My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 34: Contact Honghuang Mengneng to deal with the devil Luo Sui

Nagato set a ban on a cave he found everywhere, and then sat in the cave and began to practice.

Nagato thought that his vitality was hidden and hidden by the chaotic Qinglian, but how was it discovered by Luo Ai, if Luo Ai found that his cultivation had already reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, I believe that Luo Ai would not be so easy to let himself go Come back.

Certainly Luo Jiu felt that he could break into the Nine-layer dangerous barrier of Feng Mo Shan by virtue of martial arts. He must have excellent abilities, and Luo Jiu's current Demon Clan has no disciples who can handle it. Now people are badly needed, so Luo Sui will be so polite and patient with himself.

There was a lot less doubt in Nagato's heart. This meditation practice really calmed Luo Ai. Nagato gradually cleared up the confusion in his heart, and then Nagato slowly exhaled a breath of air to make his spirit reach the best. status.

Nagato is indeed very powerful. This little effort will adjust his state to the best state.

Nagato passed through the fluctuation of his thoughts, and soon Nagato adjusted to the best condition. Strengthened his conviction even more.

He is different from that of Luo Luodao. He does not collude with one another. The devil Luo Luo practiced the devil's way, which is undoubtedly contrary to his own ideas. It is impossible for him to stand on that side.

If you really want Nagato to stand on that side, you might as well let Nagato die directly.

Nagato now examines the current situation. The devil Luo Sui certainly does not know that he has stopped the war of the three tribes. If Luo Sui knows it, he will not cramp his skin and crumble his bones!

When the devil Luo Luo reacts, he will surely come up with even more vicious moves, because he very much needs the souls of many souls in the wilderness, and it is the souls with tragic death.

When Nagato thought of it, he was in a hurry, pinched a trick in his hand, and summoned the panda, and then took the panda to the dragon.

Nagato speeded up, rushed without delay, and told the situation discovered by Feng Moshan to the Dragon Patriarch Aotian. After hearing about the matter of the Zhuxianjian formation, Aotian changed his face greatly. Powerful Aotian is also heard, but this is like a legend, and no one knows where the Zhuxian sword array is, and there are ways to crack it.

After listening to the long door, Aotian frowned slightly.

"This devil Luo Shou really wants to become a climate this time, and that the wilderness continent is the world of the devil, this matter is very important."

Aotian bowed his head and thought for a while.

"Nagato Daoyou, the information you have returned from this investigation is very useful. Our tribes almost fought for a trivial matter. Fortunately, there was a perpetual persuasion by Naruto Daoyou, otherwise the tribes would fight. There is no doubt, and the devil Luo Sui may have got the four swords of Zhuxian now, smiling proudly. "

"Aotian Patriarch, now is not the time to say this, it is to consider how to deal with this matter, and how to stop the devil Luo Sui."

Nagato has no time to listen to Luo Sui to compliment himself all the time. It is not the time to discuss merits and rewards. Now is the time for the enemy. Nagato has no time to listen to Aotian talking nonsense. Aotian pondered for a moment before speaking to the long door.

"In this way, you can see the long gate Daoyou. In order to save time, I will now contact Feng Yun patriarch Yuan Feng and Qilin patriarch Mu Yun to see what their opinions are, and then discuss the countermeasures with them. Please invite Daomen Daomen to look for the mighty hermit in the flood, to deal with Luo Ai together. "

"Is there really so many hermits in this flood?"

There are countless powers in this flood, but everyone is reluctant to participate in the competition of this flood, and just wants to practice his own practice quietly.

"Yes, there are of course other great figures in the floods! For example, Hongjun Patriarch of Ling Xiao Temple, but also Yin and Yang Taoists, Qiankun Taoists, and upside down Taoists. These are all powerful people in the floods, and they are also chaos. At that time, those who were the major practitioners, and later Pangu opened the sky, created this wilderness world, and they also gave up most of their previous cultivation practices, and practiced again in this wilderness. "

"Since there are so many powerful people, I will leave as soon as possible to ask them to deal with the demon Luo Luo, and then Luo Luo will make the Honghuang sullen, their days will be affected. Then please ask Aotian Patriarch , Where are we going to find them now? "

"This Hongjun should be the Hall of Ling Xiao, but this is beyond the thirty-three heavens, and entering this Hall of Ling Xiao, there is no big Luo Jinxianxiu to enter at all, there are countless chaotic air currents, or there is spirit Bao body protection can pass. But now Hong Jun is sanctified, but he is practicing the road. "

"Then this is too difficult to go, how about others?"

"Others, Yin and Yang Taoist, Qiankun Taoist and Reverse Taoist are the elders in the flood, earlier than the flood, so these three have also been sanctified, but they have no place to live, like to travel around the world, I do n’t know. Where are they in the wilderness. "

Nagato heard Aotian saying this, only with a wry smile on his face, this vast continent was so big, the three Taoists swam all over the world, so I do n’t know where to go, how can I meet them!

"Aotian Patriarch, where are you going to find them?"

"I heard that the three Taoists liked to go to the Sanshan Mountain in the East to talk and discuss. If you can persuade the three masters to deal with Luo Ai, even if Luo Ai becomes a saint, we are not afraid they."

Nagato thought about it. Here, Aotian went to discuss with the other two patriarchs. Here he went to Sanshen Mountain to find the traces of Yin and Yang Taoists, Qiankun Taoists, and inverted Taoists. This is related to the survival of the three tribes. Even if you are arrogant at ordinary times, you will not joke about the dragon's luck.

"Then please please Patriarch Aotian, please trouble you and Patriarch Yuanfeng and Patriarch Muyun to explain the seriousness of this matter, and you must stop Luo Sui from getting the Four Swords of Zhuxian, and I will start to find the power in the flood man of."

"Nagato Daoyou has worked hard, and the survival of this wild continent will come to you."

"Aotian Patriarch's remarks were serious. Nagato should also do his part."

Although Nagato was disgusted, Aotian wore a high hat for himself as soon as he came up. Nagato would not have eaten this set for a long time. If this set of Aotian deceived a young man, it would be okay, but it did not work at all for him And Nagato didn't like being lifted high. When you fall like that, everyone will come to see the joke.

Saying that Aotian took out a square and square seal, and gave it to the hands of Nagato. ..


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