My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 244: Demon King's Deterrence

When Nagato fell into anything, he knew very clearly why he was doing these things or for what purpose.

If it wasn't for coming here, or coming to this small world, it would not see these things that made him upgrade and marvel.

After talking so late, and the demon king is also one of them. For itself, after fusing too many memories, it also knows that the demon king is particularly powerful in the rare situation of its own demon beast.

It is very rare in itself, and people have no way to go, and really ignore their extremely powerful creatures.

What's more terrible is that this demon king is not only powerful, but also full of power, which is a scary existence.

In the face of this situation, none of them dare to act rashly, because he understands that no one can easily get something imaginable among this demon king.

To be a demon king, the reason why it is called a demon king is because every demon or demon who is called a demon king is very powerful in its own right.

If it is not because of this, it will not be called a demon king, not to mention that when they have this level and have a powerful and powerful place to destroy the earth, in fact, no one can go, really underestimate them. .

When you look down on them and really need the people they care about, many people already understand that this is a completely wrong decision.

Because no one can ignore them so much and do anything that makes them unable to decide

The main reason why the demon king will be scared is not only because they are strong, but also because they are scarce, and their size is also very large, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

So this kind of existence is indeed a person who can swept a piece, and in the face of the invasion of these people, in fact, the big carp is also very nervous. To know that he is here, now he has grown to such a degree. It is enough to explain.

Then he will appear here. The reason for the horror is because he was released here and captive here long ago.

Because no matter who it is, or what is harmful to him, it really needs to care.

Not only do they need to care about all aspects, but also need to think about why they are so scared and so fearful.

Nagato also knew this well, so no matter when or where, he knew that as a person who could come to this world and look for memories.

No matter what aspect it is, it needs to do a good job and do what it should do, because no matter when and where it faces the person or thing he needs to take seriously, it is enough for them to carefully control and Think hard about things.

Because Nagato can exist in any kind of person or place no matter when and where, in itself, it is because it needs something to be able to pay for and fight for.

If Nagato did n’t have so much thought and understood all this, he would not work hard for it and really think so much.

Well, in terms of the horror level of the demon king's words now, no matter in whose eyes or in front of them, there is no way to really ignore them. And when the demon king sees everyone so afraid, in fact, it also has some portraits in his heart. These **** humans make him very uncomfortable when they make them sleep.

"What are you doing? Hurry to disappear from me, don't let me see you again, otherwise, I will let you know what is disappointment and what is pain!" The big carp roared.

The reason why he did not leave at this time is because she has something to protect, and we need to protect.

It is also the reason why he will exist here. If it is lost, whether he or he can obtain some of the things he wants during this period is in itself all he needs to pay attention to.

Facing this kind of situation, there is absolutely no way to easily ignore these small human beings and disturb him to sleep. It must be enough to explain that he actually hates these people.

At this time, I do n’t know who I am facing, or who I need to think about and know. In fact, I really want to talk about it. After finishing these immortals, I also want to protect my safety as much as possible.

Although these human beings seem to be weak, in fact, he can feel that these people also have a super strong kind of cold in their bodies. There is absolutely no way to go, and they really ignore a strong sense of existence.

This feeling is like you knowing that there is a beast hidden in the other person's body.

So you can't easily ignore them, what do you need to do, what should you do? Fight with them as much as possible, or some unnecessarily in the middle to get all the victories they can finally get.

It's like saying, why Nagato would do all this, I will seriously think about it, and now when he needs to face some things, it is also true that he really needs to accomplish all these goals.

Then, in the face of this big demon king, both he and the ordinary people now are very afraid of themselves.

Because at the same time it is scarce, his cultivation behavior is also terrifying.

So in this case, in the face of this current, there is no way to ignore the existence. Each of them has a heavy heart, as if pressing a giant stone, there is no way to let them breathe.

I think you know this too, so he will be silent. There is no time to wait to contact these goods. Then the driver gets the best things.

When you want to play such words, know them, and everyone will understand that this guy has no way to pull them. These people are injured when they look at them, and they feel a bit shameful.

At this time, Zhu Wushuang stood up and said, "Don't listen to its nonsense first. The reason why he said this is that there should be something in the daytime when she needs her!"

"Everyone, don't be fooled by his words. It is certainly not easy to survive so many colorful lotus in this pool. Even if you can speak colorful lotus and nine colored lotus aloud, there is a chance."

Don't be afraid of it at this time, if you are afraid, you will be caught in his trap.

At this time I wish Wushuang and Tian Dashan, you, a person who is completely in a leading position, such as Nagato, in fact their minds and their thoughts are the most clear.

It still exists here at home, which must be not simple, and he asked them to leave, not to see that it was done there. He had ulterior motives. ..


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