My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 272: Magical small world

So now with such a big improvement and strength improvement, what Nagato can do.

It is certainly not a simple little thing about them and how to become stronger.

He still had to find the real big chance, the big chance that he was strong enough to make him feel.

Because of the reason why people will be emotional, or to really compete for something.

That must be because they have reached, where they need to compete.

Because in itself, if they do n’t do it, it certainly means that kind of thing.

In other words, something that can benefit them in a real sense is complete, and fails to meet their expectations.

This is actually quite understandable, not to mention that Nagato does this right now, and it can be called his current strength.

The reason why people think so much and think so much is because they all know what to do and what to do is the most important thing.

Just like him now, looking for Zhu Wushuang and Tian Dashan, then when and where did those people actually come from. It ’s enough to show that they think and do this for the sake of becoming stronger

Although it is true that Nagato's approach and ideas are somewhat overbearing, I think he is the most correct choice to do so.

Because if Nagato doesn't do this, will it really become the direction they want in the end?

It just wants to think clearly about what is the right choice.

If Nagato does things wrong in many cases, or if there is no problem with some of the choices, then it certainly proves that he must be doing what is right.

Then under the corresponding circumstances, after he became stronger, his self-confidence must have been stronger than before.

This is like, why Nagato knows so much, or understands some of their gaps now.

That is enough to show that the difference between them in many cases is that it is not so simple and can be overcome.

What they are facing now at this time, they need to change some things, but in fact it can be said clearly that they are doing the right thing.

Because when his own long door became a person of Deng Qiang, in fact, his character was also stubborn toward a kind of indifferent character of the truly peerless strong man.

Because he knows a lot, when you care about something, it can really give you strength.

But what you really need to maintain is just the direction you desire, it must not be so simple to complete.

This is just as Nagato thought, the reason why he can do some things, but it does not mean that he must now pay for some things to change accordingly.

Then, in this case, what they can do is definitely everything they can do well in this state.

Now facing the present, no matter when and where, they need to change, the long gate has become stronger and go further.

It is natural that there is no need to follow some more, and the corresponding laws and clause areas have been done.

Because if he said that Nagato was before this, he still had concerns about many people.

So at this time, he is even stronger than before, he doesn't have that kind of worries and needs to follow?

Because in itself, the reason why Nagato thinks so is because of the spiritual power contained in this wave of ancient trees, as well as the strength of the voice of the avenue that Jiu Cailian gave her.

He has improved him several times, and in this strong situation, they can completely outperform each other.

In this case, Nagato can change some corresponding things, which is indeed a good thing in itself.

At this time, if it is not normal.

When people will make some changes, it proves that they all need to have a direction to pursue.

The direction they are pursuing must also be based on the corresponding changes and changes they have made in many cases.

Because when doing everything, Nagato can see what he has done.

It also made his strength stronger than before, so at this time, everything in front of him now.

Longmen need to follow and obey, just like many times, why is longmen better than many people.

It is because it has the premise of pursuing the strength of the strong, and it can also make some corresponding adjustments and changes.

This change is also a huge thing.

Well, at this time, it is time to face some things that they all need to change.

In fact, many times, they will do something that they do not understand.

So at this time, no matter who it is, what they can do, or to what extent they can be lower than them, they want to become stronger.

So now can Nagato become stronger, or to what extent can it be achieved?

That must have coveted what kind of person he would become at many specific times.

It must also be because how much they care about when they are doing something

On his own, if Nagato does not do this, or does something to change, he will not reach a level that others cannot reach.

What's more, from the beginning, he said that it was only a few professionally powerful, but afterwards got too much.

He knew that the world was different, and there was some information that could not be easily obtained.

Then he is certainly different from other people in terms of natural vision.

But at this time, in the face of the situation that they all need to change, Nagato's determination to retrieve his memory becomes stronger.

Then at this time, of course, he is even more eager to pursue real strength, and more eager to pursue the strength that really makes them all tremble.

This kind of thinking and mentality is not available to many people, so in this case, it naturally surpasses the ideas of many people, rather than simply staying at a certain stage.

In this case, how much he can achieve depends on what it needs and how much he can achieve, because not everyone can become stronger.

Because there are so many things in the world, as long as the people living in this world, he will be concerned, and it is a good thing to be concerned.

Well, Nagato often makes corresponding changes and adjustments because he knows that this is the most correct choice.

If he does n’t do so much, then he certainly wo n’t become human, and others will be afraid that I am making others truly afraid.

In many cases when there is no strength, let alone find the memory.

Or do some other things certainly not, the real strong is so simple. ..


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