My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 113: Hongjun came forward to mediate

Nagato was surprised to find that the primordial spirit of Pangu Father God even recognized himself, and there was a ecstasy in his heart.

"The Great God of Pangu, you have been gathered by the twelve ancestors and wits to gather together, at this time you have lost control, Nagato hopes that you can restore your reason, otherwise, the wild world you created by yourself will be destroyed by you of."

The primordial **** of Pangu God was slightly startled, and then said.

"Yeah, I did become very violent just now. I want to kill. Fortunately, you came to wake me up. I really did not misunderstand you. You must protect the wild world I created."

Then in the madness of the madness, Pangu Father and God turned slowly and looked at the Twelve Ancestors.

The twelve ancestors and witches saw that Pangu Father and God seemed to have regained consciousness, and then they all bowed down quickly and shouted to Father and Father.


Why do you call me out with the help of the qi? Do you not know that this strong qi will make me lose my mind, and then destroy this great world?

"Informing the Father, this demon clan is too deceiving. The big witch of our witch clan and a group of little witch are all taken back, and then I want to eat them. I waited for it, but I was met Their rhetoric is opposite, we are just angry that they formed a big formation, and looked at God the Father to help us. "

When Dijun heard this, he immediately ordered the big and small witches among the witch clan to be imprisoned, and all the people who had been imprisoned before were released.

At this time, a person slowly fell on the sky, wearing a ray of light, pedaling auspicious clouds, emitting a thousand golden lights behind him, wearing a white robe and a pair of fairy wind bones.

Hong Jun was also shocked to see the Pangu Yuanshen gathered by the twelve ancestors and wits. Unexpectedly, this had such a powerful strength. Hong Jun felt this powerful breath and had to come.

When Hongjun saw the Pangu Yuanshen, he went up and arched his hands towards the Pangu Great God, and the Pangu Great God also returned his salute. Then Hong Jun said.

"What happened, it turned out that the primordial gods of Pangu Great God were all condensed out."

Pangu replied.

"The battle between the two Lich groups is particularly fierce. I still have to ask Daozu to mediate one or two. I do n’t want to destroy this great wilderness world because I am ruined again."

"The Great God of Pangu rests assured that these Hongjuns act as mediations. The Great God of Pangu has the ability to open the sky. It is also easy to destroy this wild world naturally. Please also be careful of Pangu Great God not to risk condensing again. ,The consequences could be disastrous."

"Well, I should admonish the ancestors and witches not to use this large array to summon me out."

Then Pangu said to the twelve ancestors.

"In the future, you must not summon my primordial **** to come out. The danger of doing so is too great. If I do n’t restore my mind today, this flood will directly face destruction. Remember, otherwise, if I know it, I will call you. good looking."

After the Pangu Great God had reprimanded the twelve ancestors, he glanced at the crowd again, and looked at Nu Wa, San Qing, Jiu Ting, Zhun Ti, Chang Men, and Hong Jun. Then said.

"I created this wilderness world, I hope you can cherish it well, and now there are seven saints in the wilderness world, you must not fight for your own private, only if this wildness develops directly, you can all Well, otherwise, you are all bad. And this wild world has been opened up, you can just follow the trend, and you must not violate the general trend, and then you will be self-defeating.

After listening to the Pangu mythology, everyone nodded slightly and answered the promise word, and then the Pangu great **** was scattered with the world and scattered into any corner of the flood.

After the primordial **** of the Pangu great **** had dispersed for a long time, the crowd slowly recovered.

Then Hongjun, as the ancestor of Dao, spoke first.

"Everyone heard the words of the Pangu God just now. You can help yourself. Then the dispute between the two groups of the lich is already the biggest conflict in the flood. Now the demon controls the sky and the witch holds the land. The tribes are separated, there is no sword soldiers, and there is no possibility of recurring incidents. If any tribe does not listen to the orders, then do n’t blame me for not telling the truth. "

After talking, Hong Jun saw Emperor Jun, Tai Yi, and the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan.

Emperor Taijun, and the twelve ancestors and witches saw it now that Hong Jun said so, naturally he did not dare to violate the will of the saint.

Di Jun said.

"The ancestor said, I'll wait for it."

The Emperor Jiang among the twelve ancestors also agreed.

"The Malays lead the order and dare not go against it."

Seeing that both the Wu and the Demon Clan agreed, Hong Jun was more satisfied.

Then Hongjun looked at Nagato and said.

"Nagato Daoyou still has such a treasure, it is really a blessing of the wilderness!"

Then Hongjun went away.

Sanqing listened to the side, Dao Zu Hongjun turned out to be Naomen as Daoyou, which shows the level of Naomen's current identity. Let Hongjun be called Daoyou, but the former is the demon ancestor Luo Sui, and It is Pangu God. Now even Hongjun actually called Nagato as a Taoist friend, so Sanqing had doubts.

Laozi thought.

"What kind of treasure is there in the Nagato, and it is the blessing of the flood, and the Nagato is not even the saint, why Hongjun did n’t even take care of their six saints, but came forward and said a few words . "

These doubts can also not be dissipated in the original and the heavens. After all, Hongjun's strength is horrible in the flood, it is self-evident, but Hong Jun is actually called this, everyone in the flood. The saints, as well as the demon clan and even the witch clan, are very shocked.

But what everyone didn't understand was that what Hong Jun said was the ultimate treasure, even Hong Jun had to envy him.

Everyone was guilty in their hearts.

At this time, Nagato was also a little bit uncomfortable.

Had it not been for an emergency at the time, Nagato would not use Chaos Qinglian in front of the Pangu Yuanshen to clear the Yuanshen of the Pangu Great God.

Because Pangu Great God was purified in Chaos Qinglian, and then grew out of Chaos Qinglian, Pangu Great God has a special feeling for Chaos Qinglian, plus the role of Chaos Qinglian is very good , So this has a great role to help the Pangu God sober.

And the kind of treasure that Hong Jun said is chaos green lotus. After all, these treasures are already extinct in the flood, and the chaotic green lotus in the long door body will not show people easily, and now Hong Jun is already reconciled. Heaven, will not go against the sky and move to take away the chaotic Qinglian. ..

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