My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 15: Green Luan caught by the shadow

"You are not a dragon or Kirin tribe, who are you?"

Qingluan saw that he was not a tribe. But he did not know his origins. What is his purpose in catching himself. The spiritual power of this black shadow is very strong, but some are not like a creature.

The black shadow didn't answer, and came straight towards the blue luan. The black shadow was very powerful. If you want to win the blue luan in one fell swoop, you don't want to do too much entanglement.

But where the green luan was willing to take it, so obediently he grabbed his hand, and quickly flicked to the side, and a group of flaming flames flared towards the dark shadow.

This flaming flame is the innate companion fire of the Feng clan. It is called Nanming Lihuo, and it is pure to the sun. It can burn all the evil, evil spirits and resentments in the world.

This dark figure naturally knew the power of Nanming's fire away, and quickly fled to escape, but just attacked Qingluan with all his strength, and was hidden by the body of Qingluo's phoenix lightly. Injured the left shoulder.

This group of shadows is also high in mana, knowing that such a strong cannot gain any benefits. Then he raised his hand and pinched out a spell, and waved a group of black qi to trap the blue luan in it. After all, the blue luan was too low to make any mana. The black gas became stronger and stronger, and the blue luan collapsed on the ground.

Nagato left Ape Wing Mountain and was going to Kun Peng, the Northern Demon Master, but on the way he saw a mountain top, a group of bear flames hit the rock, and the rock suddenly shattered. Then a cloud of black gas gradually enveloped the mountain.

When Nagato sees this group of black qi, he has a lot of grievances, and secretly steals a hint of magic energy, so Nagato diverts to investigate.

Nagato rushed to the top of the mountain, and a hidden place first observed what happened here.

I saw this beautifully dressed Feng nationality woman was shrouded in a black air and collapsed to the ground, and a slightly more simple Feng nationality woman beside him was also cast a spell, unable to move.

When Nagato sees this group of shadows, there is a hint of chaos and a sense of chaos, but it can be felt that this shadow is not a deity, this is just an avatar of the deity. Nagato didn't know the other party's origin and didn't dare to shoot easily, so he concealed his breath and planned to follow the shadow.

This black shadow turned into a black air, flying the blue luan and the blue bird to the west, and the long gate followed, fearing to be discovered by the other party, while changing its position at any time, flashing left and right.

Following this all the way, the black shadow did not find the long gate.

The black gas fell on Fengmo Mountain, and then disappeared in a flash on the cliff of Fengmo Mountain.

Nagato saw the shadows of every move from afar, and watched the black gas disappear in Fengmo Mountain, and he knew what the reason was.

This magic mountain is the dojo of the demon Luo Luo, this Luo is not an ordinary person, he is also one of the chaotic demon gods, with high mana, when Pangu opened the sky, Pangu in order to clear the heavy resistance of the open sky, it will chaos 2,900 Ninety-nine Demon Gods were all eliminated. Later Pangu itself realized the avenue itself, and then turned into everything.

However, this Luo Sui was lucky to leave a trace of remnant soul. This trace of the remnant soul absorbed the resentment before the death of Chaos Demon God, the hostility in the chaos and the resentment generated during the opening of the sky. Luo Sui will resent in this magic mountain Refined with this chaos. Now it has been cultivated as a spiritual body.

It happened that this remnant soul inherited Luo Su's exercises and formations, plus the resentment, anger and chaos of the three thousand demon gods. These three thousand demon gods were already very resentful, and now they are all left by Luo Su. Soul refining and absorption. Now Luo Ai is more terrible than the previous Chaos Demon Luo Luo.

Luo Su relied on absorbing the essence, blood and resentment of the world, and improved his virtue. Now it is already the realm of the middle age of Daluo Jinxian.

And because of the fighting among the Dragon, Phoenix, and Kirin tribes, countless children of the three tribes lost their lives in the battle at the border of the tribe, which led to increased resentment in this flood, which further encouraged Luo Sui's cultivation.

Luo Shui's cultivation is very fast, but to break through, he must be in the late period of the great Luo Jinxian, and he must have more blood and resentment.

Nagato knew that his current strength would not be in direct conflict with Luo Ai. Fortunately, he had chaotic Qinglian to cover up his own breath. Even Luo Ai could not find it at all. not enough.

Nagato has also roughly guessed Luo Sui's conspiracy.

The top priority now is to stop the tribes fighting as soon as possible, but now in the wilderness, people talk lightly, and the tribes claim their names, where can they listen to their own words.

"This matter is a little troublesome, and we have to do more work."

"The saints of the powerful afterlife in this flood, that is, the ancestor Hongjun, and then the six saints, Sanqing, Nuwa, picking up, and quasi mentioning."

Nagato was thinking about who he should call for help now. After all, in his current identity, he would go directly to the undead volcano, and others might not believe it.

This quasi mention and introduction has just been transformed, and it can't help now. Hong Jun retreats in Zixiao Palace to practice Taoism. Although Dongfan Daojun opened the Heavenly Tribulation, Yuanshen still seals himself and remains on Naiji Island The current practice is difficult to leave Na Nai Lei Island.

These three Qing dynasties did not know how to practice in Kunlun Mountain. If they can come forward to mediate, they should be able to resolve this misunderstanding.

At this time, Nagato decided to visit the Sanqing Taoists in Kunlun Mountain in the East.

Just about to leave, a mass of black air flew from Fengmo Mountain.

There was a panic in Nagato's heart, and he was about to set his position in response. The black air never came towards him, but flew towards the east.

In the heart of Nagato, wondering, what kind of abacus Luo Luo was doing, he followed the black gas again, to find out what the purpose of Luo Hui was. The black gas came to a stream and fell.

The long door stayed in the air, observing all these movements from afar.

"This chaotic Qinglian's hidden method is very short, and Da Luo Jinxian can't find it."

Although the Nagato was ecstatic, he still dared not get close. In case of leakage, he gave up his efforts.

Long Gate saw a man in the distance from the river, very anxious, as if looking for something, but the distance was too far to hear what he was shouting.

Nagato came closer, one by one, fearing to be discovered by this group of black shadows, this is not a simple black shadow, but the ancestor of Mozu Luosui, lost his life a little carelessly!

Nagato hid behind the man ’s uncle who was not far away, when he saw the shadow standing in the woods hundreds of feet behind the man, watching the man.

"Qing Luan, Qing Luan, where are you? Are you here?"

The man looked around, a little nervous, and he was still anxious.

Nagato wondered if the man was waiting for the two women who had just been captured by the shadow. ..


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