My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 330: Illusion

After the White Wolf allowed Nagato to enter the ancient forest, he took the Nagato to an open space without sky and trees, and said to the Nagato, "Aliens, if you want to practice, start here. I can help you practice Can teach you something. "

Nagato was very pleased to hear that this white wolf was going to teach himself kung fu. Nagato wanted to learn the illusion of the white wolf. I do n’t know if the white wolf would impart the illusion to him. Wushuang and the two men can make them succumb without having to do anything. The two officials and educated brothers learn something and want to find something, and compete with him for treasure.

The white wolf said, "This open space is where you practice. When you come out of this open space, I am teaching you other cultivation methods. After that, the white wolf walks out of the open space and lets the long gate stay in the open space. Look at the long gate in the distance. "

Nagato stood in the middle of the open space. I do n’t know where White Wolf ’s cultivation started. He could only listen to White Wolf. Then wait in this open space to see what could make him practice, listen to White Wolf, White Wolf. He won't let him come to this open space for no reason.

After a while, there were countless ants crawling around the open space. These ants are quite large, and all are as big as their thumbs. The creatures in this ancient forest are twice or even several times larger than ordinary creatures. The long door sighed .

The black ants are getting closer and closer to the long door. Seeing the ants open their mouth clips one by one, the long door looks at them. Are these ants coming to attack him? Is this the practice of the white wolf? Is cultivation going to start now?

Nagato opened his hands and prepared to deal with these black ants. A group of black ants began to attack Nagato. They opened their pliers and attacked like a Nagato. This was to bite the Nagato. If it was bitten by so many ants, it would grow There are so many wounds on the door.

The long door waved a hand, a gust of wind swept over, and some of the ants who came to attack him were knocked down to a few meters by the long door's palm wind. The other ants saw a new round of attack, and the long door came out again. It fell a few meters away.

The black ants resonated as if they were talking, and the resonance stopped. I saw that all the black ants attacked together. Nagato saw all the black ants attacked him together, and swarmed from all sides.

The long door swung back one by one, hitting the ants close to him who wanted to attack him. These ants were scattered in groups a few meters away. The long door did not have the idea of ​​hurting these black ants. They just let them back.

These black ants resonated once again, and we can see that not far from the open space, there were thousands of ants crawling again. These ants were the companions of the previous black ants. Presumably to help these ants to attack the long doors.

The black ants found a lot of rescuers, and they resonated again. The tone of this resonance is different from before. Nagato thought, are these ants going to change their combat methods? In what way will this attack be launched?

This time, the black ants changed their offensive methods. This time, the black ants jumped from the ground and wanted to fly to the long door. Some black ants also got out of the ground, preparing to attack the long door. How did Nagato avoid the two attacks.

The Nagato also responded quickly, hitting the ants that jumped up and slapped them one by one. As for the ants drilled on the ground, the Nagamon flew out of the foot and flew those ants out, and so many attacks, countless After the flight, those black ants slowly attacked slowly, not as violently as before.

Nagato knew that they were almost exhausted of physical strength, and the attack speed was much weakened. Nagato slowed down his palm and eased himself. These black ants made him tired for a while, if not for control. Palm power.

Without hurting these black ants, the palm of the long door will be out faster than he is now. He really did n’t want to hurt these ants, so he just slammed his palms and did n’t use his skill to slap the palms, so that these black ants would not be hurt. Too.

The slower and slower attack speed of the black ants did exhaust the physical strength. Some ants did not move even on the ground, and their physical strength could not keep up at all, and they were unable to attack the long gate anymore. The door launched an attack.

The other ants gradually exhausted their physical strength, and they slowly lay on the spot without moving. The long door watched that these ants did not attack him. Knowing that they had no physical strength, they also folded their palms and stood in the open space. Watch these black ants in the middle.

The white wolf looked at the black ants and the long door not far away, and he saw that the long door came out of the palm to not hurt the black ants.

Meaning, this is what he wanted to see. The black ants were all transformed by the white wolf by illusion, in order to let the long gate practice.

The black ants disappeared from the front door, and the white wolf walked to the front door. "Why do n’t you hurt those ants, outsiders, but they did n’t show mercy to you, they all attacked you in a variety of ways. Attack you. "

Nagato "The ants didn't hurt me, they were just a group of animals, and they weren't anything that ate people. And they couldn't hurt me. I only wanted to drive them away with my palms. They wanted me to use my physical strength to launch a group attack. I do n’t want my physical strength so good. "

They didn't exhaust my physical strength, they got tired and fell down, ha ha ha, the long door looked at the white wolf with a smile.

Bai Lang looked back at Chang Men with a smile, "" The boy is kind enough, it seems that I have not misunderstood you, that Bai did not let you enter this ancient forest, and I did not regret my decision. Long Gate asked Bai Lang, except for these ants. Are there any other animals or something to make me practice? My physical strength is still preserved, and I can fight it later! "

White Wolf "This is the end of today's practice, and it will continue tomorrow," "Nagato" is finished! Today's practice, I haven't cast my fist yet, and it's over, "White Wolf", young man, this is just the beginning The practice of is not as simple as it is today. "

This is just the beginning, don't be too careless. Today I just look at your potential, observe and observe you, see what kind of cultivation method you are suitable for, and adjust your next cultivation.

Nagato "Did you find the ants or did you change them with illusion?" Nagato asked the white wolf.

The white wolf said, "The ants were transformed by my illusion. In the next training, everything will be changed by me. The purpose is to allow you to improve your practice, make you stronger, and become a more Powerful people. "

Nagato understood, "I know, I will practice well here. Please ask the white wolf to increase the intensity of the cultivation. I can handle it."


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