My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 75: Nagato, the six-winged silkworm

This six-winged silkworm emerged from the pupa of a silkworm and became a six-winged silkworm. The heart is naturally very high-hearted. Coupled with the thick mana of the long gate, the six-winged silkworm becomes more easy to transform, otherwise it may be able to survive this robbery.

Although these six-winged silkworms have already formed cocoons, they also possessed wisdom. But the six-winged silkworm has not yet transformed into a human form, and it must have experienced the transformation.

Nagato felt that the six-winged silkworm might have a fate with him. Then he waved his sleeves again. A handsome man stood in front of Nagato.

After some reasoning from Nagato, he did not wait until Nagato first asked if the six-winged silkworm was willing to go to the teacher. The six-winged silkworm was very likely to come, and even asked for a teacher. In this way, Nagato doesn't need to pretend to persuade the six-winged silkworm to be his apprentice and accept his own education.

At this time, Nagato is naturally very happy, but since he is a teacher, he must be a teacher, and he must also check whether the six-winged silkworm really wants to worship the teacher.

"You wicked beast, don't ask me what I can teach you, you have to go to the teacher. What if you can't learn what you want to learn from me? And the way I cultivate is to educate the living being , So that all beings can live in the floods with their own way of life. Relieve the sufferings of the floods. You may be willing to learn. "

"The disciple is willing, and the disciple will follow Master from now on. As long as the Master teaches, I will learn what I dare not to violate Master."

"Entering my door, you have to practice a lot. Since then, you will first follow you to uncle Master, learn some basic Dharma, and wait until you have some basic knowledge, I will teach you some Dharma!"

"Disciples follow orders!"

"I see that you are a cicada that broke out of a cocoon, with a golden glow all over her body, and even your legal name is called Jin Chanzi."

"Disciple Jin Chanzi thanked Master for the name."

At this time, Nagato used the silk extracted from the silkworm cocoons just now to refine the eight-treasure cassock and gave it to Jin Chanzi.

"This cassock is made from the silk in the cocoon that you have formed. It is called the eight-treasure cassock. This cassock does not invade, the five elements are not stained, the swords and guns are not invaded, and you can wear it to protect the soul.

Jin Chanzi took the cassock respectfully and then thanked Nagato.

The long door said, and he asked the six-winged silkworm to Uncle Shi to lead and quasi salute.

"Okay, Master Jinchanzi's nephew, just study with your brother Dizang and Maitreya!"

Jin Chanzi quickly thanked. Nagato is about to get up and go back to Lingshan, and then take a good look at the avenue that Hongjun repaired. At the same time, I would like to give a good pointer. There are also two people who will be mentioned. They both have the opportunity to preach and sanctify. If the two of them preach and sanctify, they will take care of themselves. At the same time, this also makes their responsibilities, lead and quasi-promise a great cause in the flood. Nagato naturally does not dare to neglect.


At this time the long door thought of a clear voice.

"Congratulations to the host for completing task 1, rewarding merits of 5 million.

Congratulations to the host for completing task two, rewarding one thousand-word text and 20 million merits. "

Nagato was very pleased that these 25 million merits were in his hands. Undoubtedly, it was a lot less difficult for him to improve his cultivation practice and the road of enlightenment. Speaking of Nagato, he brought his apprentice Jin Chanzi, who had just been taken, and the two who led and Zhunti back to Lingshan.

After arriving at Lingshan, Nagato asked Dizang to take Jinchanzi to settle down, and let Jinchanzi study with Dizang and Maitreya.

However, Nagato has a guide and a quasi-speaking method, which is a serious understanding of Hong Huang's teaching methods.

This is the next time Hongjun preached in seven hundred years, and this is also the last time Hongjun preached. The importance of this preaching is naturally self-evident. Opportunities can also make the introduction and quasi-advance sanctification in advance, and the benefits are naturally needless to say. Sanctification in advance can better grasp the luck of the wild world, and everyone knows the preconceived truth.

Therefore, on the Kunlun Mountain, Sanqing also began to bury his head in his cave house to practice enlightenment.

Kunpeng in Beiming is also struggling to realize the cultivation method taught by Dao Hongjun, so that he can also win the status of the holy path, so that he can improve his strength to a certain level, maybe one effort will become A saint. In this way, you can also report the shame of taking a seat in the Hall of Ling Xiao.

Stygian in the sea of ​​blood, holding the two swords of Yuan Tu and Abi in their hands, sitting on the flaming red lotus, and relying on the 120 million blood gods, deducing the Dao Gong, which made the practice of Stygian Speed ​​can be among the best in the flood. The 120 million blood gods are like a high-speed central processor, which can infer all the savage thoughts of Stygian and get different results. Stygian only needs to choose one of them, Lu Jin, who is suitable for him to practice. In this way, it is equivalent to a lot of effort left by others. For this holy path, it seems that Styx is also fighting.

In the view of the five villages of Wanshou Mountain in Xi Niu He Zhou, a Taoist under the ginseng fruit tree concentrated on practicing Taoism. It is true that this person is Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi is originally a ginseng fruit tree, and it is originally the same as the ginseng fruit tree with the ten innate roots. Now Zhenyuanzi sits under the ginseng fruit tree to practice, so his enlightenment speed is not low.

In the Huoyun Palace, Hongyun is also sitting on the lotus platform, forming the seal of cultivation, and is concentrating on cultivation. Although Hongyun is a chivalrous heart and willing to help others, in the flood, if there is no certain cultivation, sooner or later It is to eat deflated. If the good people are indisputable and be free, then who can do the chivalrous righteousness? If the good people are all low-cultivated, then if they meet the wicked people with extraordinary strength, then it is not just that they can be slain. In this way, Hongyun also wants to have the opportunity to obtain a holy path.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi above the Demon Celestial Court are also concentrating on cultivation and understanding. Emperor Jun has the Hetu Luo Shu, which can help them deduce, and then they can obtain Dao Cultivation Behavior early, and at the same time get the appreciation of Dao Zu Hongjun The chance of sanctification.

The harvest of the Twelve Ancestors is very huge this time. After Hong Jun taught the method of cultivation of Yuanshen and flesh, the Twelve Ancestors have made great progress, although the progress of cultivation of Yuanshen is not very great , But after practicing Yuanshen, the physical gain is really huge.

In Lingshan, Nagato dialed the essence of Hongjun's preaching that he had learned to the access and quasi-lift points. Sure enough, under the guidance of Nagato, the improvement in access and quasi-lift was very huge. Nagato relies on the chaotic green lotus in his body, as well as the two pieces of artificial jade discs he owns. ..


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