My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 291: Two options

Under the premise of facing this kind of opportunity, it is not a long door. I am afraid that anyone who sees this kind of thing will definitely be, completely want to read it.

Because the spirit vein itself belongs to an extremely rare thing in this world, then at this time, there can be earth forest to buy this kind.

There are a lot of things that are more difficult to obtain, which is enough to explain its peculiarity.

At this time, some actions made by Nagato, as well as the way of behavior.

It is enough to show that the roles they play in this are similar to how to do what they should do, so that they can not be trapped in these things.

Because what I really want to say, when faced with what they now need to face together.

These worlds and chances that Nagato is looking for are actually a lot of explanations, and he is actually a very correct choice to do so.

Because no matter where they are or what their status is, as long as they live on this martial art continent.

They need to work hard for these things, because if they do not work hard, then they will not get what they want.

If they do n’t get what they want, then it ’s sure that they ca n’t be as good as others, which is actually a necessary thing.

What's more, Nagato knew from the beginning what he should do to make it stronger.

Well, at this time, if he does not work hard to fight for these opportunities, then there is no way to compete with other geniuses.

Even simpler, he has no way to truly defeat most people in this world.

Then at this time, what actions and behaviors should be faced now, it is worth them to look for.

Because of itself, if they are doing some of these things, how should they go about telling some related news.

That must also be because they are not able to really think about these and should change.

Because of what they have to do now, how to do it, changes in these things, and some methods are indeed worth thinking about.

And under the premise of facing such a complete need for change now, how to do it, the change is also for them to be able to completely override others.

Some aspects of what they know, because if they say that some of the things they can do in this area are not handled properly, then it is definitely not quite as imagined by others.

Then when I even have individuals out there who need to work together to become what they want to be, how to do all this well does indeed require thinking.

Normally, in the face of this opportunity to sell this kind of forest, it is often a challenge for anyone.

Because in the face of this kind of challenge, how to really do all this is worth thinking and reflection.

So in the face of this kind of real earth spirit that needs to be competed, it is now placed in front of the long gate, which also has to say that his luck is very good.

But while he is lucky, how he should do it, and to what extent, is worth thinking about.

Because in itself, if it is to face some direction that they all have to change, it really has to change a lot.

Because according to the normal way of thinking, when faced with a behavior that others can't really understand, it is indeed a normal behavior.

Because according to some of the directions they understand now, how to do all this is indeed quite important.

That is now sold in this forest, what should I do now? How do I go about it, it is indeed worth thinking about.

Now coming here, and after taking the words of Tu Tu from Changmen Tian, ​​she also felt that the guy didn't lie to him.

That is to say, things at this level are indeed unreasonable to deceive him, which is enough to explain.

Now Nagato still has some very good opportunities, and has ideas to do these things.

Because in the face of these things that need to be corrected and considered, what is the most important thing to complete.

They are still facing, now they all need to face some aspects, in fact, many times they will go to let them have what they really want to say.

Because according to normal, how to complete whatever they need to accomplish now.

No matter when and where they will complete the changes in these things, it is easy for them to really break through what others can understand.

Because some things that Nagato knows well, he now knows that before doing these things, it is a very correct move for him.

Because in the face of it, now they all need to change, how to change, this current environment, that is enough for them to go, is the direction of serious thinking?

Now facing the Earth Spirit Vessel, after thinking for a long time, Nagato sat down directly, because the Spirit Vein is spiritually wise.

In this case, they can't subdue it by ordinary methods, just want to absorb it through their own and completely convert it to others.

Well, at this time, if you want to subdue this kind of completely wise person to sell medicine, it will not play any role.

Because of the existence of the Earth Spirit Vessel, it is because it will provide great power and some special powers to allow others to form a special kind of state, as well as physique or change.

Well, at this time, if Nagato said like he persuaded, it was not uncomfortable.

He also doesn't make much sense, because although this is a peculiar spiritual vein, it is still more powerful to use it to practice.

That being the case, it is more appropriate to sell it in Pring without knowing how long it has survived.

Because that is the most appropriate choice, then at this time, all that Nagato did is naturally affirmed, and it is to make it more suitable for absorption.

Well, since you think this way, the long gate naturally needs to do this, so after sitting down next to her, she began to absorb the spiritual power of this earth spirit vein.

Because if he wants to pursue some other powerful things now, he definitely needs to do it.

If he does not do these things, then surely, it is better to do everything now.

Because in itself, when doing these things, the other things that can be done are definitely not the same.

So now, he needs to absorb these special soil spiritual forces, for him, it must be a special existence.

In this case, it is more appropriate to simply transform it into the spiritual power you need. ..


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