My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 51: Luo Suili fights the Honghuang All Saints

Luo Sui was already anxiously corrupted at this time. Hong Jun joined Qiankun Taoist, Yin Yang Taoist, Upside Down Taoist, Yang Mei Taoist and other quasi-holy realm to destroy his Zhuxian sword array. 'S power knocked down his companion Lingbao, the world-famous black lotus.

All these failures made Luo Sui suddenly ignite, he quickly used the magic energy stored in the Zhaoqi Banner, and then let his strength grow up against the sky.

It is also thought that this Pangu stream is known as the second attacking treasure after the Sky Axe. The Pan Gu Axe has already shattered, and now the first attacking treasure of this wilderness continent is the Pan Gu Stream that this Sky Axe blade has transformed It's all number one.

These two pieces of Lingbao didn't even know who was stronger, but because of the user's strength, Lingbao's strength might not be able to be used.

Luo Sui spurred the sharp gun towards Hong Jun while he was speaking. Hong Jun saw Luo Sui's gun stab, and he didn't care about the others.

He took out Pangu stream and Luo Sui fighting together.

At this time, Hongjun clearly felt Luo Hui ’s arrogance. Compared to Luo Hui in Zhuxian Array, cultivation is not a level. Luo Zhuo in Zhuxian Array just entered the quasi-saint realm, and was about to break through the level of quasi-saint midterm .

Therefore, in Hong Jun's view, he can handle it alone, but now Luo Ai has risen to the level of the quasi-sacred peak by absorbing the magic energy refined from the Soul Banner.

If Luo Sui knew how to chop the three corpses, he might have made Luo Sui directly break through the cultivation ground of the sage.

But there is a very big bottleneck period to reach the sage realm, otherwise Hong Jun will be sanctified early.

Although Luo Sui directly sucked the magic energy in the Zhaohun Banner, there will be certain dangers. If the body's meridians cannot withstand such a powerful magic energy, the veins will break, and then explode to death.

Luo Sui couldn't care so much. Fortunately, Luo Sui's body did not show any bad reactions.

The sage only needs to have the idea of ​​a move, the other party immediately has a response, and then immediately changes the number of moves against the enemy, the saints are passing through such rapid changes in the move, the outsider looks at people as if the sage is fighting, but this is not the case. Well, but each of these moves is a move that the saint made after hundreds and thousands of moves and demolition moves, which seem to be plain, but it does hide the mystery.

Hong Jun and Luo Sui are fighting together, and the saints' fight is basically a fairy fighting a mortal.

The powerful airflow pulse shot by Luo Suibi's sharp gun was flashed by Hong Jun, but hit the Honghuang crowd. Immediately, there were several figures of the big Luo Jinxian level in the flood, directly killed by this powerful airflow.

Hongjun Panguwa lobbed towards Luo Sui and was blocked by Luo Sui, and then the shock wave erupted, directly knocking the demon soldier Warcraft Shock that was fighting with the people in Honghuang to the ground. Daluo Jinxian was internally injured after being repaired directly.

During the duel between Luo Sui and Hong Jun, Hong Jun saw that the great powers of other quasi-sacred realms were not ready to join the battle, so he shouted loudly.

"I haven't come to fight yet. If Luo Ai completely refined the magic energy, we wouldn't be his opponents." Qiankun Taoist, Yin-Yang Taoist, and Reverse Taoist heard Hongjun's words, immediately woke up, and then joined the battle.

God Yang Mei watched from the side and hadn't hurriedly shot, but the three Taoists including Qiankun Taoist in the single room joined the battle, and they also joined the battle with the other three quasi-Saints.

Yes, if Luo Ai really forcibly refines the magical energy in the Soul Banner, Luo Ai's strength will be stabilized at the pinnacle of the quasi-holy, and it is very possible to understand the method of proving the way and prove the sanctification in battle Don't think of playing Luo Sui as a result of all the saints, because the saints are all ants. The saint and the quasi-saint are essentially different. The saint can dominate the wild and all things.

Luo Sui saw that all the characters in the quasi-saint realm in the Honghuang participated in the battle, and the fighting spirit was heated, and the magic energy in the body was running at a high speed.

Luo Ai fought with all the Honghuang Zhunsheng, and did not break out.

But the crazy monster warcraft here is really fierce, everyone in Honghuang will be unable to eat it, and the mana is consumed too much, and the body has received different degrees of injuries. These places that were scratched by Warcraft have hidden energy. See a trace of black breath flowing around the wound.

This is devil qi. If it is not treated in time, it may be invaded by the devil qi.

Nagato thought that this was not a joke. He quickly formed a protective cover around his body through his entire body. The body of Nagato gave a hint of blue meaning to the law, which contained the avenue. Meaning.

There is nothing in this kind of protective cover that can be destroyed in the wilderness. The long gate saw the demon soldiers as if they were tireless, as if there was a continuous force to support them, so that they could attack whatever they wanted.

The Nagato set its own mana defense cover, and a magic soldier rushed toward the Nagago wildly. However, when there was still a certain distance from the Nagato, the attack and action power of the demon soldier obviously weakened. I also noticed this abnormal phenomenon.

Nagato used the chemical jade butterfly in his hand as a weapon, infused mana into the chemical jade butterfly, and then used the great power of the chemical jade butterfly to strengthen the attack of the navy door.

Nagato tried it with this attack, and with just one blow, he successfully killed the demon soldiers who attacked Nagato.

After being killed, the demon soldiers exploded directly in the air.

Nagato sees that everyone in Honghuang is dealing with the demon soldiers with all their strength, and the power of everyone is a bit overwhelming. After all, his mana is limited, but the opponent's mana is like free use, and it is continuously sent to the body of the demon warcraft.

Nagato and the panda quickly joined the battle.

With the addition of Nagato and Panda, the arrogance of Demon Warcraft has been effectively suppressed. As if they are close to Nagato, their own magical power is weakened, which reflects that their own attack power is weakened again.

Luo Su and Honghuang all the quasi-sacred wars have passed for three years. The quasi-sacred powers of the quasi-sacred level are fighting over the mountain. Fortunately, they are still far away from the ground, otherwise their ability to destroy the world will certainly Add a lot of trouble to the Honghuang Continent.

Honghuang All Saints and Luo Ai showed their magical powers over Mount Bu Zhou, and the fighting continued for a long time. They spared no effort to fight each other's methods and fight for the spirit treasure. In addition to Hongjun ’s rich spiritual treasures, other people are just a poor man. ..


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