My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 49: Luo Suibu breaks the fairy sword array

When Nagato saw Luo Sui in the formation, he felt a respect in his heart.

That Luo Sui is also a power in the flood, if he ran away in a gray, long door but really worried.

But seeing Luo Ai appeared in the Zhuxian sword formation safely, Nagato was very excited.

It seems that there is a feeling that it's not too much to see the excitement, and Naruto is really eager to see what this scene of Luo Su and Hongjun's fighting is like.

It is not surprising that Nagato was born with this kind of thought. After all, if he can observe the fighting of the top masters in the close quarters, his own cultivation is also greatly improved.

But the others did not have exquisite colorful glazed leaves, and could not see where Luo Sui was now.

Everyone was in a panic.

"Luo Ai must be afraid of Hongjun's ancestors' reputation now, and he has gone far away."

"Hahaha, this Luo Sui still claims to be the devil. I can't think of it as a scumbag."

Some people who don't know Zhenyang thought that Luo Ai had left and began to count Luo Ai. However, there are some big Luo Jinxian who feel that it is not so simple, this Luo Sui must be hiding somewhere to make any evil tricks.

Some people, seeing Hongjun and Qiankun Taoist, Yin and Yang Taoist, Inverted Taoist, Yangmei Taoist and other quasi-god-level powerful reactions in these floods, did not make any expression.

Qiankun Taoist said first.

"Zhu Xianjian Formation?"

It turned out that Luo Sui had just released a black air just to decorate the Zhuxian sword array. The power of this immortal sword array should not be underestimated.

As I said before, this Zhuxian sword formation is invisible to the figures of the Da Luo Jinxian level, but for those of the quasi-saint level, you can see the results of the big array clearly. Only by clearly seeing the composition of Zhuxian Sword Array, it is possible to break Zhuxian Sword Array.

So it's no surprise that others didn't see where Luo Sui went in the Zhuxianjian formation.

"This Zhuxian sword formation is the first innate killing formation, and its formation method is extremely mysterious. The structure of the formation method can not be seen beyond the quasi-saint realm. Therefore, there must be four characters in the quasi-saint realm."

Hongjun spoke to several other quasi-saints.

This is after Luo Sui came out of the Zhuxian sword array and spoke to everyone.

"You Dao friends can recognize this formation."

Luo Ai began to proudly introduce his Zhuxian sword array.

"This array is called the Immortal Sword Formation. It is Honghuang's first killing array. It is the result of my painstaking understanding. Some Daoist friends can dare to break this array."

Luo Sui spoke with a scornful tone, as if his formation could not be broken in this flood, and no one dared to break it.

"Child Luo Luo, you are not arrogant, I will naturally break your bird formation. Yin and Yang Taoists could n’t get used to Luo Su ’s face and immediately returned.

But everyone understands that the Zhuxianjian formation is not easy to create. If you are a little careless, people who might enter will be caught in the big formation.

At this time, Hongjun examined and discussed with everyone.

"The Zhuxian array is divided into four entrances in the southeast and northwest. Each entrance has a sword hanging upside down at the entrance of the array. This is also the source of power of this array. The eye of the Zhuxian sword array is the image of the Zhuxian array. The power of the Zhuxian Sword Array is completed by the map of the Zhuxian Array. The Zhuxian Sword Array and the Four Swords of Zhuxian cooperate with each other, so this powerful innate first killing array was formed. "

"This Zhuxian sword array is so powerful, how can we break it?"

Reversing the Taoist people, when he saw that Hong Jun had not said how to break his anxiety, he asked.

"Daoyou is impatient, although the Zhuxian array method is powerful, but there are still methods of cracking. Only four quasi-sacred realms are needed to enter the Zhuxian sword array from four aspects of southeast, northwest, and then rely on the magic weapon to live the Zhuxian sword. When the four quasi-Saints held the four swords of Zhuxian, I used Pangu stream to attack the array of Zhuxian sword array. In this way, the four swords of Zhuxian could be taken off, and then the power of the large array would be greatly reduced, but the time could be Don't attack yourself. "

After listening to the red police, the crowd suddenly realized.

Luo Sui saw that Hong Huang was gathered together to discuss for a long time, and no one ignored him.

"If you can't surrender earlier if you can't break the array, when I start the Zhuxianjian array, then you must see the blood, and then you will only have a meal for the Zhuxianjian array."

Luo Sui's words are not nonsense. Once the Zhuxian Sword Array is launched, it is necessary to have a sacrifice sacrifice array in the flood, otherwise the Zhuxian Sword Array will not stop. This array of powers is powerful, but if there are not enough souls of the wilderness, then it must be difficult for Luo Sui to stop the Zhuxianjian array.

Everyone didn't pay attention to Luo Sui's words, but looked at each other. The eyes of everyone stopped on Hongjun and Qiankun Taoist, Yin and Yang Taoist, Reverse Taoist, Yang Mei Taoist. Daoxing is high, and there are several other quasi-saint-level powers, but only the realm has just broken through, the foundation is not stable, and can't stand such a high-intensity war.

The Taoist people of Qiankun couldn't say no more when they saw this, and Luo Sui had to lose patience.


"Then the three of us entered the formation with Hongjun Daoist to break the lineup. Dao Yangmei and several other Daoists from the quasi-saint realm flew out of the array. If they were a little careless, they immediately rescued."

"Well, this is very good, it can be guaranteed."

Nagato listened to the discussion, and then he was very excited, just like watching a good show. There is even a trace of joy, but this is deeply hidden in the heart of the long door. If this expression is leaked at this time, it will definitely be considered to be Luo Sui's rape.

Hong Jun then briefly explained several great powers and was ready to enter the Zhuxian sword formation.

Hongjun and Qiankun Taoist, Yinyang Taoist, and Taoist Taoist, holding the spirit treasure, entered the large array from the four entrances of Zhuxian sword array.

Luo Sui would look at the formation in the array's eyes freely, if there are any missing Luo Sui can be added at any time.

Hongjun entered the east gate of Zhuxian Sword Array with Pangupan's foot tai chi figure. This gate is called Zhuxianmen. See the Zhuxian Sword hanging over his head at the entrance.

Qiankun Taoist held Qiankun Ding with one hand and entered from the west gate of Zhuxian Sword Array. This gate is called Xianxianmen. Seeing this hanging red sword of Xianxian hanging at the entrance.

The Yin-Yang Taoist, holding the Yin-Yang mirror, entered from the southern gate of the Zhuxian sword array. This gate was first named Immortal Gate, and the name of it saw the change of purple light everywhere.

The upside down Taoist held the upside-down fan and entered from the north gate of Zhuxian Sword Array, and saw the mysterious changes everywhere. This is also called the Absolute Immortal Gate. ..


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