My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 4: Understand Kaitian

To break heaven and earth, we must rectify the name of heaven and earth, the state of chaos and chaos, without distinction, without a reliable rule. As the so-called random rules do not make a circle.

Dongfan Daojun knows this truth and must break the present chaotic world. This world can no longer bear the pursuit of a better life by souls. The days are turbulent. I do n’t know the years and the beings are suffering. This is the most unacceptable of Dongfan Daojun.

Dongfan Daojun took the initiative to present the Jade Butterfly, and supported Kaishan with his actions.

In a ban imposed by Hongjun, the crowd began to secretly discuss the day.

Hongjun's avenue of enlightenment can naturally blind the chaotic heaven.

"But to open the earth, the power of the people is not enough. After all, it has already caused cause and effect with Chaos Heavenly Path. Everything is in the bureau." Dongfan Daojun said to everyone.

"Yeah, the gift of Chaos Heavenly Dao is in immense calamity."

Hong Jun went on again: "This must cleanse the contaminated qi from the body. Clear the relationship with the Heaven and Earth Cause and Effect, and then hold the giant axe with the supreme power, and open the world with the power of hundreds of thousands of forces."

"I am the incarnation of Qinglian, born of the innate spirit, thunder and wind and fire blessing, can dilute the chaotic spirit and help the manpower. I am transformed into Qinglian, the name is Chaolian Qinglian, he can wash this. The spirit of chaos. But this person must be unrepaired in order to open up the sky, and must be endlessly washed by thunder, wind and fire. The process is extremely painful, even if he is a high-cultivator, he can't reduce it by half. "

Dongfan Daojun also talked about the power of Chaos Qinglian.

"With this kind of tempering, the big Luo Jinxian may not be able to bear it. It must have a persevering big perseverance to complete this great cause."

"As long as I can split this chaotic world, I am willing to suffer endless torture. This chaotic world, panic all day long, I haven't seen it for a long time, begging East Fan Daojun to point the way.

"And the road to the sky, the resistance is more than three thousand, that is, the three thousand chaotic deities, suffering from the comfort and comfort of chaos, where can someone else open the sky to ruin their dojo."

"I'm not afraid, as long as I can break through this chaotic world, I'm not afraid of anything." Pangu said very firmly, with a determined and unrepentant look in his eyes.

This is also the reason why Hongjun closes Pangu as a big disciple. Pangu is the head of the three thousand chaotic demon gods. He is straight and loyal in nature, with a height of one million feet, and he is very powerful. Because I can't see this muddy chaotic world, the same vulgarity is everywhere. There is no clean place. I always wanted to change the chaotic world, but I couldn't help myself, unable to change the status quo.

Only after meeting Master Hongmeng's path, did he swear that no matter how much resistance, he must call the chaotic world another day. If you block 3,000, you will kill 3,000. If you block 30,000, you will kill 30,000. Make up your mind and be very determined.

Hong Jun was very satisfied with this, and now he has the chaotic Qinglian of Dongfan Daojun. Coupled with the four innate treasures of the Three Thousand Avenue Jade Butterfly, Kaishan Axe, Tai Chi Map, Kaishan will surely succeed.

Hongjun immediately instructed Pangu to open the mountains and related matters after Nuwa and Taiyi opened the mountain.

Hongjun taught the Three Thousand Avenue Jade Butterfly, as well as the Sky Axe, Tai Chi Map and Zhi Pan Gu.

Acting on Hongjun Avenue, temporarily blinding the heavens, escorting Pangu and Dongfan Daojun to the chaotic lotus mountain.

At this moment, the Eastern Fan Daohuan put the Pangu flesh in the lotus platform with a huge chaotic green lotus.

The butterfly of Sanqian Avenue was transformed into twenty-four petals for Pangu Shenwu Avenue. The Taiji map and Kaishan axe were placed in this chaotic green lotus with Pangu.

This chaotic green lotus is an innate treasure. It can cleanse the chaotic atmosphere of this chaotic world, make it free from the control of the heavenly path, and help others cultivate, so that the cultivator can achieve the desired effect. "The effect of this chaotic green lotus is simply not too good. It turns out that the East Patriarch Patriarch itself is the incarnation of the green lotus. If such good things are cultivated for me, it will not be directly sanctified." Nagato sighed.

The memory in front of this scene, if it is not that he has unlimited life and the power to control the spirit, I am afraid that no one will know this period of history.

Nagato was astonished as he discovered the big blockbuster news, and the original history has an unknown scene.

"This Dongfan Daojun is also too low-key, Hongmeng has three thousand ancestral jade butterflies to prove the sanctification, Pangu proves the way, and the dead body has been sanctified to be the saints of all ages. The work is actually unknown. "

At this time, Nagato couldn't understand the Eastern Master Patriarch.

The chaotic time is illusory, and I do not know how long it has passed, and I have experienced several disasters in the famine.

Pangu experienced endless sharpening. Every cell in the body was whipped by Wan Jun Thunder, and it was extremely painful. Pangu ’s body was completely burnt by Qinglianye, and then slowly reshaped in the fire, slowly chaos four The big elements of thunder, wind and fire blend into the bone marrow. At the same time, I realized the Three Thousand Avenues, because Pangu was originally the leader of the Chaos Demon God, and the Devil Gods only practiced the exercises, not the basics. Therefore, it is not possible to see through the avenue, only half-step avenue.


In the heart of Nagato, secretly panicked, a strong burst suddenly broke out in the chaotic world, shaking the entire chaotic world.

Heavenly Dao was trembling.

A green lotus blooms and the twenty-fourth flower blooms. The figure lying on it, with a strong muscle, holding a mountain axe in hand, pedaling the Tai Chi figure and slowly getting up. There are thousands of feet in length.

"My name is Pangu, the sky is dim, and I am going to split the world today."

Pangu announced its rebirth to the entire chaotic world, and powerful and powerful voices spread throughout the chaotic world in an instant.

The chaotic world is shaken.

"Good Pangu, you and I will fight again."

Just when Pangu came to Chaos again, I remembered with a scream.

A tall demon ape, holding a towering giant wood, looked at Pangu, who was ten thousand times more powerful than before, seriously filled with crazy fighting intentions.

"This chaotic demon is going crazy. His previous strength and the chaos of the chaos demon ape are indistinguishable. Today, practicing in this chaotic green lotus is already a half-step avenue, and dare to make times."

The Chaos Demon Apes are inherently belligerent because they control the laws of war. Since their birth, they have been chaotic without defeat. In the future, the four monkeys, the Lingming stone monkey, the red rabbit horse monkey, the red-armed ape monkey and the six-eared macaque are the chaotic demon monkeys.

Therefore, the strength of the previous Chaos Demon Monkey in Chaos should not be underestimated.

Nagato was stunned to see such a picture beside him. He was also a master in one side of the world. In the wild world, it was a dust. It was insignificant!

But even before Pangu entered Chaotic Qinglian, this chaotic demon didn't dare to challenge himself easily. Why is it so strange today that he actively provoked me to come.

Nagato noticed something strange about this chaotic demon ape. ..


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