My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 339: Meaning of survival

Because this is often the case, when people will care about some things, and really appreciate, or do other things, then it depends on how important these people and things are to them.

And now Nagato feels that someone is waiting for him, he knows that he can stay in this place for a while, but if he wants to stay here and never go out, it is impossible.

Because everyone survives, he has its meaning. Each of them will have their own special needs to guard and some people and things that need to be dealt with. They have to go. They work hard to do these things.

What he will do in that situation also depends on the challenges he faces, whether they can really stick to it and do everything they can.

This is actually a challenge to him, and a real change in self-awareness.

Because everyone knows that when facing the special, people and things of the present, Nagato may also be like many people, sometimes fearful, or daring.

But in fact, after Nagato gradually became human, his feeling was not as cold as before.

He may also be more, and occasionally think of things like feelings and feelings between some people.

And most of the time, after Nagato has been exposed to these things, he will get some influences, and some will cause him some changes, and it will be through these things that he will have such changes and changes. of.

Because he himself is not a real fairy, even if she has the special radical system that she had first, in fact they often do it, which is enough to explain what they are doing.

In this case, there are still many changes to what Nagato can do.

So in this case, Nagato is now facing, and after some new adventures to this new Budo continent, he is also vaguely expecting in his heart.

After entering the original water pool that entered this small world, he swam directly along the current.

She always couldn't figure out why the people of this small world and the infinite adults set up the intersection of this little sister under a pond.

This is indeed something that is worth thinking and imagining. After all, not everyone can do this, or set the junction of a small world under a pool of water. It seems that some people do not understand why he did this. ?

Because of all things in the world, many of the rules he has, fortunately, things that are hard to guess are all available for discovery, but at least they are not everyone who can do something that people do not understand.

And now that this small world is located, this kind of people has no way to guess why he was suddenly in this waterhole, which is really special.

Of course, special is special, and Nagato does n’t care too much. After all, he has been looking here and stayed for so long.

And now that he entered the water pool, he soon appeared on the dance path again, which made Nagato feel comfortable. He screamed in the sky and shouted loudly,

"Me, Nagato is back !!"

At this time, the loud volume of such a loud voice really scattered the surrounding policies of birds and beasts. Because people I go to the mainland many times, and some monsters of strange-shaped monsters, they can make people scared, or they can make people feel scared because of their strength.

He Changmen's momentum has now reached a certain level, and it is a powerful deterrent. While some birds and beasts scattered around, those who are closer to it and these beasts are indeed terrified.

Nagato didn't care what happened in front of him, he is still in the Yanhuang Empire.

Therefore, he knew that he was facing Tian Dashan and Zhu Wushuang. He didn't know whether to return to their own mansion, and whether the children of the officials were also dead a lot. He doesn't care about this now.

Perhaps he is more concerned about what kind of benefits these people get from it. In fact, this is also a place that needs to be considered.

For their part, the expedition to this small world by themselves and their party was the result of the prime minister and prime minister of their Yanhuang Empire.

So at this time, whether they will get any chance, although this is enough to make Nagato curious, but in the face of the present, he has returned to the Budo mainland again, and he vaguely feels that the intersection is no longer able to Go in for the second time.

So now, in what way is his entrance to this small world open? In other words, it is worth thinking about which way to go together.

Therefore, if Nagato is not staying, I will not be like the house that Tian Dashan prepared for him before. This house was also used by Tian Dashan to draw Nagato before he stayed.

As far as Nagato itself is concerned, they are actually not interested in the battle between the two factions in the court.

Because he knew why he would cooperate with them, and what was the reason for cooperation, he could do it in his heart.

So in this case, after he will come out again, I really did it for a bigger adventure, so some of the battles between these young talents are actually not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Or to put it more simply, some of their struggles, and some actions, are completely in the eyes of Nagato, as simple as playing a house, making people completely uninterested.

So when she came to the child, she saw a little old man come out. He saw the long gate in a daze and asked, "Well ... who are you looking for this son?"

This little man is looking at the long door all the way, because he grew up and feels a special temperament, this temperament is not owned by everyone, so he also treats each other well.

Nagato smiled and said, "Where did Tian Dashan go? Has he returned?"

The little old man froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "The son is back, has been back for some time ..."

Nagato nodded slightly and said, "Should he be at home then?"

The old man shook his head, "I'm not sure, because things have changed in the DPRK and China recently, and I don't know where the salary is!"

After the next door thank you for the next sentence, he turned and left.

Because for him, the reason why he did n’t look for Tian Dashan was also because this person said that he had the taste of using it, but he was actually quite good, so Nagato wanted to see what he was doing. ..


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