My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 26: Nagato came up with a solution

Aotian promised to.

"Yeah, there are so many things in the Dragon Clan, there are really too many things to deal with."

Yuan Feng saw the situation and said.

"Since the Dragon Clan has so many things, the Aoyun Patriarch might as well go back to deal with important matters earlier, and my Feng Clan also has important things to deal with."


After a long debate, Nagato broke his heart among the three clan. I meditate on myself and want to find a solution to the problem that everyone is satisfied with, and this method requires everyone's approval.

Nagato has been thinking for several days, because the three families each have their own small abacus, and they all want to fight for the greatest benefit. And if the problem is dealt with too quickly, it is likely that the tribes will directly go to war, and if there is no way to solve the problem for a long time, the tribes may have no patience or they may fight.

This can disturb Nagato. He is a maverick together. He is just like a solitary horse. He is alone, and there are so many troubles.

But now Nagato is more mature, knowing to worry about the country and the people, knowing to pity the life of all things, and unwilling to see such a large-scale massacre on the mainland. Even if you exercise yourself, you don't feel tired.

Nagato hated that he couldn't find a way to deal with these three tough guys earlier.

Finally, after a few days of thinking, Nagato finally thought of a good solution.

There are a large number of children of the three tribes. If they add up, there are a total of 4 trillion yuan, but these 4 trillion yuan are distributed near Buzhou Mountain, which is the backbone of the Pangu Great God. The Honghuang Continent counts the most authentic aura here, and also Very rich, after all, here is the taste of Pangu God.

As a result, there are a lot of powerful people practicing on it. The Temple of the Twelve Ancestors is at the foot of Mount Zhou, but the Twelve Ancestors are now intensifying their cultivation, and they have not yet refined into adult forms.

Also, since this Zhoushan Mountain was transformed by the backbone of the Pangu God, and with the birth of innate aura, the spiritual treasures here are also the most precious, and there are also a lot of them. This is a lot of powerful people on Zhoushan Mountain come here to find baby, yes Not for a congenital spirit treasure to fight.

The lighter ones are injured and the more serious ones are hung up directly, but these things are not common in the wilderness continent. The cultivators have their own demons, that is, they want to find spiritual treasures and then refine them. Then upgrade your cultivation level. This is also the happiness of the monks.

If the control is good, slowly practicing will remove the demon, and Dao Xing who is shallow in will will fall into the devil's path.

It is precisely because of Zhoushan's special geographical situation that it gives some inspiration to Nagato.

"The three patriarchs, I have seen you arguing again for more than a month. If you have not been able to solve this problem, you will still be here. There is an immature opinion in the next door. I hope the three patriarchs will listen to the next word. "

This time, Nagato put his figure very low. After all, the three patriarchs wanted to coax like this, and they still ate this set. This is also the experience that Nagato explored during the struggle with the three patriarchs.

"Daoyou has something to say, if the words are really useful, we will definitely adopt them."

Aotian started to speak this time. This Aotian had to be so coaxed, the long door smirked. "This Mount Zhou is the spine of the Pangu Great God. The aura above it is rich, and there are many innate spiritual treasures. There are many powerful people who come here to find treasures. There are a lot of people in the land of right and wrong. If the three clan accidentally angered the powerful person here, adding some right and wrong will be unfavorable to the three clan. "

"There is also the fact that since Mount Zhou was transformed into the backbone of the Pangu Great God, it naturally has the unyielding will of the Pangu Great God. If so, Heavenly Dao might lower the calamity to the three tribes. I am afraid that there will not be a good life, everyone understands this truth! "

"The question of who will withdraw the troops first is simple. If everyone is unwilling to withdraw their troops, you can slowly withdraw them into your borders in batches. The three tribes basically withdraw at the same time, and you will not worry about other tribes. Outrageously. Assault yourself. "

"If there is still something you can't worry about, please ask the three patriarchs to stay here and supervise each other, knowing that the three patriarchs have withdrawn, and the three patriarchs will return to each other. This will avoid suspicion."

"The above is just a humble opinion. If there is something unsatisfactory, please ask the three patriarchs for advice."

Nagato uttered all his opinions and ideas in one breath.

Only then did the three patriarchs consider that the three patriarchs looked at each other and did not speak, but they all knew what they knew. This is not the place where Zhoushan was transformed into the backbone of the Pangu Great God, but it was also a holy place on the mainland. If you make it again and disturb the Pangu Great God, then Tiandao will surely lower the disaster, and the three tribes will all run by then.

The three patriarchs suddenly realized that if they stalemate like this, they will definitely bring disaster to their clan. It's better to go back quickly.

"Well, since Daomen Naomen said so, our three tribes also showed sincerity. We have a large number of dragon tribes, and we will certainly be unable to withdraw at one time. The dragon tribe took the lead in withdrawing 100 billion people from the scale armor camp.

"Thanks to the Patriarch Aotian for adopting, the Patriarch Aotian is refreshing."

Nagato was pleased to see Aotian taking the lead in the withdrawal, but Aotian actually only withdrew 100 billion from the scale armor camp, which had 500 billion, but this time only withdrew 100 billion. Aotian.

Seeing that Aotian took the lead in retreating, Yuan Feng and Muyun glanced at each other, and they had to withdraw their troops. After all, the culprit of this day's robbery was still not to be touched, then Muyun said.

"My Kirin tribe withdraws 50 billion walking beast camp."

Yuan Feng also agreed.

"Phoenix evacuated the Flying Bird Camp at 50 billion yuan."

"Thanks to the three patriarchs for seeing the creatures on the Honghuang Continent. Nagato thanked the three patriarchs here."

Seeing this deadlock finally broken, Nagato could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. I've been exhausting myself since this month and have been worrying about it. Now I have finally solved the problem.

Because there are a large number of these three groups, even if this one hundred billion is not a small number, and there are many kinds of miscellaneous things, the troop withdrawal is also quite cumbersome. Fortunately, the three patriarchs agreed to withdraw the troops. One after another withdrawing one after another, Nagato was also because of his illness and the movement of the demon Luo Luo.

Because the war between the three tribes was deliberately provoked by him, he was afraid that Luo Sui would not give up, and would do everything possible to intensify the conflicts between the three tribes.

Judging from Luo Sui's current strength, if you want to fight against any of the dragon, phoenix, and kirin families, you won't get any advantage. Nagato was even more worried about the vicious means he came up with.

After all, the open gun is easy to hide, the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. ..


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