My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 298: Victorious heart

When faced with people now, they all need to think seriously, each of them needs to face these changes.

Because they all know how to make these changes, they will all accomplish their corresponding goals.

Because if they do n’t make these changes at this time, they may really only be able to become the souls of others, which is also very direct and realistic.

because. For many times, when the changes you are facing are about to happen, if you do n’t make these changes, will you really be able to face these changes now?

When the time comes, can they really fully accept this change?

Then at this time, facing the situation that they are now able to really change some of their own things.

Whether they can persevere, and to what extent they have achieved it, is indeed the direction they need to think about.

Because people are like this. When you are doing these things, if others can't really come in contact with you, then for a long time, can you really accept this kind of thing.

Continuing to maintain is also based on whether you are still not going to make progress on this part of the strong heart of the strong.

Because progress is a very necessary thing for normal people in many cases, if it is said that there is no progress, in this martial art continent, it will be killed anytime, anywhere.

So after the Naruto came into contact with this earth spirit vein, he often did some changes in order to make these changes, because this is indeed a very necessary thing.

Well, at this time, there is land to sell this kind of sale, and of course Nagato is unwilling to let it go.

And it is crazy to absorb it while sitting cross-legged, because at this time, they are here, there is no way to go to the real.

When I learn something, I now face it, looking for some states and actions they can really accomplish.

Whether they can really become the kind of point they want, that kind of words is indeed some, it is difficult to accept.

For its part, Nagato knew what he should do, and they made these changes.

It is indeed based on the way they did it when they did these things.

Because in the face of this special time, it is indeed worth thinking about all the special situations they encounter.

So what to do at this time is indeed worthy of people's thinking, where is the direction of these changes?

Well, at this time, Nagato knew how to do it or how to change it. It was indeed understood, some real situation.

In the face of many threats from this martial continent, Nagato could not really say yes, like many ordinary people, he just ate and died.

Well, at this time, when he will follow Tian Dashan to enter this ancient ruin, it shows that his mentality and appearance are not the same as many people.

Because in many cases, people will make these changes, and some corresponding adjustments.

It is also because they all know how to do it, or to what extent it is the best state.

So at this time, why do they do what they do in the face of this special time? It is indeed more difficult for people to think about in Shenzhen.

Because when doing these things, Nagato and many people have different methods and concepts, he will really work hard for himself to capture something, rather than talk about it.

So at this time, these changes now facing, what kind of special reversal they will do, is indeed something that needs serious thinking.

Because Nagato knows that if you go to the mainland in this group, if you are not strong enough, or if you are not able to do something to a certain extent.

You will form a special situation, that is, when you are really reduced to fish meat, other people can not be light, think you are allowed to change this situation.

Because the thing that Nagato is arguing about is if it is not strong enough, and then it is changed based on these things.

Whether it is really possible to continue to maintain this state from this, even if it is very difficult.

Well, at this time, Nagato will fight for these world opportunities, rob, and even pay their own efforts.

It is also because he knows that this is a very correct choice. Only by doing so can he maintain all the relationships they can maintain in the future. This is indeed a direction that needs to be taken seriously.

If Nagato does not make these changes at this time, can it really be like many people.

To really do it in some direction that they can accomplish, the one-for-one turn they want to do, they really need to think about this matter seriously.

Because Nagato knew that when he faced these changes, he was indeed making some corresponding changes and adjustments. Then he knew whether such changes and adjustments could really last for a long, long time.

But at least one thing, he is very clear that as long as he knows how to do it, or to what extent, it is also an important thing.

Because in themselves, when they are doing these changes and thinking, most of them are working for a state and some form they want to accomplish.

In this case, Nagato will make these changes, and when he really wants to achieve a special situation, in fact, he is different from many people's thoughts and thoughts.

Because at a special time, they will treat these special people in a special way, in fact, it is entirely based on the fact that they know what to do when they do these things, which is a more correct choice.

When making these correct choices, it turns out that they all know that when they do these things, they will let them all make their corresponding adjustments and changes.

In itself, when doing these things, most of them clearly know that if these things do not change.

Or if they ca n’t do it to a certain degree, they ca n’t really be themselves and want to do it.

Because people are like this. While they are doing something and making these changes, they all know how to accomplish their own changes.

When doing this kind of special thing, in order to absorb the profits from selling in the soil, in fact, Naomen also knows that when these people do these things, most of them may be aware of the state of the things they want to accomplish. Do it in your heart. ..


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