashan came that he knew better that something unpleasant happened between them, otherwise the atmosphere would not be so tense.

The man with white hair was also very clear at this time. The reason why Tian Dashan did this was entirely for the purpose of preventing him from having to make up for it this time.

This is indeed a thing to do as a boss, or as a leader.

"Okay, everyone, don't get together, it's time to go!" Tian Dashan shouted.

After his voice fell, everyone also mentioned that they should start now.

Now this time, as far as they are concerned, they are gathered here, it is in this place to find the opportunity to go to the place where the ancient ruins are located.

Now that their leader Tian Dashan is here, it means that they need to go to that place now.

After all, things like ancient ruins are not available everywhere, and they are not always available.

So let them be bureaucratic children in the same empire.

But really to say that after they lived in Fengle Live School and Tian School, it means that they have their own factions no matter what they do. It is also because of this matter that they pursue more common interests.

Therefore, after the Zhu family discovered the ancient ruins, they would go to collectively, just to compete for the opportunity of the world, after all, the opportunity of the world is not always available.

What's more, it was in the face of this pair of betting faction, if the Tian faction did not go, then it seems that they don't know what to say, and it seems that they can't explain it.

What's more, in the face of so many forms nowadays, no matter what their two factions are, in the final analysis, it is to make their children better and to gain a place in the DPRK.

Although it is said that the Yanhuang Empire is one of the three major empires, the cruelty among them is very clear to those of them who are officials.

Because they all know that although it is true, they live very moist in this empire, and there is not much pressure.

But in the current environment, they will be eliminated if they do not work hard.

Not to mention the fact that these bureaucratic children, one after another, are eager to get promoted and want to make their martial arts training better.

Therefore, people in the integrated martial arts continent know that if their martial arts training is not strong enough, then many of their benefits are not their part. This is a very real thing.

So at this time they understood that if they did not really **** these world resources, they might not pay much attention to their future path.

At this time, in the face of the reason why people really care about these things, it is because they all know that these days are rare at the same time, but also very precious.

Because each of them only needs to get this kind of heaven and earth, then it will be more powerful afterwards, because they all understand that while these weather temperatures are soaring, their martial arts practice will also be because of this heaven.

Therefore, at this time, many people will try their best to save or to do what they should do for this emperor's skills and rare opportunities.

Because no matter in what aspect, the position of Nagato in this is the same as their mind, but the behavior is no different. The only thing is to want to compete with them, since it is the same.

So at this time, Nagato appears to be basically the same as them, but to say the difference, he is more powerful than these people.

Then at this time, he feels how much money he has paid to really do everything he should do.

Faced with these, this style can really need it to do a good job, is to go to the ancient ruins to find out.

It would n’t work if he was left alone, after all he did n’t know where.

What's more, he still has a cooperative relationship with his companions, so if he goes casually, he doesn't know where to go, not to mention the ancient ruins, it seems that it is not easy to let people know.

So they said that he used each other's words to understand their own thoughts and other people's intentions, but they were not stupid enough to speak directly, so it was this kind of cooperative relationship. ..


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