My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 434: First entry into the realm

"Let's look around and see if you can find something good!" The old man ordered.

"it is good!"


Because at any time Nagato will do anything, it is actually not difficult to imagine, the reason why he will do it is because he will really go to the end of the transformation that he can really bring from learning and progress to the present. how many.

And Nagato will really go what it is going to do at this time, and to make these changes is indeed how to learn more now through his own efforts.

What was very clear at the beginning was facing any changes that would happen

In many times, how will he do these things that can bring them more transformation? It is also in this era that he can really face in the first parts of the present, face these Many things can happen.

Then Nagato can really be a good self now and be able to truly become stronger for the efforts he has made, and in what way will he really do more of these changes now.

"This is a secret realm! I really don't know what good things are there, so I look forward to it."

"Yeah! Yeah! Really look forward to ..."

"Don't leave behind, keep up, keep up ..."

"I don't know which power created this secret realm. It's really amazing."


It is really a very important aspect to consider that your own hard work is really learning, and getting these real protections in these mysteries now, bringing her greater transformation.

And these changes that can really be faced, through their own efforts, are really how to do more of these things no matter when and where.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that while Nagato is facing anything now, it is indeed through his own efforts to strive for these world opportunities that can bring changes to them.

Because these things that can really be faced at any time, it is true that while working hard, they will bring them now. In the face of any changes that will happen, there will be many people who may happen.

And at any time, Nagato will go to study like this, and the reason for more of these efforts now is because he knows that he will need to think about it at this time, and can really bring them these things that really get these changes.

It is not difficult to see how Nagato will really go at this time, and how to achieve the reason for this transformation.

In fact, it is not difficult to see how Nagato will actually accomplish this while doing so. At the same time, the changes facing him will give them more possibilities for these things.

"It's such a big place, I don't know who created it." Nagato laughed casually, "I am afraid that the person who can create this place is really strong?"

You should know that at this time you will really face the changes you are facing, or you can really bring them these real reasons that you can move forward.

So in such a situation that he can now face, how will he achieve that he can now truly complete this technique and real experience to bring them more changes.

It is not hard to see how Nagato will make these changes at this time, and Nagato will indeed undergo more such changes at any time.

Because at any time they will go to get real, they want to get these things, and indeed they will go at this time. What kind of treasures they really get in this secret realm with these people, this is actually what the long gate expects. One.

"It's more than strong!" The old man smiled and said, "You can call me Donald, generally people with this kind of means are all capable!"

"Tang Lao? This nickname sounds domineering." Nagato smiled.

At any time, I will really study, and it is not difficult to see that he has done anything that brought him change.

Nagato will really do what they can do now, but in fact, under this more transformation, how will he progress and improve to what he can improve to degree.

And in the face of any changes that will happen now, how will he go to achieve what he can do, it is very necessary to consider such changes, for them in the end how much progress.

At any time, Nagato will go about how to make these more changes now. This will indeed bring them the way they can now move forward, and whether they can really do some things that can be done now.

Now that any change needs to be made, Nagato will also be very clear from the beginning to the end. In the face of these first steps that can truly progress, it is also his position from the beginning to the end that has a very good position. Clear understanding.

"The so-called one-sided power, the means is not something ordinary people can imagine." Tang Lao seriously introduced, "As long as there are people with such means, they can create this kind of secret."

The thing that has always been very clear and understood is that you can really go at any time, because these things and the reasons for becoming stronger now will bring them more changes now, because they want to become stronger. At the same time, what needs to be paid will become more.

Because at any time, through how their own efforts are changing, now they can really achieve the things that many people can happen.

At this time, I can really come to this secret realm with them and see if I can get more things in a few years.

This is actually something that Nagato is thinking about. After all, not everyone can be as real as they are now. These so-called strong men compete for some treasures in this interview.

After all, this kind of competition for grasping is not something that can be done casually in the eyes of many people, and most of the time, when they will do something, it is also true for these aspects of understanding now. Will change even more.

"Oh? Then you talk about what you know!" Nagato singularly said, "Just I want to hear, what kind of existence of this so-called power."

So that while making any changes and these things that need to happen, Nagato is very clear from the beginning to the end that he needs to do this, and what the final reason is.

Because there are countless at any time, in fact, it is not difficult to see what kind of changes will happen at the same time when you really come into contact with these people at this time.

In fact, it is also something that will really be taken into consideration. It is at this time that Nagato really wants to change and advance these things. Is it happening as they thought,

Because the changes that are really faced at this time are indeed at any time they can now face, they will also be able to truly face these changes, whether they are really able to make such special changes,

This is indeed something that can really be faced with. At the same time, the things you need to consider are really able to face. These changes will also be faced. How many things do they want to consider?

"Is it powerful?" Donald Tang thought for a moment, and a look of reminiscent appeared on his face. "There are so many legends about ancient ancient power. It's too much to talk about in a while.

So the things that will need to be considered at any time are true, and at this time they will go through these changes that they can really make.

It is also true that at this time, they will really face any such efforts that will happen, and they will try their best to strive for their own efforts as far as possible, all these possible things. ..


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