My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 61: Cultivate and refine spiritual treasures locally

Nagato slowly thanked the little **** of the ancient **** of Pangu.

"Thanks for the enlightenment from Pangu Great God, disciple Nagato must live up to the expectations and trust of Pangu Great God. Pangu Great God, when will we meet again?"

Nagato asked.

"If you prove Hengyuan Avenue, we may have a chance to see you again."

After hearing that Pangu Great God had finished speaking, Nagato wanted to ask again, how could he prove the words of Hunyuan Avenue, but without saying it, he saw that the little mana of Pangu Great God had dissipated in the air, and that condensation The body of the Pangu God, which was formed, also turned into gas and dissipated.

Longmen sighed for a while that Pangu Great God was really a man with great magical powers, a great man who dared to open up the earth, and an idol for Longmen worship.

The long door saw his idol dissipate in the flood, and the sadness was naturally very sad.

But when Nagato remembered the words of the Great God of Pangu, he recalled the words of the Great God of Pangu, and he began to bring out the Jade Butterfly of fortune.

However, although this made jade dish is the same as the one obtained last time, the Taoism recorded on this made jade dish this time is indeed obscure and difficult to understand, and Nagato is now difficult to understand.

After that Hongmeng Ziqi got into the Hundred Yuan Pearl, it circulated in the Hundred Yuan Pearl, as if it was as happy as returning home. Nagato had not yet planned to enlighten Hongmeng Ziqi. After all, the realm is still too low. Only by owning the quasi-saint realm can we realize Hongmeng Ziqi.

The urgent task now is to refine the prohibition of the Hongmeng measuring ruler, so that the Hongmeng measuring ruler can be used flexibly.

This Hongmeng ruler is an attack against Acura Lingbao, but its attack power is not lost to the Need for Congenital Spirit. The most important point is that this Hongmeng ruler kills people without cause and effect, which makes the use of Hongmeng measure Tianchi will not be punished by Heavenly Dao after killing people. Such a function is impossible for many innate treasures.

After all, to the point of being a saint, basically there is no opponent in the flood. The only fear is to be contaminated with cause and effect. Only know.

Here on the Zhoushan Mountain, there is a congenital prohibition and protection, plus the aura here has the magic power of the Pangu Great God, resulting in refining the Lingbao on this Zhoushan Mountain will receive a multiplier effect.

The long gate took out the Hongmeng measuring ruler, put it in his hands, spread his hands flat, and held the Hongmeng measuring ruler in his hands.

Nagato closed his eyes and used his consciousness to feel the prohibition in the Hongmeng measuring ruler. There are forty-eight prohibitions in this Hongmeng measuring ruler.

The number of such bans is only one layer less than that of Hou Tian Zhibao, and the power of attack is naturally clear.

Nagato is now in the realm of Daluo Jinxian Realm, and its speed of refining Lingbao is surprisingly fast. It took only five hundred years to refining all the prohibitions in Hongmeng Tianchi without refining a layer , The use of exercises is also carefully learned and practiced again.

Now the Nagato has this attack to the Baohongmeng measuring ruler, adding his own chaos Qinglian body, which makes the Nagato have both offensive and defensive.

At this time, Nagato did not rush out of this mysterious realm. Nagato felt that the cultivation here was several times that of outside cultivation, so he calmed down and carefully realized the Nine Yuan Yuan Gong taught by Pangu.

Nagato carefully read the knowledge of the Nine Yuan Yuan Gong in his head, and found that the Nine Yuan Yuan Gong was actually a method of practicing the Yuanshen. If you cultivate a powerful Yuanshen, using mana will flow continuously. Not using a few tricks will cause the embarrassment of mana exhaustion.

In addition, there are various magical powers included in the Nine Yuan Yuan Gong. The Nine Yuan Yuan Gong is divided into nine layers. The more difficult it is to reach the ninth level, it is like the Panshen God ’s Yuanshen. Powerful, you can single out three thousand demon gods.

After reading the introduction of Jiu Zhuan Yuan Gong roughly, Nagato began to practice. With such a powerful Yuan Shen Gong method, a powerful force erupts without a turn.

Because the realm of Nagato was originally the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian, and his own cultivation method of Yuanshen was the method of Qinglian taught by Dongfan Daojun, which is to cultivate Qinglian in his heart, and then in this chaotic Qinglian A large amount of mana will be stored, and when the chaos is cool and blooms twenty-four products in the body of the long door, the mana of the long door will continue to flow out without worrying about the embarrassment of the exhaustion of mana.

Although this Qinglian's method is good, but all of them are defensive magical powers, and there is no forceful attack on magical powers.

These nine Yuan Yuan merits are just the opposite, so it is said that the two are complementary to each other. If both of them are cultivated to a certain degree, no spirit treasure will be needed after the long gate, and their own mana is enough to cope with various situations.

In time, the nine-turn Yuangong exercise has the method of forging body. With the practice of the nine-turn Yuangong exercise, its own soul will become stronger, and its own body will become stronger at the same time as the soul becomes stronger.

"These nine Yuan Yuan Yuan merits are really powerful, no wonder the Pangu Great God can use this kind of exercise to single out the fierce three thousand Chaos Demon God."

Nagato didn't hesitate, and immediately saw the practice of Nine Yuan Yuan Gong. It started very smoothly. With the essay of Nagato Dalu Jinxian, the Nagato practice quickly reached the third turn, and the time only passed a thousand years. However, it is very difficult to get promoted again. First, the Nine Yuan Yuan Practitioners spend a lot of Yuanshen and mana during long-term cultivation. If long-term cultivation does not have enough mana to supplement, your Yuanshen may be tyrannical The practice is squeezed to death.

So Nagato has practiced for thousands of years, and he stopped practicing. At this time, he has been practicing in the cave for 1,500 years.

It is already very powerful to be able to achieve three to nine yuan in 1,000 years. Enough to deal with the general things that appeared in the flood.

After the Nagato had packed things up, he left this secret realm and began to descend down the mountain. After more than a thousand years of cultivation, the mana in the Nagato felt a few times stronger than the one thousand, although there was no breakthrough yet. The realm of the middle age of Daluo Jinxian, but Nagato felt that it was not far away.

On the way to the downhill, Nagato saw a panda crawling on the ground. It turned out that Nagato called the panda to wait here. The panda did not leave a step, but silently guarded the owner's return.

When the Long Gate came back, the panda stood up and walked staggering toward the Long Gate, the joy of which was filled with steps.

Nagato placed a missionary monument near the main intersection of Mount Zhou, which recorded some simple principles that many people couldn't understand. As long as someone comes to Zhoushan for treasure, or seeks roots and spirits, they will see the intersection As long as the evangelist on the enlightenment monument is enlightened in the Taoist monument, the Nagato can be lucky. ..


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