My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 353: People in memory

When he came to Martial Art Continent in Nagato, he had indeed lost his memory, but he was always looking for the two women he wanted to find, although he didn't know who was waiting for him.

But he has a feeling that there is actually something in his heart that needs to be considered, and some aspects are taken seriously.

And before he can go for it, really be able to, and really face some things they want to do now, there are indeed many special aspects.

And most of the time, they will want to get something.

They will go, in order to want to work hard, and really get what they want to cherish, which is actually very difficult.

Because many times, they will do these things, changes and things, it is really based on what they know the meaning of doing so?

And Nagato knew that someone was waiting for him and the memory needed to be recovered.

Well, at this time, the news that he has spread from the small world now may have attracted the attention of many people.

This is a very important thing, and most of the time, they will work hard for these things, but they also have special aspects that need to be carefully paid attention to.

Because in most cases, they will work hard for these things at the same time, but also be able to go to the real need to complete.

There are some long doors. Under special circumstances, it is indeed working hard, going in the direction they want for the present, to be able to truly become them, and more people want to become

People are the world's top powerhouses, but this is actually the most difficult thing.

Because many people are constantly becoming stronger, there are many ways they want to be stronger, but perhaps the most is that they now just want to become the person they want to be more.

Because most of the time, they will do what they really want to do for these things, and they will pay for everything. The effort is based on what they are doing, the meaning is cleared by themselves, knowing the meaning of doing so Where did you find it.

Because in many cases, they will work hard for these things, there are still many possibilities that will happen.

And most of the time, they will do these things. In the case of Chengdu, they will pay for the real hard work in these places. There are really many possibilities.

So, while Nagato made many efforts, the main reason for Zhu Wushuang to spread the news was because he knew the reason for doing so was correct.

Because in the face of being able to work hard for these things, there are still many possibilities, they will really exist, and they want to exist in the meaning.

So while facing these current ideas and changes, there are indeed some, especially those that really need to be able to change and think hard for these ideas.

Those constant challenges that need to be faced at this time in particular, Nagato also knows what to do is the most correct.

And at this time, after the news of Nagato's dissemination came out, many people have come to them to ask for them, and these people have also become peerless geniuses and the like. Because most of the time, they will become stronger in order to find a stronger opportunity, and at the same time they will put more effort into it.

That's why you can't be a generous person. Many people are beginning to become stronger and continue to be real. If they want to become stronger through their own efforts, they will try their best to work for this matter. .

In fact, in many cases, they will make real efforts to do this, but also know that they are facing these special changes, and there are many possibilities.

Because in their so-called eyes, will they really be able to go to some people and things that can really work hard for it?

Whether they can really persevere to change themselves and change themselves for the sake of the present and those who can.

Most of the time, whether the two will really insist on achieving the level they want is actually very important.

At least for them, when faced with these changes, in what capacity they will face the present, these special places need to pay attention to.

This is also a relatively important thing, because most of the time, people will go to protect things and people at the same time for what they need now.

The reason they will work hard for it depends on what they really need to do now.

If they fail to do so, then to what extent, there must be no such reason, which can really make people afraid.

Because in most cases, whether they can really become stronger depends on whether they go further on this path of becoming stronger.

This is actually some of the ultimate reasons why they will do this while they keep making progress and making progress.

Because most of the time, now Nagato is really taking the direction he can go to work hard and become stronger. In fact, it is what many people want to be able to do.

But in fact, they are able to pay for these changes, efforts, or on the road to becoming stronger now, there are still many possibilities.

So in most of the abilities, they will really do some things for these changes, and really allow them to change. In some places, there is still a lot of possibilities for their real hard work.

In many cases, there are still many possibilities for whether they can really make changes for these things.

And in the eyes of Nagato, there are still many possibilities for what they can really do.

Then in the face of the constant challenges of these people, Nagato and their battles all easily won them, even if they were some tough like, now I wish Wushuang and Tiandashan the level of people, easily Defeated by Nagato.

And these people are indeed for him to challenge Nagato, and indeed there are many possibilities.

When Ding Wei does these things, will they be able to pay for these changes, or will there be many possibilities?

So at this time, if he needs to fight to become stronger, there are still many possibilities to fight to do these things. ..


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