My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 326: Centipede Monster

The elf took the long door to the cage where the other companions were held. The long door was afraid of seeing all the other elves.

There are wounds on his body, presumably this is the end of the centipede whipping them, and it is very angry to the elf.

When the long door came out, he opened the locks holding the elves and let the elf go to rescue his companion.

After the Nagato rescued the other elves, let them go out first and leave the boulder residence, so that he could clean up the centipede.

Long door alone returned to the centipede monster, shouted, "Centipede monster, wake me up, the centipede sleeps just sweetly,

This was not screamed by the long door, woke up from the dream, opened his eyes bigger than the cow, and looked at the long door.

The long door shouted, "Centipede blame you for giving me up, I will clean up you well, and persecute these elves in such a picturesque place."

Centipede impatiently rubbed his eyes with his hands raised, and was still annoyed in his sleepy eyes. "Who is who, who is calling, you have eaten the bear heart leopard, and dare to come here to shout."

Nagato smiled, "I see who has eaten the bear heart leopard gallbladder, and hasn't gotten up to me yet, I will wait for you to feel good, Nagato said."

The centipede was on fire. It stood up and flew to the long door. It was seen that the centipede was dozens of meters long, with countless feet and hands. Its body was dark brown and exuded a glare.

The centipede flew towards the Nagato and attacked the Nagato without saying a word. A tail swept to the Nagato. It wanted to divide the Nagato into two sections. When the Nagato saw the tail of the Centipede, it swept and stood On the rock.

Centipede saw that Nagato didn't make any move, and swept the tail again. When Nagato saw it, he jumped again and stood on another rock. The tail of Centipede split the rock into gravel.

Centipede saw that the second attack was avoided by the long door, and launched a third attack. The centipede spit out the dark green venom from his mouth and shot at the long door. The long door fell on the ground.

The venom landed on the gravel beside the long door. The long door saw the venom melted the gravel, and the gravel smoked and made a gurgling sound.

The centipede sprayed its venom like a long door. The long door flew back, and the venom landed on the ground again. It did not hurt the long door at all. The centipede's anger was badly corrupted.

Nagato was not in a mood to waste time with this centipede, and wanted to finish this centipede as soon as possible. The long door rolled back and kicked on the body of the centipede, kicking the hands of the centipede. , Centipede's hands and feet suddenly pain.

The centipede refused to accept the defeat and again attacked like a long door. This time the centipede held the long door firmly around the long door with its tail, exhausted all his strength, and wanted to squeeze the long door to death.

Nagato was unable to move the tail circle of the centipede. The centipede saw it and was proud. "I see how you can escape my attack this time." After that, the centipede spewed venom from his mouth. Nagato.

In the case of the centipede thinking that this long door will die, Longmen Yungong shook his body, and freed himself from the tail of the centipede, and the venom of the centipede was in vain again this time.

After the long door broke free of the centipede, he then shot with a palm and hit the head of the centipede. The palm hit the head of the centipede, and the beaten centipede was dizzy.

When Nagato tried to kill the centipede again with a palm, the centipede blamed an excitement, flicked its tail, hit the rocks around it, and flew out of its residence and flew outside.

The long door avoided the falling rocks, and then followed. Seeing the centipede this is the rhythm of escape. How can the long door let this centipede escape like this, she must be cleaned up today.

How can Nagato let the centipede escape, how to let it escape, Nagato made a stride, flew up again, and landed in front of the centipede, "Well, you are a centipede, and you know you can escape!

Centipede saw that Nagato chased over and hurriedly begged for mercy, knights forgive their lives, let me go, I won't do bad things anymore, just let me go, knights want me to do anything.

Nagato saw the centipede begging for mercy and said, "It's no use asking for mercy. Who made you kill those cute elves, whipped them, forced them to do things for you, and let them live in fear every day."

The centipede said, "Chevalier, I was wrong. In order to cultivate my ability, these little elves went to collect aura for me."

Nagato "It's too late to know the mistakes, and I don't know how many unprovoked people you have bruised elsewhere! To hurt yourself in order to strengthen yourself, this kind of injury is absolutely impossible, you know."

Centipede monster "I don't know, I am like this later. I used to be very kind too, but the centipede has always been happy and happy. I collect the spirit of flowers and trees every day to cultivate myself."

"Don't do anything to hurt people, let alone beat these elves. I don't know what started that day. There is a voice in my ear that you must strengthen yourself and must practice more."

Nagato heard, "Who is it that you can't control," the centipede continued. "The warrior is right. He was indeed controlled by others. He said to me every day that he must be strong and must find ability."

"I think, he made me stronger. It's a good thing to practice. He didn't make a mistake. So I started to listen to him and started to find more aura to cultivate myself."

Just like this slowly, the centipede was misled by this voice. What he said was what it seemed to be, and he did n’t know when to start. That voice began to make me do something contrary to my conscience.

At first I was reluctant to do it, but that voice was so magical, I couldn't resist his hypnosis, he let me hurt those elves, let them help me collect aura, if the elf didn't help me, let me shut them down stand up.

Nagato continued to listen to the centipede, and the rescued elves saw the Nagato and the centipede talking, slowly approaching the Nagato, wondering what the Nagato and the centipede said again?

The elves were all around the long door, listening to the centipede, and the centipede saw the elves coming.

Speaking softly, "Sorry you elves, this is not my original wish to harm you. I am also controlled by others. It is really not my intention to hurt you. Please forgive me."

If it were n’t for long-term crackdowns, the current situation might be out of control, but since things have been alleviated, this is extremely beneficial to anyone. After all, once this matter is resolved, at least Nagato can save a lot of trouble, right? ..


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