My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 18: Gluttonous beast

The three tribes have been complaining for a long time, and the dragon tribe has a single family, which has threatened the survival of the other two tribes.

The disappearance of the third princess of the Phoenix family and the sixth royal family of the dragon family is only a fuse, and their disappearance has accelerated the pace of the tribal war.

It is said that this gluttonous had originally made an appointment with Longmen, one to return to the Dragon Palace to move the rescuers, and the other to Feng Moshan to continue to investigate Luo Sui's move.

It turned out that this glutton was halfway through, the devil qi in the body was attacked, and the devil qi attacked the internal organs. The gluttons exhausted all the mana, but they still couldn't fight the devil qi in the body and lost their mind for a while.

The gluttons were controlled by the magic energy, and the resentment and anger in the body exploded, and then swallowed other creatures everywhere, absorbing the anger of the world, which made him more irritable and uncontrolled, and then the body had deformed under the erosion of the magic energy The whole body was shrouded in a black air, and his eyes became flushed with erosion.

He became more greedy, devouring humans and other birds and beasts, making the breeze daunting.

But gluttonous elements are not confronting this evil spirit all the time. The reason in his heart became a little weak, but the gluttons had not completely lost themselves, and there was a hint of obsession in his heart.

That obsession was the green luan, and the gluttonous bear suffered from the tortured heart of the magic energy, as if to explode his head.

But gluttonous still persevered and endured everything, he wanted to rescue his beloved, he could not give up. If you give up taking yourself, you will be completely occupied by the magic energy.

Outside Fengmo Mountain.

A huge monster covered with black gas, the monster madly ran around in the woods outside Fengmo Mountain, and stumbled towards Fengmo Mountain, and ate it when it met creatures along the way.

With the last hint of obsession in his heart, Taotie went to Fengmo Mountain, and at the same time the devil qi also guided him to Fengmo Mountain.

Nagato stayed outside Fengmo Mountain for a few months, and there was no new action from Luo Sui, and there was no news about it.

The trace of this monster was discovered on this day. But Nagato didn't recognize the black monster as a glutton.

"This monster's mind has been controlled by magic energy, this should be Luo Sui's ghost."

Nagato looked at him in a hidden place, but in Luo Sui's control area, he did not choose to do it.

Inside the Magic Mountain.

In a cave, a black shadow sits on top of the jade platform, but the jade platform has been eroded by the demonic energy and becomes bright red.

The black figure exhaled and laughed.


"These three tribes have been doing evil for tens of thousands of years, and now they deserve this great disaster. I am just following the Tao of Heaven to speed up the destruction of the three tribes. Such a great disaster is very tonic for me.

"Old Devil, you have to be proud, and my Feng Clan won't be able to catch you. If my Feng Clan knows that you tied me, you must come and destroy your devil."

"Huh, the tribe's sins and floods should have been wiped out long ago. Now, when this war begins, the floods will be the world of my devil."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, your love lover has come to seal the magic mountain now, oh no, it should be my meal now. Hahaha!"

Qingluan was now a little worried about her gluttonous brother.

"What's the matter with you devil, how did you treat your brother? If you dare to hurt your brother, I will definitely smash you."

Qingluan was frightened and very angry, and said to Luo Sui politely. "Little sister, don't worry, your brother is very good, I just invite him to reunite with you."

Luo Sui's tone was proud, and a strange smile appeared in his eyes.


There was a loud noise outside, and the gluttonous leap from the top of the mountain fell on the open space in front of the cave entrance, hit a loud noise, and then walked straight into the cave.

The gluttonous mind has lost nine points, and there is only a trace of consciousness for the blue luan, which is his unforgettable memory. The deep affection can do this. Under the erosion of this powerful magic energy, a trace of consciousness has been retained. It's a miracle.

The magical energy of this glutton was born in Luo Su's body, and naturally this glutton was attracted to this place by Luo Su.

Luo Sui was a little puzzled to see that this gluttonous monk was left with a sense of reason on the upper body of the devil qi. How could this boy resist my devil qi, knowing that it was a monk in the early days of the great Luo Jinxian in the Honghuang Continent. , Sent for Luo Sui.

"Are you really your brother?"

Qingluan couldn't believe his eyes. The monster covered in black gas in front of him didn't look like his familiar brother, but that kind of feeling was clearly his brother.

馕 鬄 didn't answer, but turned to see the green luan locked in a prison cage. There was a glance in his eyes, and his mind recovered three points.

"Luan'er, are you?"

Although his business has changed somewhat, Qingluan is very sure, that is his brother.

The teardrop rolled in Qingluan's eyes, sobbing, and said.

"Brother Gao, this is me, this is Qingluan."

There was a trace of rejoicing in his eyes, but immediately, like crazy, this Luo Qi's devilish arrogance was too domineering, where can you allow you to restore reason? Suddenly, the gluttonous headache is split, and life is better than death.

He was greedy and angry, leaning on a little reason, struggling, and fighting against the evil spirit, trying to rescue his beloved.

The gluttons rushed over and smashed the chains of the cage with their claws, and then picked up the blue luan and ran away, he could not care about the blue bird.

But the green luan and the blue bird sister have a long relationship. Where can the blue luan leave her sister to escape alone, and at the same time pull up the blue bird reaching out to her, and then fled the smoke and escaped from Fengmo Mountain.

Strangely, Luo Sui did not chase it out.

Tiaoying struggled with the devil qi. He knew that if he was completely devoured by the devil qi, then he might be able to kill his beloved girl by himself. This was something he absolutely didn't want to see, and it was himself who would rather die.

Seeing a mass of black air flew out of Fengmo Mountain, Nagato also carried the two women of the Feng clan. At present, Nagato is still unclear about the situation, so he follows up to see what happened.

This gluttonous flight tens of thousands of kilometers eastward in the middle of the flood, and gradually felt that he could not resist the demon, so he found a hill, put down the blue luan and the blue bird, but his eyes were more red, and his face was grim to kill the green luan.

At this moment, the Nagato appeared, and a palm was printed on the back of the black shadow. The black shadow was beaten and spit out a **** black blood.

"Don't hurt my gluttonous brother."

Seeing the woman saying this, Nagato knew that the monster was a glutton, but the whole body was full of magical energy, and it was about to lose his mind.

Nagato sees that he seems to end his pain in this way, but he can't bear to think of Qingluan. So he took out the piece of synthetic jade, and pinched a tactic in his hand, and hit it in his heart.

Then the gluttons fell into a coma. ..


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